Its preparation
degrades thousands of human beings. The slaughter
of animals kills the finest human instincts in those who
do it and exerts a terribly degrading influence upon their
character. Study the men, women and children who work in
any slaughterhouse or meat-packing plant and you will need
no further arguments to realize that killing is wrong. In
some states the occupation of a butcher bars a man from
serving on a jury in a murder trial. If we shrink from cutting
the throats of terror stricken animals and being splashed
with their blood, we should not allow other men to do that
dirty work for us. If we eat flesh we share the responsibility
for the murder, which provided it, and for the moral degradation
of those who did the killing.
It causes terrible
suffering. The long trains which carry their
suffering freight of living animals through the blinding
glare and suffocating dust of the plains in summer and through
their piercing winds in icy winter; the unutterable horrors
of the cattle-ships which ply the oceans, the stifling and
fetid air in the holds of the vessels, the broken limbs,
gored sides and flayed skins of the agonized animals during
a storm, the tail twisting, the reeking stench of the cattle-sheds,
the terror of the victims while being dragged to the shambles,
the crushing blow of the poleax which does not always kill,
all this and much more shows how callous we are to the awful
cruelty which is inflicted in order to supply us with unnecessary
It increases
the consumption of alcohol.The
use of flesh as food stimulates the desire for alcoholic
liquors and doctors have found that one of the easiest,
but most efficient and effective ways to stop the craving
for drink is to prohibit the eating of meat. Vegetarians
are almost wholly abstainers from alcohol, tobacco and drugs,
and it is said that a vegetarian drunkard is unknown.
It intensifies
sexual passion. When one adopts a non-flesh
diet one is surprised to find how much easier it is to control
sexual desire and to live a pure life. It is generally agreed
that one potent cause of prostitution is luxurious and intemperate
habits of eating and drinking and we have just seen that
the desire for drink often arises from the stimulating effect
of flesh eating.
logical defense of flesh eating has ever been offered; apparently
it is the only case where the evidence is all on one side.
As might be expected however, a few tottering arguments
have been advanced, but their weakness is manifest.
Vegetables are more
difficult to digest than meat. They are for
those who are accustomed to an exclusive meat diet, because
while meat is digested in the stomach, vegetable tissue
is digested in the intestines. There are a few rare cases
in which a person has become so abnormal that he cannot
assimilate any food except animal tissue but the great majority
of people will find that after their diet has been modified
for a few months until another set of intestinal glands
becomes thoroughly active, they can digest vegetable tissue
just as easily as they did flesh. The experiments, which
have hitherto been made upon the digestibility of vegetables,
have been tried upon those accustomed to a flesh diet. Naturally
such evidence is valueless. Try the same experiment upon
a vegetarian of some months and with properly cooked vegetables,
and the result will be different. Meat gives the spurt of
energy after it is eaten, because it is a stimulant, but
a few hours later the reaction sets in and one either feels
exhausted or has an unpleasant craving in the stomach. Vegetable
tissue is absorbed more slowly but it gives more staying
power and a vegetarian, if necessary, can abstain from food
all day without serious discomfort.
Flesh eating is a
natural custom. This is not true. More human
beings are vegetarians than flesh eaters; the custom of
living on flesh is only common in Western lands, and indeed
is of recent growth even there. In England in the middle
of the eighteenth century the slaughter of bullocks for
the public market was practically unknown. While the lords
of the land and the more wealthy people may have had meat
upon their tables, the peasants, practically have always
been vegetarians, living largely on potatoes, oatmeal, brown
bread and milk. We have drifted into the habit of flesh
eating because of increased wealth and love of luxury and
quicker means of transporting freight, and as a result,
our physical stamina is deteriorating even as it did in
the days of the decay of Rome.
The most powerful
nations of the world are those which live upon flesh.Surely other conditions, i.e., geographical, economical,
political, social and above all temperamental...and not
dinner table are accountable for this supremacy. As these
nations arose from sturdy peasant stock that ate sparingly
of meat, it is perhaps truer to say that they are powerful
in spite of their diet. Instead of waning as at present,
is it not probable that their strength would become still
greater, if their citizens turned away from a disease-creating
If we did not eat
animals the country would be overrun by them.Is not the breeding of domestic animals entirely
under human control?
If slaughterhouses
were abolished there would be a shortage of leather,bone, soap and other products made from animal matter.
There is not the slightest reason to fear this, because
as soon as there is any incentive, satisfactory substitutes
will soon be found by the inventive genius of man. Already
an excellent and cheap substitute for leather is being manufactured
in Belgium, while artificial bone is quite common. Splendid
soap made entirely from vegetable oils is also on the market.
If it is wrong to
kill we should not take the life of plants any more than
that of animals.The question of diet does
not center upon whether it is right or wrong to take life,
but upon the unnecessary killing. It is sometimes necessary
to destroy lower forms of life, as witness the case of the
farmer who must protect his crop against worms and insects.
But the slaughter of highly evolved birds and animals for
food...unless we live in the Arctic regions or on a barren wholly without justification because it is unnecessary.
Besides, when we kill an animal we often inflict pain, which
is not the case when a plant is destroyed. When we take
the life of an animal, we cut short its existence and stop
all further growth, but those plants which form the most
nutritious food...cereals, pulses, nuts and fruits...have
already completed their cycle of growth when they are ripe
and fit to eat and so even though we use such plants for
food we are not handicapping their evolution.
Animals, birds and
fish were made for the use of man.This idea
is a remnant of mythology. The human evolution is but one
among several which are taking place upon this planet and
its members were not intended to prey upon the rest but
to co-operate in the Divine Plan of evolution which seeks
to assist the growth of every living creature. We are fulfilling
our destiny when we help, but not when we kill. See
I Do Not Eat Dead Animals.
Note: Not to say there are none, but the editor knows of
no vegetarian alcoholics.
each and every environment, good
health and sustained wellness is dependant
on the rapid removal of waste.
In terms of your
personal health, you need to void solid waste two
to three times a day or once between each meal,
without straining, to maintain basic health and wellness.
Toxins can be harmless if removed quickly from the body.
with a health care professional should occur before applying adjustments
or treatments to the body, consuming medications or nutritional
supplements and before dieting, fasting or exercising. None of these
activities are herein presented as substitutes for competent medical