Life According To Yogi Bhajan II

The Living Chronicles of Yogi Bhajan
aka the Siri Singh Sahib of Sikh Dharma

© The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan
Presented with permission.
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Sikhi Terms.

Yogi Bhajan, the consummate teacher

You have come here from all the lands, and you will keep on coming here from all the lands for centuries to come. This land has its karma and this land has its Dharma to enrich you whenever you come here, as it has done for centuries. It has a practice, it has a habit, and it has blessings. It is the dwelling place of the guardian souls of this planet.

It’s a human history. It is a path that will always be there -- that will live, will flourish, and will expand. This path belongs to those who are not cold, whose hearts have not become stone, whose heads have not become so swollen that they can’t hear the voice of the soul. This path will belong to those who will do justice to themselves, who will listen to their souls as well as their mental and spiritual passions, who will not be spiritually blind or fanatic, and who will not be too lazy to walk. This path will belong to those who, with all their strengths and weaknesses, will still serve others. And I promise you that those who shall serve others, the Almighty God shall have no power but to serve them, that is the only way. Your power is not in your strength and weakness, in your show and your capacity, in your titles and your achievements, in your money, and in your playing games. Your power is to uplift others. Those who uplift others, God shall uplift them, because it is God’s Will to uplift everybody. When you live in your Godliness, He will not let you fall.

We are all pioneers in the Age of Aquarius. No man can give a man anything other than love. No man can give a man anything other than hope. No man can give a man anything but service. The only thing you can do is act like a forklift – go into the dirt and lift the other person and put him on track, so he can proceed. You will ask me the question, “If I start doing that all the time, what will happen to me?” Then the big forklift called God will come, and He will go into the dirt and lift you up. Is there a better deal than that?

Please remember, we are here to start an era, to start an Age, to celebrate the transition from the Piscean Age into the Aquarian Age. We are here to celebrate that. We are the pioneers. We are the pioneers of the Dharma. Let’s bow our heads in prayer and let us open our hearts. Let us walk on this blessed land for a few days in spirit. With these words, with your likes and dislikes, your loves and hatreds, your affection and understanding, I hope you will carry the Guru's, words (that which takes you from darkness to light) to all the lands, cross the boundaries which have never been crossed, touch the boundaries which have never been touched, walk into hearts which have never been open, shake hands, which hate to be shaken, go and bring people out of their holes so they can be holy, and pull people out of their heights, so they can save their height in the eyes of God.

You should be smart, learn the art, and go across the world and heal God’s creation. This is your job, and what you are actually going to say is, “Hail, hail Guru Ram Das, the fourth Sikh Guru, embodiment of compassion, healing, and service. And heal the world.” Your job is to heal the world and elevate and uplift everybody. Everybody shall be healed. Take a person from his lower self, from his ditch, and raise the pitch so he can be uplifted. The mantra of the Age of Aquarius is “keep up” – help keep everybody up. When you never let yourself down and never let anybody else down, God shall serve you. He shall never let you down.

May God guide you on this path. May you understand that you are blessed children and you have a job to do. May you know in your heart that God belongs to you always, within and without. May your sorrows never touch your tomorrow, may your blessings be for all, may your happiness be shared, and may your smiles give hope to others.
Yogi Bhajan 6/20/93

You think a teacher does nothing. Actually, nothing happens without a teacher. A person who doesn't have a teacher has no life. Period. Whatever is the frequency, scope, and ultimately the standard of your teacher, shall be yours. Otherwise, there is a permanent teacher called Mister Time.
Yogi Bhajan

If you just feel happy for what you have, have an attitude of gratitude, and be grateful, then it will come true, you will be great and you will be full.
Yogi Bhajan 3/15/1998

You are not born to suffer. Suffering comes when your mind does not move.
Yogi Bhajan 9/28/2002

I still say every human who breathes is God, provided that person realizes this truth and acts like God.
Yogi Bhajan 5/7/1965

Human is a blend of saint and soldier; this is a complete person. If you are not a soldier your sainthood will be kicked around. If you are only a soldier and not a saint, you will start kicking others around.
Yogi Bhajan 8/6/1975

Every breath of life is a precious gift and it is wasted in pursuing a thing called fear. That is why Guru Nanak said, "Have no fear and have no vengeance."
Yogi Bhajan 6/7/1989

I have put this lighthouses somewhere in this wilderness. They are the pioneers of hope. They are not perfect but they are trying. They have not performed their duty yet, they are making effort to do it.
Yogi Bhajan 8/6/1975

If you understand in technological terms that you have thirty trillion cells and God is dancing with them and you are part of that dance; you will not only be prosperous, happy and gracious, you'll find everything comes to you as it should be, and it must be, and it can be.
Yogi Bhajan 4/1998

You know what a teacher is? A chiseler, a polisher, a designer, whose touch can make an ordinary human the master of time and space.
Yogi Bhajan 1/10/1997

Our thoughts hypnotize us. Your thoughts are not you. They are released by your intellect.
Yogi Bhajan 6/7/1989

If in every moment of distress you do not look to any other power except One Creator, you shall never, never be unhappy.
Yogi Bhajan 5/7/1969

When I can give my head because I feel it is needed to meet the test of time and space of some brother, sister, friend or stranger, then no matter what it is used for, that is the state of fearlessness.
Yogi Bhajan 4/1998

If the environments challenge you to search your spirit, that is your starting point on a spiritual path.
Yogi Bhajan 6/25/1995

You don't have to learn things; you only have to learn within yourself that you are you.
Yogi Bhajan 12/20/1994

A status of fearlessness is that you can reach out in purity and piety.
Yogi Bhajan 4/1998

Understand the fundamental principle that a child is a gift, and it needs values, virtues and character. You can potty train a child physically, but if you don't train that child mentally and spiritually, you must and shall suffer.
Yogi Bhajan 10/16/1997

Don't go and get it; be and allow it to come to you.
Yogi Bhajan 11/2000

Success adores a prosperous attitude.
Yogi Bhajan 4/1989

God promised you three things: You will get a body, meet your teacher once in your lifetime, and have a chance to find Infinity. That is it - the rest is previous lives' karma. Nothing is earned here. It was already here.
Yogi Bhajan 9/22/2002

Duty performed is God lived. Therefore, we say those who are dutiful are beautiful.
Yogi Bhajan 8/6/1975

You have to serve humanity so that people feel you are kind to them. You have to reach out so that people will feel the compassion. And you have to be consistent with them, so they can feel that you care.
Yogi Bhajan 7/11/1995

Once I was told in real estate there are three things which work: Location, Location, and Location. In Prosperity three things work: Security, Security and Security. Because Security manifests Prosperity. Security manifests the entire manifestation. Because Security is the Rule of Harmony.
Yogi Bhajan

You perhaps do not know, it is called: 'act of karma.' Each day one negative thought will create one negative scene tomorrow. These are laws you can't change.
Yogi Bhajan

Too much intellectual nuisance and too much insecurity are the worst diseases. Ultimately they will make both your mind and body sick.
Yogi Bhajan 7/10/1975

As the burning candle can attract the moth from miles away, that is the effect of human radiance. That comes to anyone who practices Simran (directing the breath and focus towards God).
Yogi Bhajan 5/26/1975

In reality you are neither happy nor unhappy. You are an idiot, because happy and unhappy are all your mental conception.
Yogi Bhajan 6/1/1983

First we create habits and then habits create us.
Yogi Bhajan 2/5/1992

When you look in the mirror there is only one thing you can do - just thank God for the continuous breath of life. Otherwise this reactive personality that you build will eat you up.
Yogi Bhajan 10/29/1984

This body is a miracle. It needs to be watched, studied and understood.
Yogi Bhajan 4/12/1986

When you walk, when you talk, when you speak and when you eat; you are being judged. Keep your grace in these four areas.
Yogi Bhajan 7/9/1981

Do not project physically, socially, personally, economically, politically or sexually. Project only with purity and grace. You will never, ever be handicapped.
Yogi Bhajan 7/8/1981

If you do not understand that life exists to challenge you with every breath, you do not understand living. If you do not challenge your life yourself, somebody will challenge it.
Yogi Bhajan 3/12/1989

The Age of Aquarius is about taking the pot of water (Aquarius) and nurturing the whole universe; becoming human in equal concept of service and then becoming angelic, kind and compassionate.
Yogi Bhajan 9/22/2002

The secret of happiness is in your power to sacrifice and uplift others. Happiness is in giving, not in taking. God will give to you. Trust in the fact. The fact of life is that you and God are one identity. There is no place for duality.
Yogi Bhajan 9/2002

May we all be wise on this day to hold each other's hands and understand that our commitment within us is divine, therefore we do not live in duality.
Yogi Bhajan 6/15/2003

The best thing to do when you are uptight is to whistle or sing a song.
Yogi Bhajan 9/28/2002

The most important thing you have to know and feel is that you are basically what you are. The first acknowledgement of God consciousness is to understand you are a man or a woman and to be perfect as a man or a woman.
Yogi Bhajan 10/16/1973

You are not rich or poor. You are what your mind tells you.
Yogi Bhajan 9/28/2002

When your body is very young you can move a lot of things physically. When you are old, your body can't do all that, but your mind and your will can move it. Your spirit can come through and the flow can create an exalted self within you.
Yogi Bhajan 5/3/2000

You don't have to control the whole world, you don't have to rule the universe, you don't have to show people you are rich or you are poor, you are great or small. All you have to show is to yourself. You have to win yourself, you have to conquer yourself, and you have to live yourself.
Yogi Bhajan 10/6/1996

In these days when humanity is going through the bloodshed, it is obligatory for all those who live in peace and harmony, who love life and have reverence for it, to give at least 2.5 minutes for the prayer. That shall be a very kind act towards those who are going through pain and blood.
Yogi Bhajan 10/16/1973

You are pitchers. Whatever is in you, that is your value. By your habit and action, whatever you project to the outer world; that is your value.
Yogi Bhajan 5/7/1969

When your entire action is based on truth, when truth guides your action, you are the happiest.
Yogi Bhajan 5/7/1969

If you want to be happy, you have to be happy when there's no happiness around. How can you be happy that way? Because you feel the Infinity in you.
Yogi Bhajan 5/11/1991

Create no difference between you and God. That is the key to happiness. Tell yourself you are God-person, tell your relatives, tell your surroundings and neighbors. Tell all the world.
Yogi Bhajan 7/8/1981

What is the conviction of a Sikh? That now, ever, and ever I shall belong to the Guru. And once that conception is there, then the Guru is there, then God cannot go away.
Yogi Bhajan 8/6/1975

People do not know how to breathe. They are absolutely negative and careless about their breath. They forget that without breath, dust goes to dust.
Yogi Bhajan 5/7/1969

Breathe mechanically (with awareness). It will take away your fatigue, it will totally relax you and it will definitely change you.
Yogi Bhajan 9/9/1995

When you are called upon and it is your duty and you answer the call, that act is the act of God. That is divinity and when duty is performed, the reward is relaxation.
Yogi Bhajan 8/6/1975

When you don't remember God, God remembers you. And God is so great, whenever you call on Him, He answers you.
Yogi Bhajan 5/7/1969

Wherever you can do something out of compassion, kindness and reality, you must do it because you are human.
Yogi Bhajan 1/16/2000

Paying debts is one of the primary pre-requisites to becoming prosperous.
Yogi Bhajan 4/1989

What can you do for me? Only one thing. We want a good tomorrow, we want the best tomorrow. Take away everybody's sorrow, including yours.
Yogi Bhajan 10/8/1998

You are whoever you are, and you are born here with a duty to leave the pain and enjoy the pleasure of raising others to the highest consciousness.
Yogi Bhajan 10/8/1998

Whatever time and privilege I have to be with you is only to prepare you for these cusp years. When the Ages cross, your past shall be obsolete, it won't work for you. Your values won't work, your methods and procedures won't work, but in your memory of these teachings you will have the knowledge to cross the Age.
Yogi Bhajan 4/6/1993

Don't talk to a person, don't befriend a person - serve that person. Elevate them. Then you will be their friend forever, everlasting.
Yogi Bhajan 4/1997

Make the intelligent choice. Persist in your successes, not your failures.
Yogi Bhajan 4/1989

A person who loves the teachings and loves the teacher must also love the self. When you love yourself you will be truthful to yourself and when you are truthful to yourself, you will throw out what is untrue in you. That is the positive way of living.
Yogi Bhajan 5/7/1969

You need to understand God: God has no fear or vengeance. You happen to be a personified God. Act like a personified God. Act like God serves.
Yogi Bhajan 8/25/1996

What you are is the gift of God to you and what you make of yourself is your gift to God.
Yogi Bhajan 12/30/1980

Talk to a child and the child's spirit, which is you. Show the child tomorrow, and that there is no sorrow. Straight, simple, heart to heart is how you should talk to a child and that lonely child in you. Talk heart to heart to your soul for your tomorrow.
Yogi Bhajan 10/16/1997

Performing of a duty in a dutiful way is a beautiful way and that's called Dharma.
Yogi Bhajan 8/6/1975

Drop your problem and solve someone else's. That is spirituality.
Yogi Bhajan 4/1998

Even in the most minute subatomic particle you are the excellent living reality of God.
Yogi Bhajan 10/13/1999

God has a rhythm in reality. That is why in manifestation of you, He provided everything in the womb. Then He provided all nurturing and security of the environment as a child. But he said to you, "When you will walk on your own, you have to walk complete." And for that completion you have to develop your upper palate and your frontal lobe. Meditate.
Yogi Bhajan 5/3/2000

Humans are suppose to be good all the time. So why are we not good? What is wrong with us is that nobody has told us it is our fundamental right to be good.
Yogi Bhajan 9/9/1995

You have the capacity to reach out to Infinity, and you have the capacity to be totally depressed. It is what you choose that matters. Especially in bad times, you must choose good things.
Yogi Bhajan 9/28/2002

Experience is in commitment. When you commit it is an experience that you stand committed, there is no bigger experience than that.
Yogi Bhajan 10/16/1973

Love has no boundaries, jurisdiction, territory, facets, purpose or projection. It is because it is. Meditate to reach that state, then you will start experiencing it and things will start coming to you.
Yogi Bhajan 9/22/2002

Wherever you are, if you are there with wisdom, with the impact of wisdom, with the quality to share the wisdom, people shall come to you because you are part of the flow.
Yogi Bhajan 6/19/1998

Life is a continuous process of growing up being responsible - able to respond spontaneously. Those who have the capacity can deliver the responsibility.
Yogi Bhajan 2/5/1992

Is your spirit higher than the challenge so you can face it? It is simple. If your face and your grace do not give into the challenge, you are spiritual. Otherwise you are not.
Yogi Bhajan 12/31/1992

Without intuition a person is blind. There is not such thing as the third eye, it is actually human intuition.
Yogi Bhajan 6/11/1995

Yes and no are not two different things. It is your mind that tell you it is wrong. It is your mind that tell you it is right.
Yogi Bhajan 7/10/1975

I don't see anyone, ever. You all look like a bunch of rainbows to me. It is a world of Infinity where the elements do not rule, where the essence rules, where what is said is done, where there is no argument, reason or logic. Where God dwells, faith proclaims and essence is enjoyed. You do not have to hassle. Things come when they are supposed to. It is a world of service.
Yogi Bhajan 3/27/1979

Walk tall with your dignity, divinity and grace so that happiness will be with you in the New Age.
Yogi Bhajan 10/13/1999

Those who want to live mutually, understand others and help them understand others are always great.
Yogi Bhajan 4/1997

Gratitude is the open door to abundance.
Yogi Bhajan 4/1989

Trust is the keynote of life. If you trust in God the entire creativity will trust you because everything belongs to God. Trust is the key of love, happiness, dignity, divinity and grace.
Yogi Bhajan 7/9/1981

The soul has a journey and it is predestined. It takes longitude and latitude to be born. It selects its geography, its space, the protective nurturing essence of its parents and its environments. All that happens in the first seven years are set.
Yogi Bhajan 10/22/1994

The radiance of your spirit can be measured according to how the name of God vibrates within you and around you. If your Sadhana (spiritual practice) is perfect, your spirit will be high. If you have forgotten to chant the name of God, you will be in the doldrums. If you become low and depressed, it is only because you have not warmed up your machine in the morning; you have not done your spiritual practice. In the Western world where there is such a criss-cross of mental thought patterns, you must find a way to bring your mind under control. You must learn to bring the level of yourself to zero, whenever you like. This is practiced in Sadhana. Remember, you are you and you are not you. You are you in the frame of the defined finite, but you are not you, in the frame of the infinite. Yogi Bhajan (See You Have 10 Bodies.)

Now, we are leaving the Piscean Age, the Age of 'I believe', and beginning the Aquarian Age, the Age of 'I know'."
Yogi Bhajan 12/20/1994

Truly great fortunes were not received by hoarding money, but by circulating it.
Yogi Bhajan 4/1989

When you are stuck, all you have to do is sit and become an instrument. Just say, "Guru Ram Das, I don't know. I'm stuck. Take care of it." That's what I do.
Yogi Bhajan 8/25/1996

In your life you cannot lose your balance for a moment. The only way to avoid trouble is to move in balance. When you, your character and your body are in balance, you will ski down the mountain of marriage and life in balance.
Yogi Bhajan 9/24/2002

Perform the duty or die performing it. You will merge in God. Any human who dies while performing or having performed a righteous act achieves Godhood.
Yogi Bhajan 8/6/1975

Here are the common features of the Age of Aquarius: In their hearts, people will understand what is going on. They may not find words to express themselves, but one day they will. That day they will like to uplift fellow beings. The walls of hatred will fall down. Instead of ill will and gossip, there will be prayer on the tongues of everyone. Rather than competing for wealth, people will compete for spiritual growth. We will have a common belief of higher self, love for our Creator, and love for our consciousness and grace.
Yogi Bhajan 9/24/2002

The greatest protection in progress is to not forget who you are, where you started and where you have to go.
Yogi Bhajan 10/16/1973

You cannot go higher in your own concept by what others tell you. What matters is your own concept. You progress and your experiences are always yours.
Yogi Bhajan 9/22/2002

Take the teachings of the Age of Aquarius seriously and do not pollute them by mixing them with the Piscean teachings - that is the only danger there is.
Yogi Bhajan 6/14/2002

If you think you are poor you are poor because you do not communicate with your soul - the source of prosperity, the source of reality.
Yogi Bhajan 7/25/1989

You are nothing but the representative of God on this planet. In God you dwell and God dwells in you.
Yogi Bhajan 6/1/1983

You have the right to live as you want. The question is, are you living within your understanding of who you are? Have you understood your commitment, and the depth of your commitment?
Yogi Bhajan 4/24/1991

The three virtues of Sadhana (spiritual practice). When you have your own mind under your control, intuition will give you all the knowledge of the world. When you have control of your mind through your social and structural facets, you have the answer to everything. When you have control of your own mind, you can see the soul and God right within you.
Yogi Bhajan

Your nucleus of life is: I am, I am. I am the creation of God, therefore all of my actions are with the will of God, therefore I accept the will of God. What is the will of God? Live with dignity.
Yogi Bhajan 7/9/1981

Your thinking pattern is based on what you normally speak. If you speak the word of God, your thinking pattern will become divine.
Yogi Bhajan 7/10/1975

Breathe one breath a minute. In three minutes you can get over any mood.
Yogi Bhajan 9/10/1995

If you want anything in life, patience is the base. Security lies in patience.
Yogi Bhajan 7/8/1981

The whole world may give you support ... but you if your own mind does not support you, you will not be in a position to do anything in life. Your own mind cannot be controlled and guided and give you the support until it is brought to a discipline. That word which brings a mind to a discipline to support you is called "Mantra". Man-Tra ... to bring discipline to the mind. That is why we do Japa (Repetition of Mantra-Bani). Japa creates the heat. That is called Tapa; Tapa, that heat burns the karma. Out of the karma grows the kindness and it becomes Dharma. Out of that it grows the compassion. That is called "Sidhi", that is called "power". From that comes the word "Sadhu", he who has controlled himself through the all aspect of life and that is what we call "Sadhana". Which you do not normally want to do. How many of you are doing regular Sadhana? (See You Have 10 Bodies.)
Yogi Bhajan 6/25/1987 Summer Solstice

Why do we call God the Father? Father does not have a creative nature - father can only seed. We are a soul and part of that whole great soul which is the seed in you. Creativity of sustenance and deliverance is from the mother, and that is why the Earth is called mother.
Yogi Bhajan 7/10/1975

Those who see the devil in me are the devils. Those who see God in me are God. Because I am not me; I am just the mirror.
Yogi Bhajan 3/27/1979

You are a part of the soul, soul is a part of God and you are alive because there is a soul in you and you have the energy of the prana to live through it. But you don't agree with that. You get caught in your emotions, your traumas, your emptiness, your fulfillment, your ambitions, imaginations and God knows what.
Yogi Bhajan 6/1/1983

I don't care what your circumstances and environments are, if you can change your daily average pressure by balancing it in the morning with Sadhana (spiritual practice), and once a week, come to Gurdwara (Temple) in a meditative, graceful, beautiful and pleasant fashion, then I don't think there is any possibility that you can be destroyed.
Yogi Bhajan 4/8/1979

You cannot blame or claim or relate to or expect anything from anybody. You have nothing to do with anybody if you do not know who you are. If you have no self knowledge, self relationship, self understanding and self identity, then everything you do have means nothing.
Yogi Bhajan 2/5/1992

The problem at this moment is the majority of us do not want to do Sadhana (spiritual practice). These unfortunate people are really cursed. With all the teachings and all the knowledge, isn't it a curse? It is. Sometimes you use the children as an excuse, sometimes the husband. One way or the other, there is an excuse. To be realistic with you, an excuse is an excuse, and Sadhana is Sadhana. I know on some days, I am dead tired. I feel I can't do my Sadhana. Then what do I do? I go to the bathroom, I take cold water, and I wash my face again and again, and again and again, until I understand that I am fully awake. When I am doing my Sadhana, sleep sometimes wants to overtake me; I get tired. Sometimes I get home late and I have to get up very early. Then I do pranayam and I apply some yogic locks. I do a lot of things that I have learned and I go through it as gracefully as a humble human being should. (See You Have 10 Bodies.)
Yogi Bhajan 8/23/1978

Learning is not difficult; living is difficult. Discipline yourself and see how fast you learn.
Yogi Bhajan 9/22/2002

You are not with your self, your energy is not with your self. Then comes disease, that is how we use up our body. Then we die unaccomplished.
Yogi Bhajan 9/28/2002

You cannot blame or claim or relate to or expect anything from anybody. You have nothing to do with anybody if you do not know who you are. If you have no self knowledge, self relationship, self understanding and self identity, then everything you do have means nothing.
Yogi Bhajan 2/5/1992

If you are effective and realistic and you find your spirit, behave and ride on it, you will be deeply remembered and honored. And those who see your example as a role model will be grateful that you led the way.
Yogi Bhajan 6/17/2002

One prosperous thought is more powerful than a thousand thoughts of failure.
Yogi Bhajan 4/1989

You loose all happiness in your life because of the fear of death. A person in fear and phobia has no intuitive sensitivity.
Yogi Bhajan 3/12/1989

First you have to master yourself and then you will become teachers. Teacher is very open, a public park where anybody can walk in; so teacher has to be very clean. Your conduct has to be crystal clear and you have to be absolutely transparent. Only then can you be a teacher.
Yogi Bhajan 5/7/1969

When we get insecure, we want to secure ourselves on the earth. Earth plays a very important part in our life. But earth is only one tattwa (element). What about water? What about fire? What about air?
Yogi Bhajan 5/11/1991

Infinity has everything. When you relate to Infinity, Infinity gives you everything.
Yogi Bhajan 5/21/2000

The game of love is to identify ourselves as the Infinity, not the individual.
Yogi Bhajan 6/28/1998

Visualize as much as you can conceive of yourself receiving and then lay positive claim to that visualization.
Yogi Bhajan 4/1989

Your greatest mantra is, "I don't know," "I can't say," "I can't do it," can't, can't, can't and when you can't, can't, can't all the time and you want yes, yes, yes, happen, happen, happen, miracle, miracle, miracle, what are you talking about? Just test it out, have gratitude, an attitude of gratitude, and see how many things come to you.
Yogi Bhajan 9/2/1991

Mind is not supposed to do anything to you, mind is supposed to do things for you. Mind is given to us; we are not given to mind.
Yogi Bhajan 6/1/1983

Yoga creates balance between the imbalances of head and heart, body and mind, soul and personality.
Yogi Bhajan 9/28/2002

We cannot survive through adversity without meditation. Meditation is a process through which you take your total self, total pride, total ego and total spirit and you put it on the line. It is the power in the individual to take you through ALL adversities.
Yogi Bhajan 3/12/1989

Don't listen to any words spoken against anybody, don't speak any words against anybody and don't act against anybody. Success will be yours.
Yogi Bhajan 7/8/1981

To bring the mind under your mastery is very simple. Any thought which comes to you, just ask, "Will it honor the Guru?" If the answer is, "yes", go ahead. If the answer is, "no", don't do it.
Yogi Bhajan 9/25/1995

Be light then you can be bright. Then things will happen to you, you will become rich, you will become prosperous.
Yogi Bhajan

Learn to be alert. Answer with a power of the soul. Relate with an affirmation. Every word you say should be an affirmation.
Yogi Bhajan 8/22/1986

Sadhana (spiritual discipline) is a test of self-grit. If your Sadhana is more important than your neurosis, you are fine. If your neurosis is more important than your Sadhana you are not. Doesn’t matter how saintly you are, nobody wants to get up in the ambrosial hours. Why you still do it is a mystery. At that time, between 3 and 6 o’clock, the rays of the sun pass at 60 degrees and you want to feel relaxed. You take a cold shower, wake up and meditate. Why do you repeat the mantra hundreds of times? To create a stamina, an absolute mental stamina. Without that there is no chance for the life to be smooth. If somebody refuses to exercise, nobody can force him. But at that one moment in life when that person needs physical stamina, it won’t be there. Sadhana is what your mental stamina requires. Love is what your spiritual stamina requires.
Yogi Bhajan

Let me teach you about meditation. When you meditate, the entire garbage of the subconscious starts floating. Meditation is not pleasant. Meditation cannot be pleasant, otherwise it is not meditation. You are doing something else. Meditation is just cleaning the house. Now, you have a Hoover going on, and you say there was no noise? There is no dust? How is that possible? Whenever you are going to clean the house, you are going to see the whole thing upside down, and when you are going to release the subconscious, you are going to find not only dirt of this life, but of lives and lives and lives and lives and lives.

Meditation is a must process. It is an act of selfishness which a person must do. What will it give you? Unpleasant labor. It’s a labor of sweat. Now, what happens in meditation? When you meditate with the Guru mantra, it must have respect … it must have reverence. There are two things which must be there. When you sit and meditate, your mind goes berserk. It is a wrestling match. Give your life a chance. One tenth of the time belongs to the Guru. I’m not asking you anything. I am not judging you, I am not telling you anything. But one thing which I have learned, and I am telling you, Guru as my guarantee: there is nothing good in living except those personal hours of meditation. Something has told me it can work. Those of you who devote one tenth of your time to the Guru with love and devotion, have received his blessing. Greetings to you. But those of you who are still half way, they should make today a decision. Let us do it for 40 days. If it doesn’t suit you, then leave it. That’s how I started. Purpose of meditation is prosperity here and hereafter!
Yogi Bhajan 1988

See what happens when you meditate.

The purpose of the entire practice of the total human life is that when you leave the breath of life; you know you are leaving, you give it to Infinity as an offering, you close your eyes, say, "Wahe Guru" and be gone. That act of a moment is all of life in a nutshell.
Yogi Bhajan 9/22/2002

Live with applied consciousness, prosperity will breakthrough the walls, you will be flooded with it. You do prayer when you are in difficulty; pray when you are not in difficulty, that's the attitude of gratitude.
Yogi Bhajan 8/31/1991

The day we believe in the subtlety of life, all of our problems will be solved, for subtlety can reach out and fill every gap.
Yogi Bhajan 9/28/2002

Think only in prosperous terms and think big!
Yogi Bhajan 4/1989

When union happens between a human and God, and that understanding comes, and you invoke your own spirit, then the entire universe will come through you.
Yogi Bhajan 4/1998

Everybody has God’s light and it must be lit by a person’s own discipline. And the glass to keep it lit and shining should be kept by the person’s own courage, strength and grit. I believe it. I believe this is the love. I believe everybody has the chance to love one’s soul and every soul has the right to shine and every shine has to bring light and brightness, beauty and bountifulness to all, generation after generation.
Yogi Bhajan

Education is not what you learn from time. Education is what you learn from your intuition and apply to time.
Yogi Bhajan 9/2002

The greatest reward of doing Sadhana (Spiritual Discipline) is that the person becomes incapable of being defeated. Sadhana is a self-victory, and it is a victory over time and space. When you get up for sadhana, you defeat a part of yourself because you don’t want to get up. Getting up is a victory over time, and doing it is a victory over space. That is what Sadhana is. Sadhana is only for you-it is a self-victory…Sadhana is an answer to every misfortune, and who wants to see you in misfortune? Sadhana is not a matter of advantages and miseries, misfortunes and handicaps. It is a very personal thing which does not relate to anybody except yourself.
Yogi Bhajan

Use the "One Minute Breath" each day. Practice it to the point you have mastery. All knowledge of the universe, here and hereafter, of the underworld and the heavenly skies, will dawn on you.
Yogi Bhajan 9/22/2002

You can only be proud of one thing-if you have found your soul within yourself. You can only be proud that you have found the selflessness within yourself, and you become Grace of God.
Yogi Bhajan

This is not a path of a man or god. It is a path of purity, piety, and the power of that divinity. I'm not important, you're not important. Your purity is important.
Yogi Bhajan 12/20/1994

Constantly direct yourself to your own higher self; you will always win in life, there shall be prosperity in your life, and you will never be poor.
Yogi Bhajan

Victory is my goal, victory is my strength. Victory is my guide, victory is my teacher. Just learn one word, "Victory." It is a very wonderful word. Start the year with the word victory. You are already in it. Repeat it as many times as you can to engrave it in your every molecule, "Victory!" Repeat it and make it the mantra of the year. The very mental utterance of this word is my gift to you. Bless you, be beautiful, be bountiful, be helpful, be your own grace. Best of the New Year and life as may be. Let the wind be behind you, angels dance with you and your consciousness guide you to victory.
Yogi Bhajan 12/31/1992

Taking is suffering. Giving is happiness.
Yogi Bhajan 3/8/1999

The only thing that pays in your life is patience. The one who does not have patience is a patient. The highest test of a human being is whether he has patience or not.
Yogi Bhajan



It is very difficult to become spiritual. That means you become a part of the universe and the universe becomes a part of you.
Yogi Bhajan

I have no body. I have no mind. I have no spirit. I am just the breath of God, the Breath of Life. Breath of Life, Breath of God.
Yogi Bhajan

You are a Temple of God. Simply you need to recharge yourself to face the obstacles and height of time and space. Those are your challenges.
Yogi Bhajan 4/2/1997

Truth you speak, trust you get. Lies you tell, distrusted you are. Trusted you win, distrusted you lose.
Yogi Bhajan

When the breath is shallow, all problems come in. All caffeine, nicotine, all these drugs are the problem of the shallow breath. All those who crave sugar and sweets are shallow breathers.
Yogi Bhajan 1/10/1998

It does not matter who you are, it only matters how you radiate. Happiness does not come through materials, it comes through happiness.
Yogi Bhajan

You determine your worth. Nobody else can do it. Whatever worth you give yourself, that shall be.
Yogi Bhajan 1/23/1993

Self does not rest. Self seeks.
Yogi Bhajan 8/2/1995

All art, music, dance and handicrafts attempt to capture and reflect the flow of the universal life force.
Yogi Bhajan

Fantasy and anger totally destroy the human body. Tolerance is the greatest human asset.
Yogi Bhajan 1/4/1994

The feet express the heavens and the hands express the feet. If you want to adjust the psychic body, massage the feet. If you want to adjust the physical body, massage the hands.
Yogi Bhajan 5/1/1985

Glands are the guardians of your health. One of the great secrets of Kundalini Yoga which accounts for its power and dynamic, rapid results is the ability to make the glands secrete.
Yogi Bhajan 3/23/1987

The one thing you have to do in life is spread the light. Be the lighthouse.
Yogi Bhajan 10/5/1988

The price of nobility is discipline. The price of ecstasy is Sadhana. The price of God is living without doubt.
Yogi Bhajan 5/23/1984

Many Avatars came and claimed that God is in them. I agree. I want to know who that person is in whom God is not?
Yogi Bhajan

Ten things to do for your children: Love them, build their self-esteem, challenge them, listen to them, expect respect, limit them, make God a part of their lives, develop their love of learning, help them to be community-minded, let them go.
Yogi Bhajan

Those who do not move, move the universe. Those who move, don't move anything.
Yogi Bhajan

If God, because of His Love has given you the life to experience His Grace, do it now. Dig deep into your values. Dig deep into your consciousness. Dig deep in your self and find it and live it.
Yogi Bhajan

If you are willing to look at another person’s behavior toward you as a reflection of the state of their relationship with themselves rather than a statement about your value as a person, then you will, over a period of time cease to react at all.
Yogi Bhajan

A song which brings you together as one is the only thing in human nature that brings God, heaven and earth together in oneness.
Yogi Bhajan

If a woman sits with folded hands in her lap for a few minutes every day, and feels she is a container so vast that she contains the whole universe, she will never feel weak or have any problem. There's nothing beyond woman except God.
Yogi Bhajan 7/15/1987

Be loved for your knowledge, your experience, and your faith.
Yogi Bhajan

Anyone who has nine holes is holy, anyone who does not react to time and space is happy, and anybody who eats little and drinks little is healthy. Principles are simple. But to do all that what you need is an intuitive mind to control yourself. I hope you will give it a chance.
Yogi Bhajan 6/9/1998

Doing Sadhana is not to please God; it is to please your own self, to clean your own self, to cleanse your own mind. You'll find the brightness of the earth.
Yogi Bhajan 7/11/1982

Do not degrade yourself for the sake of temporary measures, which serve temporary situations to temporarily escape time. That is not majestic, graceful, human living.
Yogi Bhajan

Blessed God, give us strength, faith and truth to guide ourselves now and forever. Sat Nam, blessings, blessings, blessings.
Yogi Bhajan 12/7/1983

If you think you are poor, you are poor because you do not communicate with your soul, the source of prosperity, the source of reality. If you think you are desperate, you are desperate because you have no Sadhana. Desperation, depression, and a feeling of destitution comes only to those who have no discipline or Sadhana. Only a house which is not cleaned looks dirty and the mind which is not cleaned stinks. Sadhana is the most selfish act, because it is a self-cleansing. Cleanliness is Godliness. It is good to wear good clothes, look good, be bright, beautiful. But when you want to be blissful and bountiful, you have to have a clear mind, a mind through which your soul, your spirit can shine.
Yogi Bhajan

Life is an essence of essential energy given as a gift of God to pay the debts of all previous lives in the human tenure, so that one may go home free with a radiant face.
Yogi Bhajan

Left nostril breathing gives you self-endurance, self effectiveness and self respect. Right nostril breathing gives you projection, sacrifice, power to attach, power to penetrate and power to exert. That is why God gave you both nostrils.
Yogi Bhajan, 1979

Love is a sacrifice, love has no limit. When it has a limit, it is not love.
Yogi Bhajan

Some people think meditation is: You sit in a chair and chant Sat Nam, Om, God, Jesus. Or you sit on a mat with your back straight. This is not meditation; it is an effort to prepare yourself for meditation. Preparation is not the complete result.
Yogi Bhajan

You have never been told that your real mother is Mother Earth, who is actually controlling your electromagnetic field.
Yogi Bhajan

Thirty one minutes of mechanical (conscious) breathing can give you better health than you ever had before. It can give you strength beyond understanding. It can give you answers for every question.
Yogi Bhajan 1/10/1998

Serve people. Don't expect results. Don't put your harpoon into another. Just serve. People will love you. It will be an everlasting friendship.
Yogi Bhajan 3/25/1997

Consult your spirit, your soul about everything.
Yogi Bhajan 1/27/1986

The first faculty of a leader is that you have to be a leader of yourself.
Yogi Bhajan

Kundalini Yoga is a very old science for realizing the reality within the realm of consciousness.
Yogi Bhajan 6/14/1984

Why repeat the Name of God? So that it enters our subconscious memory. Why do Sadhana? So that our conscious memory can subconsciously relate to the Supreme Consciousness. These are acts for the Self; they are extremely selfish acts. (See You Have 10 Bodies.).
Yogi Bhajan 7/11/1982

Meditation is the creative control of self where the Infinite can talk to you.
Yogi Bhajan 6/19/1996

We are obnoxious to our own life when we do not discipline it.
Yogi Bhajan 4/16/1985

No one else can limit you. If you want to limit yourself, you can. Otherwise the entire resources of the universe are yours to use.
Yogi Bhajan

No one wants to save their soul, all they want to do is save face.
Yogi Bhajan 3/30/1993

Yoga was made for human to be healthy, happy and holy. Kundalini Yoga was made for human to be healthy, happy, holy and aware. The secret of your soul is awareness.
Yogi Bhajan 6/17/1994

Common features of the Age of Aquarius: In their hearts, people will understand what is going on. They may not find words to express themselves, but one day they will. That day they will like to uplift fellow beings. The walls of hatred will fall down. Instead of ill will and gossip, there will be prayer on the tongues of everyone. Rather than competing for wealth, people will compete for spiritual growth. We will have a common belief of higher self, love for our Creator, and love for our consciousness and grace.
Yogi Bhajan 9/24/2002

Be contained, contented and conscious. That is happiness.
Yogi Bhajan 1/12/1976

Those without complexes live by the virtue of their soul all the time - a mental process with no division: "I am just a spirit among other spirits and I will merge back into the Great Spirit from which we all came."
Yogi Bhajan 7/24/1996

Love is consistent memory. With every breath, it comes, it lives, it excels in you.
Yogi Bhajan 1/5/1988

Love is a sacrifice. Love is not a projection; love is an attraction.
Yogi Bhajan

There are three areas where your unconscious can lock your mind and you will not be aware of it: your insecurity, your incompetence and your projection of your reality.
Yogi Bhajan 6/4/1986

If your mind goes along with you it is a blessing. If your mind obeys you it is a super blessing.
Yogi Bhajan 11/7/1985

Karma is Newton's third law. Buddha got enlightened with Newton's third law. Every action has a reaction, equal and opposite. (Every opposition has an equal and opposite proposition.)
Yogi Bhajan

If you cannot bless yourself, then nobody can bless you.
Yogi Bhajan 4/4/1994

We call the time we spend on our maintenance, Sadhana. It is an essential part of life. If you do your Sadhana, your mind can take the pressure. It will guide you and groom you properly.
Yogi Bhajan

"Wahe Guru" is the mantra of the pituitary gland.
Yogi Bhajan 11/28/1984

You must understand that in the Age of Aquarius, each one shall be the leader of his own spirit. Each one shall be the pivot of his own life.
Yogi Bhajan

Human being is a meditative mind progressively committed and rationally progressive. It has three essences: divinity, dignity and grace. There is no other way to be happy.
Yogi Bhajan

Your life always changes in seven years. Within seven years your loss must turn into a gain and your gain must turn into a loss. This is how the Universe has been created.
This is a cosmic cycle.
Yogi Bhajan

If you start valuing your breath, valuing your environment and valuing your projection, then one day you will be surprised that everyone in turn will value you.
Yogi Bhajan 1/17/2000

Mind is a link between Infinity and you. When the soul got the body, it asked God, "What is the link with You, my Lord?" And God said, "Mind."
Yogi Bhajan 1/9/1998

Be kind, conscious and compassionate. The whole world will be your friend.
Yogi Bhajan 4/26/1976

He who is the best student becomes the best teacher.
Yogi Bhajan

Is Yoga a religion? It is and it is not. In religion you have to believe something and in yoga you have to experience what you want to believe.
Yogi Bhajan 5/17/1992

Who is enlightened? One who can see everything: good, bad and neutral. One who sees all and sees God. If you cannot see God in all, you cannot see God at all.
Yogi Bhajan

You can never get rid of your fears, you can never get rid of your pain, no matter what effort you make, until you have the guts to forgive yourself. Just forgive yourself.
Yogi Bhajan 1/29/1986

Richness is when you can gracefully spend money. When you spend money and worry about it then you are poor. When you can live and laugh then you are healthy and when you live in complaint then you are unhealthy.
Yogi Bhajan

When I tell you to get up and meditate in the ambrosial hours, it seems odd. Why should you get up at 3:30 am? Because you require those two hours to work out your own mind, so that the rest of the day you can work out your life. "Amrit vela naam jaap." Rise in the ambrosial hours and meditate. Be with God. Whenever your mind will be in duality, you will be in trouble. There is no way you can function. ‘Should I go north? Should I go south?’ If you can’t decide which way you are going to go, you are going to sit right there. You’ll neither go North nor South. That’s called duality. Life is a gift of God, and duality is a waste of that life. It doesn’t matter who you are. You may be the President of the United States, or a beggar in the street. Whenever you have duality, you will be in trouble. That’s the law. Nobody can change it. To have no duality and to have oneness and clarity of mind, you have to keep your mind clean, smart, and healthy.
Yogi Bhajan

Body is not all. Mind is not all. Spirit is not all. All three make the sense.
Yogi Bhajan 12/5/1995

If you cannot find balance in your existence, nothing in your life will ever have any meaning to you.
Yogi Bhajan 4/22/1976

By doing a prayer, you are only concentrating on your own strength. You give yourself a chance to be stronger. A person who's spiritually strong can't be defeated.
Yogi Bhajan 7/15/1987

Not taking advantage of anybody else is called simple living. That is your basic responsibility.
Yogi Bhajan

The ordinary brain cannot be happy, because it is a brain of conflict. It has to be turned to the Oneness of the Universe.
Yogi Bhajan

When you are upset, when you are not contained and you are feeling very bad, just take a long deep breath. Then begin to measure so that you breathe five times per minute. It will not take more than 90 seconds and you will be content.
Yogi Bhajan 5/13/1996

In America we have expanded the technology of the machine to such an extent that we do not know where we are going. We have not developed the technology of the mind so we can halt ourselves when we want. And that is what is creating a lot of chaos in our lives. My personal feeling is that you must technically learn how to control the mind so that you can be useful to your own life.
Yogi Bhajan 11/6/1975

The connection between your power and your projection is the mind; therefore it has to be a quick, clean, classified, qualified mind -- a clean mind -- that’s why you do Sadhana. It’s a consciousness.
Yogi Bhajan 7/11/1982

In meditation God can talk to you and in prayer you can talk to God.
Yogi Bhajan

With all that I am, with the extreme mastery that I have realized, I have found ultimately that there is nothing in the Universe but prana (life force). If the pranas are vibrant and the arc lines are complete, you have no problem.
Yogi Bhajan 8/8/1990

It is a human tendency to like to sleep between 3 am and 6 am. It’s natural. But if you can be alert enough to work on your mind, to confront the day, then you are alert enough to take care of your life. The reason you don’t get up early is not because you are lazy, tired or overworked -- that’s all wrong. You do not get up early in the morning because the relationship between you and your mind is not established. Period.
Yogi Bhajan 7/11/1982

Divide your stomach into four parts: one part for food,one part for water, one part for air and one part to digest what is eaten.
Yogi Bhajan 10/31/1984

Inner anger can make you accomplish a lot but if you are angry and blaming, you will stay in low esteem. This creates a long term stress which dulls the mind, makes life boring and takes away your happiness.
Yogi Bhajan 2/26/1986

Kundalini Yoga is uncoiling yourself to find your potential and your vitality and to reach for your virtues.
Yogi Bhajan 12/15/1993

Life is moment to moment, breath to breath. Life is not granted by years or by time and space. The span of life is granted by breath: such and such soul granted so many breaths.
Yogi Bhajan

We live by the beat of the heart, not the thoughts of the head.
Yogi Bhajan 1/24/1996

Most people don't clean their subconscious through meditation, and get an overloaded subconscious. Then the conscious become dominated by the unconscious. It's just like when the arteries get clogged up and the heart loses vitality. Life becomes useless and empty and you start blaming yourself. You are never wrong, never were, never will be. But you are clogged up.
Yogi Bhajan 7/23/1987

Remember that intellectual knowledge does not hold and sustain you. Knowledge only becomes wisdom when you experience it with your own heart and being.
Yogi Bhajan

One prosperous thought is more powerful than a thousand thoughts of failure.
Yogi Bhajan

In the Computer Age we need a meditative mind and applied consciousness. We need to develop that mental power so that we are not ruled by outside circumstances.
Yogi Bhajan 1/10/2000

Twenty seconds inhale, twenty seconds hold, twenty seconds exhale. The moment you achieve that status, your intuition will open up. You will know everything. And when you know everything, you do not have to worry about anything. When you don't worry, you are clear.
Yogi Bhajan 12/17/1995

The purpose is to realize you and within you the truth in you, the light in you, the delightfulness of God in you. That is your Soul.
Yogi Bhajan

You are born to relate to the future. You are born to relate to the silence that can speak to you, that calmness that can stir you to infinity, that radiance that can give you absolute selflessness.
Yogi Bhajan

Why do we suffer in our lives? Because meditatively we know, but directly we do not confront it. If you want to understand the secret of your own happiness, this is the one sentence which can explain it to you.
Yogi Bhajan

When the spirit flows, it will wash away all your weaknesses. As long as you have weaknesses, your spirit is not flowing.
Yogi Bhajan 6/16/1984

People have been told there is a "God's will". Then it sounds that God's will is outside of you. That is not true. There is no such thing as God's will outside of you.
Yogi Bhajan 6/13/1984

Whatever your spirit of mind is, that is your breathing. If you can control your breathing, you can directly control your mind. A person who breathes only eight times a minute has self control. He can guide his destiny. He can carve his own way. But we forget. We don't remember that breath has any importance to us.
Yogi Bhajan 10/27/1969

It is difficult to work on yourself, but to change someone else from a negative to positive state of mind can be the easiest thing to do. Because when you are working with another person, your entire ego is at stake and you are stimulated to be at your best. And once you are at your best,you start to create the habit of being continually at your best.
Yogi Bhajan

Group consciousness is an intermediate stage. It is what you pass through in the journey from individual consciousness to universal consciousness.
Yogi Bhajan

Life is not given to you for any reason but to experience your own creativity and your own self in the dignity of its existence.
Yogi Bhajan 10/22/1985

In the Age of Aquarius, the depression and stress on mankind will tear up people who do not have the technical knowledge of self.
Yogi Bhajan 5/19/1993

People vibrate with a given physical energy. When the given physical energy vibrates and exalts the Infinite Word, then mental energy correlates and universal energy takes over.
Yogi Bhajan

Every defeat in life is based on your own reaction.
Yogi Bhajan 5/15/1985

Stiffness in the body can make the body old and brittle even at a young age. It can make the mind's mischief intolerable to the point of insanity at any age.
Yogi Bhajan 11/2/1988

You have to know your strengths and weaknesses. Between your strengths and weaknesses is you.
Yogi Bhajan 5/23/1984

No two bodies are alike and no two minds are alike. What is alike? The soul.
Yogi Bhajan

When you walk on the path of spirituality, one thing is very essential: you must see the hand of God.
Yogi Bhajan 5/30/1996

Hair is the pranic antenna. It is energy, pure protein.
Yogi Bhajan

May our power of peaceful reality and purity and projection, in ecstasy of consciousness and the joy of love make us the givers, the servants of God. We will reach out for all needs, for all men, for all times. May our essence long to serve others and uplift our own consciousness in fulfillment, joy, peace and tranquility.
Yogi Bhajan

You have to be kind to yourself and you have to forgive your past and you have to have a beautiful tomorrow. The greatest communication is when you communicate with yourself that tomorrow is yours.
Yogi Bhajan

Who will take care of me? Me, myself, and I.
Yogi Bhajan

What is dharma? When in the utmost disgrace, you are still the grace,in the utmost provocation, you are still very cool, calm,quiet, peaceful and in the utmost insanity you are very, very sane. That is dharma.
Yogi Bhajan

You have to develop your eyes to see the universe beyond its existence. You must know the focus so you can see a huge tree, and its fruit, and also see the little seed which God developed into that tree is still there. It has not gone.
Yogi Bhajan

Give us strength, encourage us in spirit. Elevate us in radiance so we can be healthy, happy,holy and blessed with the bliss of our life and love so that we can smile, communicate and be as a spirit shining in Thy name to all human beings.
Yogi Bhajan

Those who seek God inside, find God. Those who seek God outside, waste their time and waste their lives.
Yogi Bhajan

Any time you do not have the answer for anything, hold the breath in. The moment you do this, the body will automatically computerize to survive and your question is heard with it. It will give you the answer. This is because the breath of life is life itself and everything is a facet of life. There is nothing beyond that.
Yogi Bhajan 1993

As much as I have taught you, if you practiced one hundredth of it, none of you would have any trouble.
Yogi Bhajan

People who cater to children will always lose them because you are not giving values when you expand the ego to such an extent that there is nothing to stop it. Then life is destructive and the first thing such a child will do is to disobey the parents and leave the home.
Yogi Bhajan

If you want to get something you will get it. This is a law of nature. If you really want to get something, you really will get it. This is a universal law. This cannot be changed. What you sincerely need according to your magnetic field and psyche and energy shall be provided. What you really want shall come, but you have to really want it. Unfortunately you don't want, you wish. There is a difference between want and wish. You wish for things and you want somebody to give them to you.
Yogi Bhajan 1984

When the internal block of ego communicates with emotion, it doesn't matter how wise or how great you are, you become self-destructive; and whenever your ego and your intelligence come together, you shall become successful.
Yogi Bhajan 1984

We have to understand who we are. Answer is very simple, am I a noble man? If you are a noble man, then you need a noble woman.
Yogi Bhajan 8/16/1997

You must understand one thing: your polarity, man to woman, is heavier than one over two. This is because you are born out of woman. If you do not understand woman, you do not understand yourself.
Yogi Bhajan 1978

Prayer means power. It always was, always is and always shall be. And it is the power of prayer before which God is humble.
Yogi Bhajan 12/1/1986

If there will be no respect for women, there shall be no peace on this earth. I believe it. I will stand by it and this is what I'm going to preach.
Yogi Bhajan 5/9/1971

I ask every man who would seek peace to realize peace doesn't come by protests and rallies. We know it and we are aware of it. Peace comes by peaceful actions and so long as those born of the mother will not learn to respect the woman, there shall not be any peace on this planet. The day on this planet the woman will not be exploited, there shall be peace on this earth.
Yogi Bhajan 5/9/1971

Oh Lord of Lords of the time, if you have created this world, create those environments where everybody's mother, sister and every woman on this planet can live with grace.
Yogi Bhajan 5/9/1971

Question: In the case of a child doing a trauma, you said to make the child recognize the trauma or to apply legitimate authority. When a child is three years old, what is the noble way to apply this authority?

Reply: Once a child was raising his hands up and crying, “Aaaaaaaa.” The mother was trying to hit him. I said, “Don’t hit him.” I went there and looked at the child and I said, “Aaaaaaaa.” He started laughing. That is all it took. “Aaaaaaaa,” with his hands in one direction and I did, “Aaaaaaaa,” with my hands in the opposite direction. That diagonal energy checked by square energy became neutral. So I just applied a simple geometrical theorem.
Yogi Bhajan 7/2/1978

Challenge doesn't come to small people. Great challenge comes to great people.
Yogi Bhajan 3/12/1989

Whatever religion you were and you are and you will be, uplift people and reach out. People like to see that in you.
Yogi Bhajan 1/17/2000

The secret of happiness is in your action, not in your reaction.
Yogi Bhajan 7/29/1981

What is a meditation? It's a practice to fight negativity by self-control.
Yogi Bhajan 4/24/1997

The prayer of a mother is the most authentic, genuine, and fast connection known between God and a human being.
Yogi Bhajan 9/29/1977

A flower, which doesn't blossom, has no fragrance.
And a human's heart doesn't blossom when it has no God.
Yogi Bhajan 5/7/1997

If you can nurse, nurture, love, take care, make a person grow, and from the heart, the person says "thank You," there is no more blessings than that, there is no more goodwill than that.
Yogi Bhajan 1997

Give because God gives to you. Love because that is your purpose in life. Shine because it is important. Share because it is demanded of you.
Yogi Bhajan 5/2/2000

Your reliability will give people the courage to trust you. Their trust will give you the power to carry a situation. A leader carries and serves people. Learn to lead as a "seva" (to sacrifice your time and resources for the benefit of others without wanting anything in return); people will love you, and you will continue to expand.
Yogi Bhajan 2/20/2004

Home is where each lives for each other and all live for God.
Yogi Bhajan

The limits of human beings are their fears, and their unlimited power is their inspiration. When you are inspired, it is called faith.
Yogi Bhajan

Never fail to follow procedure. People come and people go. Systems live on. If you can remember this one thing, you will never fail. Create a system. Organize it in three ways: Action, Cover, and Support. Life will be very convenient.
Yogi Bhajan (Bussines Course)

The urge of giving only comes in when God wants to give to you...God invokes in you something to give to others, so that there may be some empty space where God can send a better gift.
Yogi Bhajan 2/5/1989

Negative thoughts are the base of your misfortune and poverty--when you allow them, the loss is yours. Positive thoughts are the base of prosperity and contentment--when you allow them the gain is yours.
Yogi Bhajan

Children become obnoxious because they think with obnoxiousness they can get attention.
Yogi Bhajan 12/2/1977

We have to understand: Our life is not ours; it is given to us to experience, to live, to give.
Yogi Bhajan 11/20/1988

Don't do anything ritualistically, do it as a reality.
Yogi Bhajan 11/20/1988

I believe every human being, by his own right and by his own virtue, is complete. I don't ask you to agree with it. I believe we are in the image of God. We are human beings and God created us. God is perfect so we could not be imperfect.
Yogi Bhajan 1984

Your spiritual name is your designated destiny, your heavenly identity. That’s all it is. You may or may not live to it, but it is your guiding force. And it’s a prayer. When somebody calls me "Yogi ji", it means ‘one who is united with the greater soul.’ When somebody calls me ‘Bhajan,’ it means a ‘divine song.’ And if somebody calls me ‘Harbhajan Singh,’ it means ‘the lion who sings the divine song.’ It’s a prayer in the other man’s word. What is prayer? It is a calling. And you answer the calling. You get uplifted.It’s a plus. It’s a way of receiving people’s blessings.

What we do is that we consider what your past is, calculating your destiny and give you a target name, a spiritual name. That is the journey you have to travel. It sets the standard, the base.

You are all here; we’ll share with you every moment of your life, and we will ask you to understand your spiritual incarnation and your spiritual name and try to find out the strength to live it. Without finding that strength to live your spiritual identity, life will be a waste, and we don’t want it to be wasted.
Yogi Bhajan

Your commitment should be more precious to you than your life. If commitment is not more precious than life then within that life you cannot commit to anything, you will not achieve anything.
Yogi Bhajan

We use our children for security. Then our children use us for security, and life is a mess. Give children their own security; their security is Truth and God. Give them the true identity of themselves and you will have angels on this Earth.
Yogi Bhajan

With the most corrupt person, you can be honest; with the most angry person, you can be cool; and with the most insulting person, you can be graceful. If the balance of your personality and your sensitivity can remain under your control and your projection, you have learned the art of living.
Yogi Bhajan

When you feel and experience selflessness within yourself and you can vibrate for someone, then you are fulfilled with love. This is the highest state of individual consciousness.
Yogi Bhajan

The moment you touch your soul, you become fearless.
Yogi Bhajan

Do you know what love is? Love is an absolute power of self-totality. Love is not what you think love is. Love is a strength. Love is a goodness, like Godliness. There is no limit to it. There is no shortage in it. There is no bargaining in it. Where there is love, there is no question. Where there is a question, there is no love. Then it becomes a business. So love is the totality of the self. My dear folks, if you cannot find yourself, you can never find anybody you want to find.
Yogi Bhajan 4/5/1994

Pregnancy Part 1
During those months of pregnancy a woman is required to be in circumstances which are very secure, respectable, and comfortable, and in which she can have a lot of understanding around her. We always know how to raise the rose bush, but we have never tried to study how to raise our children. Our children are actually raised within those nine months of pregnancy and development. Those are very important days of life of the child.
Yogi Bhajan Women's Camp 1976

Pregnancy Part 2
When a woman is pregnant, the kind of soul she can accept depends on her mental attitude. And then there is another beauty that within the realm of your belly, which is your pregnancy, you can totally transform the soul. The soul is pure and has nothing to do, but the subtle body carries the karma of the previous life. A mother can totally purify the subtle body of the new child.
Yogi Bhajan Women's Camp 1976

Pregnancy Part 3
On the 120th day of conception, we give our women a blessing and tell them to meditate more, and look toward God, so that they may have very calm, quiet, intelligent, self-creative children.
Yogi Bhajan Women's Camp 1979

Pregnancy Part 4
The purest thing in the world is the heart of the mother, the heart-chakra, the center of the mother. It is the purest thing in the world. It can move God. It can move the universe. It can cause an effect beyond limitation. The heart of the mother is the greatest power of Infinity ever given to any finite being. There are certain things, which can be considered the most superior things: prayer of the mother, prayer of the beloved (I wish it should say wife, but it is not written in the scriptures, so I cannot alter them), prayer of the self, and prayer of the spiritual teacher. These are four prayers, which can alter and change the destiny.
Yogi Bhajan Women's Camp 1977

Pregnancy Part 5
He was inside where he was warm, cozy, and well contained. He came out and now he needs that touch, that feeling, that oneness within the nine feet of your aura. You are a modern woman. You want to go to a movie theater. When a child is born, you must stick with him for forty days and for two years you and your husband must keep him near the breast and the chest. That is the most darling God born in innocence to two people who believed in love.
Yogi Bhajan Women’s Camp 1989

Pregnancy Part 6
One of the kriyas, which a pregnant woman can do with her husband is to walk together doing what is call "Charan Jaap." It is a walking meditation. On the left foot the woman chants "Sat Nam," while the man chants "Wahe Guru" on the right. They walk like this together for, say, four to five miles. You will see children of such parents are very calm, very quiet, very smiling. They are not crying. They are absolutely contained.
Yogi Bhajan Women's Camp July 8, 1998

There is no criterion in life that will carry a marriage, or satisfy the marriage, except your creative communication with the person you love.
Yogi Bhajan

A spiritual marriage is a process of amalgamation whereby the man and woman eventually become merged, retaining all of their individual strengths, while complimenting each other, supporting each other and covering for each other’s weaknesses.
Yogi Bhajan

If you, as a woman, do not have grace to add to the strength of the man, if you as a woman have no grace to add to the strength of the child, if you as a woman do not have the grace to add to the totality and identity of that household, the game is lost. All your facets, all your aspects hinge on that one thing. Your radiation, your radiance and your power of the sun flare in reflection. That is grace. Nobility in your face, compassion in your heart, kindness in your head and character in your strength – that is a woman.
Yogi Bhajan

You want to know the key to success? Simple - don't walk on others. Don't step on others' toes. Carry others, carry people with you, above you; God shall carry you.
Yogi Bhajan

Let your day tell the world you are not a victim, you are a woman, victorious!
Yogi Bhajan 7/27/1989

Somebody has given you a totally, deadly wrong idea that a man loves a woman for sex. Forget it. It’s a totally lunatic, neurotic idea. They are hunters, but you can make them one of the greatest, most perfect partners in life, by sharing your grace, by sharing your intelligence, by sharing your nobility.
Yogi Bhajan 7/27/1989

Try to understand one thing. Ask yourself one question: “If I am a woman, where is my grace?” Don’t ask, “Hey, where is my jewelry? Hey where are my clothes?” Ask, “Where is my grace?” “Where is my divinity? Where is my nobility? Where is my courage?” These are also decorations. These are the things to be asked for. Ask certain things which become the decoration of you. Decorate yourself with divinity. Dress yourself with integrity. And fix yourself with the reality of life. You’ll be priceless, the most valuable and most revered, respected human being.
Yogi Bhajan 7/27/1989

You want to keep it together. You have the right to keep it together and you have the right to do it now. Man has nothing to think. He wants to hunt, provide and relax. These three basic natural aspects and faculties are his driving forces. These are called impulses. These are his driving impulses. I conquer, I capture and I hold. They will never change. It is a recognized fact. Therefore, if you can provide him a very brightly lit, heavenly ecstasy in a place called home, he will lay down his life for you. If you bitch him to death and break his heart, you will only see a divorce campaign. You won’t have a husband.
Yogi Bhajan 7/27/1989

When consciousness changes, people change with it. Some people match up, some don’t. The criteria of the Piscean Age were, “I want to know, I want to learn, I want to understand, I want to experience God.” It was a time of search. The Aquarian era is, “There is no search.” It is a time to be. It is a time to be God, to find within yourself the Godliness—the strength in your manners, in your grace.
Yogi Bhajan 11/11/1994

Love without trust is a river without water.
Yogi Bhajan 7/9/1982

People who love each other don’t bargain. Love has no such thing as business. Love has no conditions, because love does not obey time and space.
Yogi Bhajan 7/1/1984

Love is the ultimate state of human behavior where compassion prevails and kindness rules.
Yogi Bhajan 7/7/1987

You think that when you love somebody you have to totally follow him or her. No, that's not love. When you love somebody, you have to be totally truthful with that person.
Yogi Bhajan 8/4/1981

The fact is, if a person has not experienced the love of his or her soul, within one’s self, there is no chance that that person can go out and love, even though it is a faculty of love that you most powerfully need.
Yogi Bhajan 7/29/1996

You have no sensitivity that your soul shall leave in the subtle body and that your subtle body is as sophisticated as anything in the universe can be. So, unless you produce in yourself, elegance, grace, sophistication in your mind, manners and attitude, and unless you come from the infinite altitude, and ascend to that altitude, you cannot descend in love. The higher is your being, the deeper is the love.
Yogi Bhajan 7/29/1996

Just remember, when as a human, you shall be consciously graceful, prosperity will kiss your feet. I not only said it. I vouch for it. Can you repeat - consciously? Being graceful doesn't work. By being graceful, you are preparing to be cheated in broad daylight. I don't believe in being graceful, being nice, being kind, being honest. It doesn't work - that's what you don't understand! Life is only decided by consciousness and unconsciousness. If you can consciously be graceful, you shall be prosperous. If you are unconsciously graceful, you'll be ruined. That's the difference.
Yogi Bhajan

Middle-aged crisis come from the fear of being old. Instead of being joyful about maturity, people start getting scared of being old.
Yogi Bhajan 6/11/1990

Hate nobody; love everybody. It won’t cost you anything. Love never costs anything. Love is the most selfish act. It gives you so much protection, grace, and radiance. It doesn’t give you any smallness or suffering. The attitude of conscious living is to love and give grace to someone worthy of your trust. Do not seek anything from people. Give love instead, and rely on God.
Yogi Bhajan

A woman who knows how to save her grace can always uplift humanity. The next sentence shall be scripture: Humanity, in its dignity and divinity, lives because of the graceful woman. I am not talking about the humanity who boozes, the gamblers, the thieves. They are humanity, too, but that humanity is a polarity. I am talking of the divine sect of the humanity that lives; whatever is left out is because of the grace of the woman. I said once before, and I say again today, there shall be no peace on Earth if those born of woman do not recognize the divinity of the woman.
Yogi Bhajan 7/4/1977

The greatest demand is not to demand anything, and the greatest service of love is not to turn it into a business: "You kiss me, I'll bring flowers to you. I brought flowers to you, why didn't you kiss me?"
Yogi Bhajan 7/28/1981

Higher caliber means that the more effectively you obey, the higher your consciousness becomes. The law of obedience is this: as effectively as you obey a command of higher consciousness, that infinite your consciousness becomes.
Yogi Bhajan

In the worst scenario, sit down, close your eyes and talk to your own soul, spirit. The moment that becomes your attitude, all things you need in life shall come to you.
Yogi Bhajan

Compassion is for the very strong. Compassion does not come to the weak. People who are unkind, bullies, use rude language, are not strong people. They are very weak people.
Yogi Bhajan 7/31/1987

It's not the life that matters, it's the courage you bring to it.
Yogi Bhajan

If a woman sits with folded hands in her lap for a few minutes everyday, and feels she is a container so vast that she contains the whole universe, she will never feel weak or have any problems. There is nothing beyond woman except God.
Yogi Bhajan 7/18/1987

Some people think vengeance is a necessity and fear is a reality. Both are wrong. Fear only comes to you when you cannot cope up with a situation. And you cannot cope up with a situation when you do not have your transmission… you do not know which gears you have to go through. And you do not want to change the gears because you think something will fall apart. You cannot adjust with it. So, it is a mental game, which every human plays.
Yogi Bhajan

People are not taking drugs because they are enjoying drugs. I can tell you that. People take drugs because they don’t have transmissions. So they have to accelerate from outside.
Yogi Bhajan

By nature the month of April, can give you a total new lease, eat light and eat right. In spite of the taxes and cleaning the houses and all other stuff, this is one time that you can give yourself a new sprouting energy.
Yogi Bhajan 3/25/1986

It's very difficult for people, because when you purify yourself with love you have to merge. Anything in the world is easier to merge than two egos.
Yogi Bhajan 7/7/1987

Food is the medicine, which creates essential energy in the body and creates essential rest in the body to bring equilibrium. That is the beauty of food. All food was considered as human medicine to begin with.
Yogi Bhajan

The purpose to visit planet Earth is not to find God, neither to announce God nor to denounce God. The purpose of coming to planet Earth is to find the sacredness in you and live it.
Yogi Bhajan

"I love you but you didn’t bring me flowers.” Your love is hanging on flowers! You are seasonal, conditional, demanding and bargaining. Love is not a bargain. Love is not a business. It cannot be bought and sold. It has no condition. When you put a condition on love, it evaporates.
Yogi Bhajan 7/16/1982

You want to keep it together. You have the right to keep it together and you have the right to do it now. Man has nothing to think. He wants to hunt, provide and relax. These three basic natural aspects and faculties are his driving forces. These are called impulses. These are his driving impulses. I conquer, I capture and I hold. They will never change. It is a recognized fact. Therefore, if you can provide him a very brightly lit, heavenly ecstasy in a place called home, he will lay down his life for you. If you bitch him to death and break his heart, you will only see a divorce campaign. You won’t have a husband.
Yogi Bhajan 7/27/1989

The best medicine that a person can have is the knowledge and experience that he can swim through every tide and change of the time. If you have the mental competency to deal with every situation that arises, then you are very happy, very healthy, and very well balanced person.
Yogi Bhajan

Give yourself a chance. Take your depth, count your dimension and direct your energy in God's way. You will find peace, happiness, prosperity and joy.
Yogi Bhajan

The soul takes over mind and body. When the soul was given the body, it asked God, "My Lord, if I have to go for that many pranas, how will I keep a link with you? What is the power?" God said, "You will have the mind." So mind has the power to take you to God and mind has the power to take you away from God. There is no other power. And it is a good polarity. What can take you to God can also take you away from God. That's why they say there's nothing good and nothing bad; thinking makes it so. It's very true. You have to understand that.
Yogi Bhajan 7/17/1984

Your children can never be grateful to you if you are not graceful parents. You will never have graceful children if you are not graceful, because watermelons don't grow on banana trees. Children are always victims of parental misbehavior. Don't blame anybody else. Mothers are sometimes poisonous; they ruin children. Sometimes fathers take the children's entire strength away from them. But if both parents understand that children are their gifts and they are at their mercy; and that they need values and grace; and if the parents don't fight between themselves for control and authority over who wears the pants and runs the home; and if they behave as parents towards their children then the children can be perfect. Children don't need anything. They are intelligent, they are born saints and they are very powerful. It is the goof of the one parent, which messes up the whole game.
Yogi Bhajan 7/17/1984

Who is the savior? It is your own higher consciousness, which can save you from your own lower consciousness.
Yogi Bhajan 1977

What is the value of old age? Grace. Any old man who is graceful will be loved and respected. What is the value of childhood? Sharpness.
Yogi Bhajan 1977

Consciously you must be conscious that nobody is wrong; therefore, you must not slander anybody. When you slander other people, actually your consciousness goes from a higher level to a lower level.
Yogi Bhajan 1977

Life is a book of changes. It should be read only to understand how it works. You can't help the changes in life; they must come whether they are good or bad because the good must follow the bad and the bad must follow the good.
Yogi Bhajan 1977

One must be conscious to have consciousness, and one must be conscious that his conscious energy can always vibrate in the direction, which is righteous.
Yogi Bhajan 1977

To be calm is the highest achievement of the self.
Yogi Bhajan 1977

For every problem there is an answer. No question can exist without the answer being already in it. For instance, ask any question.

Question: What is infinity? Answer: Infinity is what? The moment you ask what, you are relating something beyond the finite and you are in infinity.
Yogi Bhajan 1977

Trust only comes when you trust yourself. When you trust your dignity, you will always be dignified. When you trust your love, you will always be lovable. When you trust your beauty, you will always be beautiful. When you trust your greatness you will always be great.
Yogi Bhajan 1977

You are dead because you are not alive to your consciousness. But when you face the sequence and relate it to the consequence and then surmount the consequences, you become alive.
Yogi Bhajan 1977

You think that you can act within a certain time and space, but two thirds of the psyche-controlled universe is not under time and space. When the psyche of the environment is not in accordance with your plans, nothing will happen, no matter what you do. We must apply a meditative mind to see through time and space to reality.
Yogi Bhajan

It is your duty to speak the truth to your children, and stand to it. Don't lie to them, don't cater to them. Behind the catering, they find your insecurity and weaknesses, which is how they mess you up. When you cater to the child, you are trying to cover up something, and the child has the super-psychic power to see behind it. The moment he uncovers you, he will not respect you. Therefore, it is your duty to be straight with your own born child.
Yogi Bhajan 8/6/1978

If you cause a cause, you have to have an effect. You can't escape it. Maybe not this lifetime, but the next, even the tenth lifetime.
Yogi Bhajan

Don't play the hooks with other people. Be straight and simple and do it with a smile. To be humble is the highest courage. You have to be intelligent, conscious, and courageous. That is the real humility. Not that you become humble to pick somebody's pocket.
Yogi Bhajan 12/14/1989

There is a state of mind in which when somebody is negative to you, you do not become equally negative to him or her, you just tolerate it. And in that tolerance there is a very great patience; in that patience there is a great prayer. That prayer is: this neurotic idiot, this confused person, is, after all, Your creation.
Yogi Bhajan 7/6/1980

What is Yoga? – A Poem by Yogi Bhajan
What is light?
Light is where you can see everything.
Light is where darkness disappears.
Who is enlightened?
One who can see everything: good, bad, and neutral.
One who sees all and sees God.
If you cannot see God in all, you cannot see God at all.
Those who seek God inside, find it.
Those who seek God outside waste their time and waste their lives.
This world is the essence of Word, of Shabad.
Those who follow the rules in their essence and being, by action, thought, and deed, shall rule their destiny and shall cover the distance of life with place, grace, and glory.
When we fold our hands in prayer,
God opens His arms and gives us a hug.
Life is fulfilled with this union.
That is Yoga.
Yogi Bhajan

What is hatred? Frustrated love is called hatred. What is a lie? Insecure truth is a lie. If you analyze everything, it is all truth or knowledge, the highest state of gyan. The enemy is agyanta, ignorance.
Yogi Bhajan 7/10/1984

There are things required to be a human, and to be a human, you require a clear mind. If the mind is not foggy, if it is clear, it can see the soul and take God's light through that mind and project it; then you are a human. It is a simple flow of mind.
Yogi Bhajan 10/11/1989

When nature and you become one then you become divine.
Yogi Bhajan 7/20/2000

The era in which we are living—the Aquarian Age, the Age of Truth and Love, the Age of Oneness is when man and God will become one, a new difference, a new ideology, a new life, absolutely something very new. A new wisdom will dawn on man. He will come out of all this unawareness.
Yogi Bhajan 9/16/1969

The New Age is the Age of Truth and Love. The Age of Tolerance and Service; the Age of Humility and Equality, will be known by a few things. The people who cross into this Age will not possess what they should not, they will possess everything they should possess, but under no circumstances will they be possessed by anything. God will not be recognized as a person, but God will be recognized as a Primal Truth and Energy. The worship will change from a personified God to a more Subtle Truth Energy. It will not be a solar energy or a lunar energy; it will be the Creative Energy, which is known as Cosmos.
Yogi Bhajan 9/16/1969

The load of Karma, the ego of the man and the negativity has gone so deep that the positive vibrations have to be created to save the world. You can't live in this world without a balance and you have to keep balance. There is nobody who is special. Everything is created by the one Creator and you are a temporary custodian of that situation. This is the message of the Aquarian Age. Everyone has to learn to change.
Yogi Bhajan 9/16/1969

You will meet people who will act like God. They will be full of love and glow. You will feel them to be calmer than an ocean, but more magnificently projecting love like high tides. Such children you will experience in a very few short years. They will be the same inside and outside. You will not find them secretive. They will talk to you about something, which will sound heavy, it will be solid, it will be truth, it will be like gold.
Yogi Bhajan 9/16/1969

By going to a church one does not become Christian, by going to a temple one does not become spiritual, but by cleaning his own temple, his own self, one does become what one wants to be. You have to work on yourself. Self shall be tested. You have to stand for your own self in the Age of Truth. You have to understand how to love; you have to understand how to tolerate the other man's point of view.
Yogi Bhajan 9/16/1969

Do not criticize anybody. Everybody is good within his own atmosphere. Try to show your best nature. There are three types of people: fanatic, liberal, and lazy. Lazy are lazy because they are lazy. Fanatics have got hang-ups. They do not reach anywhere because they are stuck. They don't know what to do next. So whatever little they have, they feel it is their kingdom; they don't want to be disturbed and they don't want to enter into anybody's life. The liberal, the New Age—the Age of Truth, these people want to know who they are, what they are, and why they are.
Yogi Bhajan 9/16/1969

Fanatics have no open heart. They have no tolerance. They do not understand that even the worst person in life is not a challenge, it is an opportunity to serve. It is our test of our openness, our love, our affection, to reach out to people.
Yogi Bhajan 10/6/1994

When your mind thinks too much, it loses touch with the reality of life. To be real, our feet should be on the Earth and our head should be in the Heavens.
Yogi Bhajan --

See Woman: According To Yogi Bhajan.

See Women: Wimps or Warriors.

See Women: The First Teachers.




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