!Buenos dias!
am Doctor Ramon Ibarra.
I am a dentist in Nogales, Mexico.
I was born in Nogales. I graduated from
the Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara,
and I am in private practice in general dentistry.
address is:
123 Calle Vasquez
Nogales, Sonora, Mexico
Just south of Nogales, AZ
Phone: 011 (52) 631-312-2015
Website: www.DrRamonIbarra.com
Contact me here for an appointment.
Bring your Passport ID with you
for your return to the U.S. from Mexico.
to my office.
From Green Valley, Arizona take I-19 South to its end at the Downtown
Exit at the U.S. border crossing, Nogales, Arizona. Take the first
left turn to park in the Burger King lot ($4.00 parking fee), or your
choice of any other parking spot.
Cross the street at the crosswalk in front of Burger King and proceed
through the 2nd parking lot gate on the left. Continue down the incline
to the Bus Station. Cross the street at the crosswalk and enter Nogales,
Sonora, Mexico.
a slight jog to the right to International Street after clearing the
turnstile at the border entry gate. Proceed 2 blocks straight along
the taxi-bus stops to Avenida Obregon. Turn left on Avenida Obregon
and proceed about 6 city blocks. Cross Calle Aguirre and past the
grade school building on the left. Proceed past the school to the
traffic light at the corner of Calle Vasquez. See map below. Proceed
across Calle Vasquez and then West (right) on Calle Vasquez, across
Avenida Obregon to the end of the taxi stand (blue star). The concrete colored
building at 123 Calle Vasquez has frosted windows with Dr. Ibarra's
name on the door. (Note: For those patients who are familiar with Dr.
Ibarra's old office, the previous location is depicted with the red
square as a helpful reference
MapQuest Directions Here
print this page for use as a reference.