Life According To Yogi Bhajan X

The Living Chronicles of Yogi Bhajan
aka the Siri Singh Sahib of Sikh Dharma

© The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan
Presented with permission.
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Glossary of Terms.
Sikhi Terms.

You know you have life that you can live. You can have all that you need. That is destined. More than that you can only get, if you open yourself up. Open your door; open your heart to others. You have to show that you are the beloved of the Lord and you are here to live a life for everybody. And this is unlimited. Whatever life is given to you by the pranic energy is unlimited.
Yogi Bhajan

There’s no other way on the planet to free your soul unto the destiny and unto God but by serving those who need a hand -- smiling at them, wiping away their tears, forgiving them.
Yogi Bhajan

Harmony should bring you success. It should bring you peace. It should bring you tranquility. It should bring you happiness. It should bring you the things you need. You don?t believe it.
Yogi Bhajan 12/1/1986

A yogi is a person who can totally amalgamate himself with you at your level, experience it and realize it, and then pull you up.
Yogi Bhajan

Happiness is a by-product of the totality of life, which has to be shared compassionately and kindly with all.
Yogi Bhajan 10/11/1989

Serve all without classification or discrimination. Discrimination means you have reservation, which comes from fear, phobia, non-Infinity.
Yogi Bhajan 6/11/1990

In the worst scenario, sit down, close your eyes and talk to your own soul, spirit. The moment that becomes your attitude, all things you need in life shall come to you.
Yogi Bhajan

We do not understand that the most important aspect of a human is the consciousness. We do not have the power of commitment if we do not have consciousness. We do not have the power of conception if we do not have consciousness. And when we do not have consciousness, we do not have basic intuition.
Yogi Bhajan

Once a man adapts himself to righteousness, then no sacrifice is painful. As long as a life of righteousness is not adopted, everything is painful.
Yogi Bhajan 1974

I am trying to relate to you the power that lies in obedience to your own commitment. Once you commit, obey the commitment and everything that you want to achieve you shall achieve.
Yogi Bhajan

You have not learned to live by the decoration, beauty and make-up of grace. You have learned to look beautiful by your make-up. And you cannot improve on the work of God. Your make-up does not make any sense. That's why, spending all the money on make-up, still you are miserable. Nobody can improve on what He made, the Great Creator, the artist, whose creation you are.
Yogi Bhajan 6/26/1988

The soul has a journey and it is pre-destined. It selects its longitude and latitude to be born. It selects its geography; its space, its protective, nurturing essence of the parents; mother and father, and its environments. All the aspects, all the events that happen in the first seven years are set. It is like when you have a book. Let us say somebody has a sixty-page book that's called "Life". Every page has to be turned and every page has to be read. Every page has to be gone through and has to be understood. In between, there will be things you highlight -- the things you like. There will be things that bring tears to your life, and there will be things that are dreadful, things that are right and things that are wrong. So, let us say that life proceeds like a book. Elementary tomorrow is already in existence. You have to walk on it...
Yogi Bhajan

When you are in the state of the neutral mind, the soul is like a chandelier switched on over you. Communication of the soul is just that light; you are lit up by it.
Yogi Bhajan

In us there are three values: we are angels, we are humans and we are animals. Our barbaric animal nature is to live at each other. Our human nature is to live with each other and our angelic nature is to live for each other. That should decide all of our behavioral aspects if we start looking at this trinity, that is what our behavior is. Whenever you decide to deal with somebody ask yourself, "Am I an angel? Am I going to do it angelically? Am I doing it humanly? Am I going to be a brute-barbaric and neurotic?”
Yogi Bhajan 10/22/1990

Every calamity is the test of our reality. Never be afraid of it. Whenever you face calamity with your reality, you shall win because God shall be on your side.
Yogi Bhajan

You have come from the Perfect to be perfect. It is not that you have come from the Perfect and you have been put here as imperfect, and you have to become perfect.
Yogi Bhajan

Life is a constant prayer, not a constant play. Your development as a person and especially your development as a woman have a complication and it has a cross-complication. As a woman you do not agree from day one to the day of your death that you are not a man. You do not agree that you have two active parts of the brain and man has only one. You do not agree that you conceive, you deliver, you nurture and you are sixteen times more evolved than a man. You do not agree that the coziness, the gentleness, the kindness, the character and the nobility, which you can give to your child is imprinted from the time of growing up. Nobody can substitute for a woman.
Yogi Bhajan 7/27/1989

Your prosperity is based on your spoken word. With one word you can make a friend, with one word you can make an enemy. With one word you can win a heart, with one word you can break a heart.
Yogi Bhajan

Middle-aged crisis come from the fear of being old. Instead of being joyful about maturity, people start getting scared of being old.
Yogi Bhajan 6/11/1990

A woman who knows how to save her grace can always uplift humanity. The next sentence shall be in the scriptures: Humanity, in its dignity and divinity, lives because of the grace of a woman. I am not talking about the humanity who boozes, the gamblers, the thieves. They are humanity, too, but that humanity is a polarity. I am talking of the divine sect of the humanity that lives; whatever is left out is because of the grace of the woman. I said once before, and I say it again today, there shall be no peace on Earth if those born of woman do not recognize the divinity of the woman.
Yogi Bhajan 7/4/1977

People who love each other don’t bargain. Love has no such thing as business. Love has no conditions, because love does not obey time and space.
Yogi Bhajan 7/1/1984

If the entire divinity and domain of God sits in the heart of a person, and his longing becomes timeless, then man can develop the capacity to love.
Yogi Bhajan

There is no liberation without labor. There is no freedom, which is free.
Yogi Bhajan

You think that when you love somebody you have to totally follow him or her. No, that's not love. When you love somebody, you have to be totally truthful with that person.
Yogi Bhajan 8/4/1981

It is a gradual experience and a perfecting of your own projection and the mind, which have to be brought in tune with the God-consciousness. And that takes a practice and a sincere effort on your part. You have to be sincere because you will definitely be tested.
Yogi Bhajan

A woman who is not a leader is a miserable person… A leader has three things. First thing, leader has to sacrifice; second thing, leader has to stand alone; and third, leader has to lead. And leader has to lead by example, by action and by word. A leader is (one) who can stand on the top of the ladder and can stay balanced and alone. So basically, if you do not want to be the leaders, and you do not want to lead the home, lead the family, lead your environments, with grace, with courage and intelligently, you will have nothing in your life...
Yogi Bhajan 6/30/1994

A spiritual marriage is a process of amalgamation whereby the man and woman eventually become merged, retaining all of their individual strengths, while complimenting each other, supporting each other and covering for each other’s weaknesses.
Yogi Bhajan

There are a lot of ways you can maneuver your life, but you have no life, you are rather a burden to life when your axle breaks. And every life has an axle, and that is the spirit of God, the breath of life... the most important thing the mortal has to see is that immortality is the axle of life.
Yogi Bhajan

Love is the ultimate state of human behavior where compassion prevails and kindness rules.
Yogi Bhajan 7/7/1987

It is not how spiritual one is, it is how spiritually one faces calamity. Spirituality is when all is gone, and there is nothing to hope for, you become the hope and you are not gone. That is spirituality.
Yogi Bhajan

Self control is not a discipline, self control is not a brake, self control is not something, self control is whether you are in touch with your soul or not. It is mental, it is not physical, it has nothing to do with nonsense.
Yogi Bhajan 3/31/1990

Just remember when you give an offering you don’t make big mess with it. There is a way of salutation to the grace of God and to the self. That is the first chapter of Vand Chako, share with others and serve them. But don’t control people or they will become your dead weight. Share with them and guide them and let them become successful. Remember that in the tomb of the emperor there are always pigeon droppings, but on the tomb of the saint there are always candles. The king owns the world and tries to control it; the saint owns the world and gives it all away. That is the difference.
Yogi Bhajan

You do not understand discipline. Discipline is the only friend other than God that you have.
Yogi Bhajan 10/1/1999

We are born for happiness, not for pain. As the pain increases so our insanity and that is a desirable life. Therefore we must understand every moment of our life is in our divinity and not in our duality. If we deny our self our divinity and go after our duality we will be nothing but a chatterbox of questions.
Yogi Bhajan

It is not the wealth, it is not the happiness, it is not the possession, it is not the position, it is not the power, it is not the projection which can help you to be happy. Your happiness is based on your fundamental steadiness, what is called is your foundation. Foundation in science is known in spiritual world as faith.
Yogi Bhajan 1977

Total harmonious relaxation cures the body. To achieve this there must be coordination between the three facets of ourselves: body, mind and soul.
Yogi Bhajan 4/9/1986

We never blame ourselves for our own neurosis. We always blame others. You must understand that when we are successful and we fail at the same time. Success does not bring you anything but boredom. How to maintain in that boredom is the real secret of success.
Yogi Bhajan

You cannot sustain a friendship without wisdom. Wisdom is nothing but practical learning of a higher consciousness. A person can know and trust you only if you are a wise human being.
Yogi Bhajan

That existence which does not have discipline cannot deliver. That deliverance is the measurement of personal happiness, and that needs discipline in every facet of life. Within your discipline, whether you serve or you de-serve, within your discipline, you live or you don’t live, within your discipline you eat or you don’t eat, within your discipline, you are the discipline. If you are master of that discipline, which is you, you are all God. There is no other.
Yogi Bhajan 7/20/1996

Many people believe that the spiritual path is difficult and the neurotic path is easy. Students profess it and even some teachers encourage this idea. I have never agreed to it nor am I willing to agree to it now. It takes the same effort and energy to walk either path. The problem lies in being subject to time rather than being one step ahead of time.
Yogi Bhajan

There are four chambers of a Teacher's heart: one pumps out information, one pumps out blessing, one receives all the faculty of negativity, and one chamber is strong enough to cleanse it.
Yogi Bhajan

The prayer of the mother is the most powerful tool. Once you give birth to a child, give him the highest gift: pray for that child. Giving birth to a child and not adding prayer to that child is just building a house with no foundation.
Yogi Bhajan

Yoga means “union.” It is the experience of Infinity in our own finite form. Kundalini Yoga offers us the discipline through, which our own self can experience our Self. It is a path that will lead us onward to find the bliss that is at the core of being human.
Yogi Bhajan

The Kundalini is known as the nerve of the soul. This is to be awakened. Your soul is to be awakened. When soul gets awakened, there remains nothing...If your soul is awakened, what else do you need?
Yogi Bhajan

In the reality of your own structure and existence, the mind is given to you so that you can act, express, and experience yourself in this creation.
Yogi Bhajan

The challenge of the times is upon each of us. Those blessed with a spiritual life and reliance upon God will have the capacity to rise and flourish. It is common to spiritual pathways to give time to meditation, prayer and chanting God's name. This nurtures our consciousness, compassion, and kindness as human beings and makes us generous in our acts and deeds. We give of our consciousness and we give of our earnings. The act of giving creates an opening from the heart and soul unparalleled by any other.
Yogi Bhajan

Our fears are there to spoil our lives. It is not you who betray the soul. It is your fear, which betrays the soul. Fear is earthly, and has nothing to do with the heavens. Your fear is that you must hassle, and only you can make it. It is never true, never was, nor is, nor shall be. The guiding hand in this world is the hand of God.
Yogi Bhajan

So, you are what you eat. And your power is what you speak. Your strength is what your manners are. And your prosperity is based on mutuality. That's how you will spell it. Your relationship is based on service. And your trust with people is based on your purity.
Yogi Bhajan

Head is a computer. Heart has the power of 108 suns. Heart center is the strongest of all centers. Whenever you pray with the head, it will take so long -- you have to go through the intellect, thought, circumstance, environment, space and time. Whenever you sing or pray from the heart, it will be timeless, spaceless, and absolutely effective.
Yogi Bhajan

Nothing can change the pattern of human destiny until the devotion is so strong that one is willing to sacrifice his patterns (ego). And when that occurs, life is greatly changed. Elevated consciousness is a surety. Happiness is around the corner.
Yogi Bhajan

What is the difficulty in us? Why can't we figure out that God is still the owner of this planet earth? He rotates the Earth, he will take care of the routine. Why don't you give the chance to the Master, the Guardian Angel, the God who created you, to fix up your tomorrow? Give it a little chance... Let us love ourselves in a very small way. And let us love everybody all the way. Let us trust little bit by little bit.
Yogi Bhajan 1/16/1999

If the soul won't leave, the body won't give in. If one thing has to ultimately leave, that is the soul, and the soul has a certain period of time through which the body shall continue. The body shall sustain as a faithful friend as long as the soul sustains itself with it. It is a counter balance; they are very personal friends. Soul is the pure essence of life, and body is the circumference of life.
Yogi Bhajan 1975

We do not understand that the most important aspect of a human is the consciousness. We do not have the power of commitment if we do not have consciousness. We do not have the power of conception if we do not have consciousness. And when we do not have consciousness, we do not have basic intuition.
Yogi Bhajan

Silence is the language of all languages. Make it possible so that we can be serene. Still your body, every fiber of it.
Yogi Bhajan

What is Sadhana? It is a process which you do every day to grow, to be. There is a fight in this lifetime: to be or not to be. Nobody can destroy you… You destroy yourself by not being yourself.
Yogi Bhajan 7/5/1981

Sadhana means spiritual practice. It is the 10% of our time that we give to God in the ambrosial hours of the morning. The radiance of your spirit can be measured according to how the Name of God vibrates within you and around you. If your Sadhana is perfect, your spirit will be high. If you have forgotten to chant the name of God, you will be in the doldrums. If you become low and depressed, it is only because you have not warmed up your machine in the morning, you have not done your spiritual practice. (See You Have 10 Bodies.)
Yogi Bhajan

Sadhana -- Communicating with your soul. Sadhana is nothing but where a disciplined one, with love, talks to one's own soul. Is nothing but where one cleans his own mind. Sadhana is nothing but where one prepares for the day to become kind and compassionate for everyone, including the enemies.
Yogi Bhajan 7/26/1990

It is a human tendency to like to sleep between 3 am and 6 am. It’s natural. But if you can be alert enough to work on your mind, to confront the day, then you are alert enough to take care of your life. The reason you don’t get up early is not because you are lazy, tired or overworked -- that’s all wrong. You do not get up early in the morning because the relationship between you and your mind is not established. Period.
Yogi Bhajan 7/11/1982

Try to engage your mind in Sadhana. Try to get up in the early morning. Try to understand that the time is now and now is the time. Those who feel they love God are fine, but those who get up in the morning for Sadhana, God loves them. God created this whole universe just to love. God has a special time available to each of us -- when you rise in the 2-½ hours before the rise of the sun, the ambrosial hours, and synchronize your mind and heart to praise God, God listens. God feels it so much and falls in love with you so much, that it seems unbelievable. In return that Creator touches you with vastness and cleanses your mind. You become fearless, innocent, and pure.
Yogi Bhajan

Sadhana is a test of self-grit. If your Sadhana is more important than your neurosis, you are fine. If your neurosis is more important than your Sadhana you are not. Doesn’t matter how saintly you are, nobody wants to get up in the ambrosial hours. Why you still do it is a mystery. At that time, between 3 and 6 o’clock, the rays of the sun pass at 60 degrees and you want to feel relaxed. You take a cold shower, wake up and meditate. Why do you repeat the mantra hundreds of times? To create stamina, an absolute mental stamina, without that there is no chance for the life to be smooth. If somebody refuses to exercise, nobody can force him. But at that one moment in life when that person needs physical stamina, it won’t be there. Sadhana is what your mental stamina requires. Love is what your spiritual stamina requires. (See You Have 10 Bodies.)
Yogi Bhajan

The prayer of the mother is the most powerful tool. Once you give birth to a child, give him the highest gift: pray for that child. Giving birth to a child and not adding prayer to that child is just building a house with no foundation.
Yogi Bhajan

When will joins the ego, it makes you fanatic. And when will joins your lower consciousness it makes you depressed. When will joins you, it makes you divine.
Yogi Bhajan 5/24/1982

We have been told to search God. But so long as you are searching, you want to find. Whatever you want to search, you want to find and if you are not finding, you are in pain, you search more and more and more and that's what maya is. Maya is 'Whatever I have is not sufficient, I want more.' That is Maya. (See Left of Maya.) And what is divine: 'Whatever I have is more than enough. Thank you.' Once you have an attitude of gratitude your search is finished, the moment your search is finished your pain is gone.
Yogi Bhajan 8/20/1991

The greatest blunder I have seen that almost everyone makes is to just speak their mind. It doesn't make any sense. They sound like the squawking ducks in a pond. The mind is not meant to be spoken. The mind is mostly waves of thoughts and sensations from many sources. The mind is meant to know the truth. Know your own mind and use it to speak the truth.
Yogi Bhajan

As long as your ego exists, you are not a Teacher. As long as you expect appreciation, you are not a Teacher, you are a beggar.
Yogi Bhajan

Mentally say, "I, so and so, do hereby promise and pledge on this sacred time of the day that I will always try my level best to meditate on each breath of mine and will think of it as a gift of the divine".
Yogi Bhajan

Just understand, there's another power. It's called 'the mind.' You have a mind and you have an ego. But mind and ego come of the Universal Id. You are part of that Universal Id. Every mind computes its desire without you, and the master-mind responds. When you can develop that response, life becomes comfortable, happy, relaxed.
Yogi Bhajan 3/13/90

Sing songs that relate to the spirit; it is such a beautiful emotional release. You will always be grateful to yourself. It is a perfect way to stay sane.
Yogi Bhajan

Don’t worry about obnoxiousness, narrowness, abusiveness, negativity and neurosis of a student. Had he not been all that, why should he come to you? So please, when you become a Teacher, serve all, like the sun, which shines on all with light and warmth.
Yogi Bhajan 8/1/1996

Even though we don't mean to hurt anybody, sometimes we do. The reason is very simple. There are two energies, two polarities in a human mind. One is when you say something to cover the time and the space; and second is when you say something beyond time and space. When you say something to cover time and space, you are not real, because you are living to the moment. But when you say something beyond time and space, you are real.
Yogi Bhajan

You perhaps do not know, it is called: 'act of karma.' Each day one negative thought will create a one negative scene tomorrow. These are laws you can't change.
Yogi Bhajan

When oneness is because I am alive, you are alive; when oneness is because of time and space - my friend, oneness has not been found. Oneness is, wherever you are, I am. Wherever I am, you are there. That is oneness. Once you have belonged to me and I have belonged to you, then it is the end of all that searching. Oneness is that amalgamation within the mind. As long as the oneness is the amalgamation of the body, it is the temple of grossness. Oneness is a subtle thing. It is not gross. It cannot be seen; it can be felt.
Yogi Bhajan 1975

There are a lot of ways you can maneuver your life, but you have no life, you are rather a burden to life when your axle breaks. And every life has an axle, and that is the spirit of God, the breath of life... the most important thing the mortal has to see is that immortality is the axle of life.
Yogi Bhajan

Subconscious anger can completely and totally destroy your mind. When your mind is destroyed by your subconscious, then you have only one thing with which to help yourself, and that is ego. Because you have no friend, you have no energy. You cannot keep yourself together. And when you deal with life with ego, then you are a rebel. Then you do not flow with the flow. Then the hassle in life starts. Then you’ll sweat and stink.
Yogi Bhajan 7/1983

Your greatest art of life to win the world is to move gracefully with utmost patience, tolerance, kindness and compassion, because Mother is not which delivers a baby; Mother is which delivers the universe...If you want to see the strength of a nation, you can see it in the depth of the eyes of the woman and the smile on the face of the child. If you want to see God on earth, you can see it in the depth of the commitment of the woman towards her own nobility. If you ever want to see the miracle of God, just see a very saintly, noble, committed, divine woman, and wherever the light of her human eyes fall, that becomes heaven...and that is the power of a woman.
Yogi Bhajan 7/15/1988

When a male child is born and a female child is born, mother out of attachment thinks it is my child. That is where wrong happens. There is no such thing as “my child”. One soul is so pure, so genuine, so competent, so creative that it can give birth to another soul. Actually to be a woman is only to allow another soul to go through the experience of the creativity of God, but once you possess it that this is my child you start the trouble right that minute. Because when it is your child you will give it the values as you want to give it, but when it is a gift of God then you will give it the values of God like. This is the error, which every mother does. It is the very selfish thing to think a child as your own property.
Yogi Bhajan 7/4/1977

With the most corrupt person, you can be honest; with the most angry person, you can be cool; and with the most insulting person, you can be graceful. If the balance of your personality and your sensitivity can remain under your control and your projection, you have learned the art of living.
Yogi Bhajan

We love God, not in us, outside. We love our lover, not the soul, but the personality, the facade. You have never fallen in love with the nucleus of the soul of the beloved. If you can find the nucleus soul of the beloved, you can never separate.
Yogi Bhajan 6/4/1994

Sane is that who can deal with insanity and still smile. Brave is that, which can deal with cowardness and still keep going. Rich is that, which can face the poverty and still not give up his consciousness. Spiritual is that, against all devilish darkness, he keeps the light burning. Giving is God, taking is taking, doesn't matter what you take.
Yogi Bhajan 4/8/1985

Origin of everything is God. Everything comes from God. Everything goes to God. Everything belongs to God. It never belongs to individual. You all have to die. You all have to be born to die. You have come to go. That's called Ava-Gavan. We come to go. If we remember that and we are good, then we know where we are going. Otherwise we don't. We just die, miserable.
Yogi Bhajan 12/10/1990

The only thing that is heard and understood and communicated at the same time is truth. Therefore you should be truthful. Do not speak for your advantage or my advantage.
Yogi Bhajan 6/1/1983

First of all, as humans we have a wrong way to talk. We talk shallow talk, we talk showoff talk, we talk convincing talk, we talk sales talk and sometimes we talk stupid talk. We are not limited to anything. But the only best way to talk in your life is when you just talk to build an understanding. That's very important.
Yogi Bhajan 12/11/1988

When your soul will be the sole guiding factor in the sector of your activities, it will always be a prosperous life, it will be always happy life.
Yogi Bhajan 1/27/1985

When you will become nothing, you shall see everything, you shall feel everything, you shall know everything, and you shall command everything.
Yogi Bhajan 3/12/1989

The purpose to visit planet Earth is not to find God, neither to announce God nor to denounce God. The purpose of coming to planet Earth is to find the sacredness in you, and to live it.
Yogi Bhajan

Higher caliber means that the more effectively you obey, the higher your consciousness becomes. The law of obedience is this: as effectively as you obey a command of higher consciousness, that infinite your consciousness becomes.
Yogi Bhajan

Life is a constant prayer, not a constant play. Your development as a person and especially your development as a woman have a complication and it has a cross-complication. As a woman you do not agree from day one to the day of your death that you are not a man. You do not agree that you have two active parts of the brain and man has only one. You do not agree that you conceive, you deliver, you nurture and you are sixteen times more evolved than a man. You do not agree that the coziness, the gentleness, the kindness, the character and the nobility, which you can give to your child is imprinted from the time of growing up. Nobody can substitute for a woman.
Yogi Bhajan 7/27/1989

Love without trust is a river without water.
Yogi Bhajan 7/9/1982

If the entire divinity and domain of God sits in the heart of a person, and his longing becomes timeless, then man can develop the capacity to love.
Yogi Bhajan

Compassion is for the very strong. Compassion does not come to the weak. People who are unkind, bullies, use rude language, are not strong people. They are very weak people.
Yogi Bhajan 7/31/1987

God's fear only means don't harm anybody. "Ahimsa," compassion. That's what it means. God's fear does not mean stand and shake. Don't take that concept, please. God's fear means when you have a fear of God you shall not do wrong to anyone, including you.
Yogi Bhajan

The mother is the only person who can teach her child tenderness and compassion. It is this exposure to gentleness in the lap of the mother for the first seven years of life that teaches a man to be just, tolerant, and compassionate in his dealings with others. The entire capacity of a person for self-control is determined by the touch of a mother.
Yogi Bhajan

The Cosmos works for those who have discipline, who have longing, who have some goal to reach in their lives, and who make a constant, constant, constant effort to reach it. That is dharma. Dharma is in every day, in every action, on every side of the day. Don’t waste yourself into the maya of this Earth. (See Left of Maya.)
Yogi Bhajan 2/9/2003

Every day of your life your tolerance should be ready to cope with your circumstances.
Yogi Bhajan 1977

The Trinity of God is nobility, compassion and kindness. So please, remember that God is a virtue. When you want God to enter your personality, act noble; don't act powerful and don't act weak. There is no make-up required.
Yogi Bhajan 7/15/1982

Before shaking hands with anybody, or coming and talking with anybody, all you require is that when you are nine feet away from that person, and your aura has not yet touched their aura, just insert a psychic thought, “I am going to be very, very noble with this being.” You’ll be shocked. Your language will change. Your manner will change. Your entire acting process will change.
Yogi Bhajan 6/26/1984

When there is constant pressure and no relaxation, when there is no outlet, or when there is constant boredom in life, or a constant cavity in the capacity of mental life, it results in a shattered mind and the loss of happiness.
Yogi Bhajan 6/18/1973

Prayer is when the mind is one-pointed and man talks to Infinity. Meditation is when the mind becomes totally clean and receptive, and Infinity talks to the man.
Yogi Bhajan

Share your strengths, not your weaknesses.
Yogi Bhajan

Student: Is it impossible to change our own destiny?

Yogi Bhajan: Destiny is definite. Whether you can reach it or not that's the problem. We help you to reach the destiny. Not to be away from it. Human mind is weak, insecure, and it wastes lot of life and lot of time in insecurities. That's why they cannot reach their destiny. That's why we ask them to have a perpetual endurance and help, so they can make it.
Yogi Bhajan 12/10/1990

The mind becomes a monster when it becomes your master. The mind is an angel when it is your servant.
Yogi Bhajan

Your children born of you do not understand you. Do not understand your values. All they understand is their rights and the privilege you provide, that's why give children not the rights and the privilege, give them the values and the technology to have those values. Give children the biggest gift, a value of life. When you give children a technology of life in which you say these are your privileges and every privilege you give, becomes his right, they are asking more and more, you give in more and more, finally you reach a point where you cannot give in and the war starts. War starts that way the day the child will do a drama and wars get to the height when he starts throwing tantrums and trauma and the war is in the worst when he leaves, he is out of the door, but you caused it. You did not give him life and its values, which is your responsibility as parents. You got blinded by the love and forgot your duty.
Yogi Bhajan 7/11/1991

Corruption happens when a religious man, having established being religious, becomes corrupt to save his authority and does not save his mission. He does not save what made him spiritual.
Yogi Bhajan 1/7/1990

Where there is forgiveness, there is God. Where there is sacrifice, there is compassion. And where there is service, there is the radiance of the human. Is there anything more precious in a human being than these objectives?
Yogi Bhajan

The purest thing in the world is the heart of the mother, the heart-chakra, the center of the mother. It can move God. It can move the Universe. It can cause an effect beyond limitation. The heart of the mother is the greatest power of Infinity ever given to any finite being.
Yogi Bhajan, Women's Camp 1977

What is grace? Grace is the shield of radiation or radiant shield which protects the pranic balance in your entire living system, not only with you, and within you, and within your psyche, but how you correlate to all other psyches in your communication of memory, all who have gone before you, all who have to follow you. Do you understand what grace is now? That trust that others place in you is your grace. The word you give to others is grace. Expectation of you being who you are is grace. It is a total sum of your personality, reflected by you. It is your radiant body.
Yogi Bhajan

Wake up! You are the hope. Serve the legacy, not the lineage. Those who serve the lineage never live, those who serve the legacy never die.
Yogi Bhajan 3/1/1992

The body may forget things but the soul doesn't forget its journey. All actions come from the breath of life, and we all breathe the same breath of life. So, we are extremely united if we understand the expression: We are strung like beads on one breath of life, which is everywhere. And that is how Universal we are.
Yogi Bhajan 8/11/1999

Nobility is cultivated only when one consciously relates to one’s spirit and flow of the soul and one feels the total divinity within. It is a manifestation of divinity. Nobility takes one away from temptation, anger, lust, greed, unvirtuous and unrighteous living. It gives one a qualifying factor to impress everybody without impressing. That is the beauty of nobility. The way one talks, walks, sees, deals, serves, gets served, is a total sum of one’s living behavior. There is a tremendous flow of spirit in a noble person. A noble person is a very powerful individual.
Yogi Bhajan 7/2/1978

Remember that intellectual knowledge does not hold and sustain you. Knowledge only becomes real wisdom when you experience it with your own Heart and Being.
Yogi Bhajan 1/1/2003

When a woman leaves her gentle and firm nature, or her dignity and divinity, then Mother Nature does not relate to her. In other words, Mother Nature will always relate to a divine woman. And all your wishes shall be fulfilled.
Yogi Bhajan

I was taught the most fundamental law of karma, cause and effect. As shall you sow so shall you reap. And you are a sovereign independent identity. When you do fault, you lose your sovereignty. You subject yourself and subjection is worse than death. I was taught all that right from day one. It was a continuous process. It was a continuous learning. It was a continu­ous training. It was a continuous behavior.
Yogi Bhajan

Your sovereignty can only be given to you by your mother. By her identifying you as a complete, total individual. What you call 'grit,' the strength of the identity is given to you by the father. It is all done in the first eleven years. Afterwards anything done or said and taught by the parent is useless, because the base is already built.
Yogi Bhajan 2/19/1985

A child is born to you to help him face his karma in this life. A child is not your ego; not a pet dog in the house; not a substitute for love. A child has nothing to do with that. A child is born to you so that you can prepare him to face time unto Infinity.
Yogi Bhajan 6/1997

Don't feel guilty. Just get awakened. Just wake up.
Start exerting your divinity. It's your birthright.
Yogi Bhajan

Spiritual maturity begins with the seed planted in our destiny. It is nurtured by a series of teachers and watered by the wisdom each brings to us, a wisdom which is less a philosophy as it is a combination of consciousness and intelligence that lets us face the challenges brought by each stage of our development. In that challenge and answer of life we come to recognize our self, honor our self and deliver our self in relationship.
Yogi Bhajan

Inhale deeply with reverence, love, compassion, and kindness. Communicate with your breath that it must give you peace of mind, peace on the mother planet Earth, peace and oneness with God and His creation.
Yogi Bhajan 5/13/1992

Before shaking hands with anybody, or coming and talking with anybody, all you require is that when you are nine feet away from that person, and your aura has not yet touched their aura, just insert a psychic thought, “I am going to be very, very noble with this being.” You’ll be shocked. Your language will change, your manner will change, your entire acting process will change.
Yogi Bhajan 6/26/1984

When you face today with courage, with dignity, with grace, and the word of the Guru (spiritual teacher), your prayers will be answered, because you'll become the prayer.
Yogi Bhajan 6/27/1993

When you stop playing games then there’ll be one game left to be played, and that is to become the most powerful, forceful, brightest light of God. That is the purpose of life—for everyone.
Yogi Bhajan 7/24/1984

When you have to say nothing, do nothing, be nothing, then what are you? You know what you are? You are a lighthouse, so nobody else can wreck near you. That is the one thing in life you have to do. Forklift. Spread the light. Be the lighthouse. So every journey, every destiny, every distance can be safe.
Yogi Bhajan 3/29/1987

One who rotates the earth, this earth of yours, one who rotates it. In twenty-four hours shall take care of your routine whoever it is. You believe it or not.
Yogi Bhajan 2/19/1996

If we remove judgment of ourselves, and others from our lives, we will be living in paradise.
Yogi Bhajan 3/10/1998

Mankind is still seeking to find the peace within so it can have peace without. There shall not be peace in the world if there is no peace in the heart of the man. There is not going to be peace in your heart if you do not understand and experience your very relationship with your soul.
Yogi Bhajan 5/19/1989

Sometime we vibrate and we say things without thinking for a second that we have to prove it, I love you and sometimes, time demands it to prove it. And then we fail. We become miserable and then we become totally miserable. Love is a sacrifice, an experience of sacrifice within oneself. It is better not to say I love you if you are not ready to prove it. Say what you can prove. If you start doing it, it will give you vaak siddhi, whatever you shall say shall become true.
Yogi Bhajan 11/20/1971

We do not trust God. Trust is, not a human faculty because when you trust something, you are fulfilled, you are there, your understanding becomes deep; and it is a state of ecstasy where there is no shakiness. Trust is very difficult.
Yogi Bhajan 10/6/1989

We do not trust God. Trust is, not a human faculty because when you trust something, you are fulfilled, you are there, your understanding becomes deep; and it is a state of ecstasy where there is no shakiness. Trust is very difficult.
Yogi Bhajan 10/6/1989

Mankind is still seeking to find the peace within so it can have peace without. There shall not be peace in the world if there is no peace in the heart of the man. There is not going to be peace in your heart if you do not understand and experience your very relationship with your soul.
Yogi Bhajan 5/19/1989

You got to develop a trust to see your inner voice and hear it and trust it. Inner voice can be feeble but shall not be wrong. It is the consciousness in tune, which tells you very humbly and musically what is going on. Please try to listen to it. Raise its volume; you will recognize it is yours. That's the beauty of the inner voice.
Yogi Bhajan 12/14/1989

You are wrong if you think your intelligence works or your words are powerful or you are very charismatic. Actually it is your radiant body, the glow, the shine in you that works.
Yogi Bhajan

You have to walk on your own feet and you have to walk tall. Humans learn to crawl and then walk. All men, women and children are children of God. They have to learn that their neurotic blocks have to be broken in two, to become triangles, and this challenge belongs to all of us. We cannot afford to be limited. We cannot afford to be negative—you cannot have the luxury of a negative thought because it will multiply in you and hurt you badly.
Yogi Bhajan 11/23/1993

Friendship is not a state, which you can exploit at your beck and call.
Yogi Bhajan

The human lifespan is given to you not to distance you from your destiny but to cover the distance to your destiny.
Yogi Bhajan

The urge of giving only comes in when God wants to give to you.... God invokes in you something to give to others, so that there may be some empty space where God can send a better gift.
Yogi Bhajan 2/5/1989

Love yourself. Love your soul and let go of the past. Past pain is keeping you in pain. You don't have to deteriorate.
Yogi Bhajan

When consciousness changes, people change with it. Some people match up, some don’t. The criteria of the Piscean Age were, “I want to know, I want to learn, I want to understand, I want to experience God.” It was a time of search. The Aquarian era is, “There is no search.” It is a time to be. It is a time to be God, to find within yourself the Godliness—the strength in your manners, in your grace.
Yogi Bhajan 11/11/1994

Life has unexpected challenges, which can be faced by you if you have the energy for it. That energy won't come to you unless you mentally clear your fog through meditation. As it is essential to clean your house, so it is essential to clean your mind.
Yogi Bhajan 7/12/1988

May God guide you on this path. May you understand that you are blessed children and you have a job to do. May you know in your heart that God belongs to you always, within and without. May your sorrows never touch your tomorrow, may your blessings be for all, may your happiness be shared, and may your smiles give hope to others.
Yogi Bhajan 6/20/1993

One soul is so pure, so genuine, so competent, so creative that it can give birth to another soul. Actually to be a woman is only to allow another soul to go through the experience of the creativity of God, but once you possess it that this is my child you start the trouble right that minute. Because when it is your child you will give it the values as you want to give it, but when it is a gift of God then you will give it the values that God likes all. This is the error, which every mother does.
Yogi Bhajan 7/4/1977

When your mind thinks too much, it loses touch with the reality of life. To be real, our feet should be on the Earth and our head should be in the Heavens.
Yogi Bhajan

The mind becomes a monster when it becomes your master. The mind is an angel when it is your servant.
Yogi Bhajan

Every day of your life your tolerance should be ready to cope with your circumstances.
Yogi Bhajan 1977

You should be smart, learn the art, and go across the world and heal God’s creation. This is your job, and what you are actually going to say is, “Hail, hail Guru Ram Das, heal the world.” Your job is to heal the world and elevate and uplift everybody. Everybody shall be healed. Take a person from his lower self, from his ditch, and raise the pitch so he can be uplifted. The mantra of the Age of Aquarius is “Keep Up.” Help keep everybody up. When you never let yourself down and never let anybody else down, God shall serve you. He shall never let you down.
Yogi Bhajan 6/20/1993

The art of being smart is to be small, which can contain all. The art of success is to answer the call of duty with grace and compassion. The art of happiness is to serve all, and all shall serve you.
Yogi Bhajan

The noble way to act towards a slanderer is to ignore him. It is the greatest punishment one can award to anybody. Do you know how bad you feel if someone doesn’t even look at you? You should not lose your merits in contrast to someone’s demerits.
Yogi Bhajan 7/2/1978

You are master of your body, mind and soul. It's a gift of God. If you cannot find your own reality, you will never find anybody's reality. There is no love without reality. Everything else is false. When there is falseness, then there is no strength, no power, then there are conditions. Where there is a love, there is no question. Where there is a question, there is a business, not love. Love is blind, that's what they say. It is your power to live in love. Ask no question, Mother Nature will ask you no question. Don't claim you are in love. You will never be blamed that you are not in love.
Yogi Bhajan 6/4/1994

Give to everybody, smile at everybody, pay attention. It will all come back to you. People give for the sake of giving, for the sake of the return, for the sake of public relations, for the sake of better relations. Giving is in our nature, but it is conditional. Those who can give unconditionally are those who feel that everything they have comes from God. There needs to be "X" amount of time, personality, self-projection, thinking and planning, which must be one-tenth of your totality, to guide you to the realm of yourself, your soul. Give to God what belongs to God: one-tenth of your time, belongings, income, thoughts, projection, communication, one-tenth of every act. Every act shall be a blessed act in which one-tenth belongs to God.
Yogi Bhajan

Consciousness, intelligence and ego, take exactly the same energy that emotions, commotions and ego take. Happiness is in the palm of your hand, if you take it. Life is a constant flow of love, only takes your participation, your participation is requested.
Yogi Bhajan 4/8/1985

You must understand when somebody talks to you, if you are not willing to hear them out, you are foolishly going for an unsuccessful future. The first principle of success is when somebody is talking hear it. Don't interrupt. Let him complete the sentence; hear him properly. When they are done and you are asked to speak, do not answer the question if you cannot uplift the person. If your answer uplifts that person, you shall be prosperous.
Yogi Bhajan

When God gives you good times, He wants you to forget Him and sleep. When He gives you bad times, He wants you to wake up and face Him.
Yogi Bhajan 5/18/1993

Neither an appearance is bad nor an act is bad; it is the intention, which is the problem. Bad intentions are cunning devices.
Yogi Bhajan

You have to understand the process of healing in the Age of Aquarius. What will give the healing is the flow of your soul energy.
Yogi Bhajan

Kindness is the mother of Truth and compassion is the father of Truth. When compassion and kindness join, Truth is born.
Yogi Bhajan

The Siri Singh Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji's Epitaph

Ketia dukh bhukh sad mar II
We suffer privation and pain
Eh bhi dat teri datar II
These too are God’s gift
Ek Ong Kar
One Creator of Creation


Pages And Points To Ponder


Gurdwara Security and Safety

Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Yogiji

Act without fear
Act without anger
Act to defend the weak
Act to protect the innocent.

"It is a Sikh's sacred duty, without fear or anger, to defend the
weak and protect the innocent." SantSipahiAdvisoryTeam.com

"Forgiveness doesn't mean you forget what happened...
If something is serious and it is necessary to take counter-
measures, you have to take counter-measures." Dalai Lama

"Don't secure me, secure my environments." Siri Singh Sahib

"Circumstances cannot be allowed to preclude the implementation
of adequate safety and security measures." Interior-Guard.com

Why do we need to secure environments? See The 12 Signs of Kali Yuga.

Compiled by Sant Sipahi Advisory Team


Monitor all activities occurring in the presence of Guru Granth Sahib as well as any other activities in order to maintain a safe, hazard-free environment, and a peaceful, respectful Gurdwara decorum.

Assist Sangat members in the performance of their worship and other activities, especially to include the arrival and departure of families with young children, giving aid and comfort to the elderly and the infirm, and greeting visitors.

Take direct Protective and/or Defensive action in the event of emergency circumstances such as fire and emergency medical response, disruptive or disorderly activity, or any act of aggression occurring within or around the Gurdwara or amongst Sangat members, and ensure security of building perimeter (doors and windows) while maintaining appropriate access for Sangat members and guests.

Gather and disseminate intelligence data, and subsequently alert Sangat members, and appropriate local authorities to the existence of issues or circumstances involving imminent or potential risk to the security of the Guru, Sangat members, or Gurdwara property.

Interface with and assist Local Fire and Medical Emergency or Law Enforcement Response Team members in order to maintain appropriate and respectful decorum in any emergency conditions occurring in the presence of Guru Granth Sahib or upon the Gurdwara property, circumstances permitting.

NOTE: General Protocols For Gurdwara Sevadars are intended to be general in nature as opposed to specific since these apply to the commonalities of all Gurdwaras.

Special Operating Protocols or SOPs should be formulated and implemented by respective Sangat leaders after consultation with local First Responders, i.e., Fire, Medical Emergency, Law Enforcement or other agencies. These Special Operating Protocols then will reflect conditions peculiar to local circumstances, which may vary according to any unique layout, structural, or geographical, economic, or technical requirements.

In addition, each community should contact their local First Responders, especially Fire Prevention and Law Enforcement Agencies, for a comprehensive risk assessment survey of Gurdwara property, and management policies and procedures to include a comprehensive Safety and Security Audit. Audits may possibly be provided free of charge, and should include procedures related to the following issues:

a) Fire Prevention and Emergency Evacuation
b) Medical Emergency Response and First-aid Training
c) Active Shooter Response and Defender Training
d) Safe Room Implementation
e) 'Refuse To Be a Victim' Training

For assistance, call 800-528-0413 Ext. 354 Eastern, or click here. For security skills training, see RamDhanSingh.com.

Security does not happen by accident!

"Security is those actions or systems, which prevent or minimize
the occurrence of adverse events within specific environments.
The most effective security is preventative as well as proactive,
and serves to minimize any risk to life, property or environments."

"The Form Follows Function Principle means that any hardware or
other equipment that is required to execute the mission must be based
upon the intended function or purpose. In other words, policy and procedure
needs to be established and ready for implementation before acquiring people,
equipment, or support, i.e., hardware is considered last. Or, first know where you're
going and how to get there before you acquire the means." -- Hari Singh Bird Khalsa

American Sikhs are free to pursue happiness,
but there's no guarantee we will achieve it.

Open Letter To The First Teachers of Sikh Dharma

Sat Nam, Khalsa ji! In the wake of the attention now being given for and against gun ownership, I have frequently recalled a scene from many years ago with a wince, even a shudder on one hand, and a smile with a head-shake on the other.

Women: Wimps or Warriors?

I was in a mixed group discussing security and gun safety training in which a young woman reluctantly picked up a handgun between her thumb and forefinger as if picking up a dead mouse. The scene stuck with me ever since. And all the recent talk about guns and violence has especially caused me to recall that silly albeit sad scenario. Silly because it looked so comical, sad because it is indicative of where I see the mind set of many women, today.

If a woman is attacked by a gun-toting assailant, her chance
of survival diminishes greatly if she has no training in
survival skills, e.g., martial arts and firearms training.



Saint Mai Bhago Kaur Soldier

Regardless of where you stand on gun control, knowledge of firearms equates with strength, ignorance of firearms equates with weakness.

New Mexico Military Institute can provide this.
A two-year leadership program is available.

"Those who shall not learn to obey shall never be
in a position to command." Yogi Bhajan

"A woman who is not a leader is a miserable person… A leader has three things.
First thing, leader has to sacrifice; second thing, leader has to stand alone; and
third, leader has to lead. And leader has to lead by example, by action and by word.
A leader is one who can stand on the top of the ladder and can stay balanced and
alone. So basically, if you do not want to be the leaders, and you do not want to
lead the home, lead the family, lead your environments, with grace, with courage
and with intelligence, you will have nothing in your life..." Yogi Bhajan 6/30/1994

"Create dependable children, not dependent children. Give your children
the basic values to face their own tomorrows, not be blinded by yours. Make
them proper personalities, not helpless puppets. Position them for success; do
not paralyze them with the commotion of your emotions." Yogi Bhajan

"The basic aspect of you as woman is not in your sensuality and in your dramas.
You are not only the givers of life, you are the manufacturers of character. Whatever
character you will give to your children, that shall be their future." Yogi Bhajan

"Your reliability will give people the courage to trust you.
Their trust will give you the power to carry a situation. A leader
carries and serves people. Learn to lead as a ‘seva’ (to sacrifice your
time and resources for the benefit of others without wanting anything in
return); people will love you, and you will continue to expand." Yogi Bhajan

"Children are born with intrinsic leadership traits, which prepare them for life.
These must translate positively into the lives they lead as citizens of the world.
These are: Service, Justice, Courage, Compassion, Decisiveness, Reliability,
Integrity, Initiative, Knowledge, Loyalty, Enthusiasm, Endurance." Hari Singh

Sat Nam, Khalsa ji! I am a passionate proponent of more balance between our claims to accept and understand the concept of Saint-Soldier, and actually living our lives as authentic Sant-Sipahi. To this end I strongly urge Khalsa parents, especially our women, the first teachers of our children, to consider the following points.

The First Teachers

.) I urge you to consider enrolling our children at the New Mexico Military Institute, located in Roswell, New Mexico. My kids graduated high school with honors at NMMI in the early '80s, the first children of Sikh Dharma to attend a military school in America. The Siri Singh Sahib expressed pleasure upon observing cadet training when he visited NMMI in 1983. He advised us then that he would have enrolled his own children at NMMI if he had known of its existence. Another group of children who attended school in India later attended NMMI in the early '90s.

Sikh Chaplain, M.S.S. Hari Singh, addresses Sikh cadets in front of the NMMI chapel, 1992.

New Mexico Military Institute offers an outstanding two year college option for your sons and daughters after they complete their time at Miri Piri Academy. For those families for which MPA is not an option, NMMI has an excellent four year high school college prep program in addition to their two year college program. New Mexico Military Institute has been ranked No. 5 on a list of the nation’s top 50 community colleges by an independent organization, i.e., The Best Schools, which has described the Roswell, New Mexico school as the “only state-supported, coeducational, military boarding school in the United States.” The school offers college prep, a four-year high school and a two-year junior college. See NMMI Strategic Measures Statistics.

Each of the former Sikhi students/graduates of NMMI provide a testament to the advantages of attending NMMI, which include a rigorous and challenging lifestyle, camaraderie and fellowship, and outstanding leadership training especially, along with NMMI's excellent scholastic program. This experience prepared them for additional university training, and exciting careers all over the world. NMMI is the only American prep school I know that has a history of accommodating the Sikhi lifestyle, i.e., Sadhana, kesh, turban, sipahi training, and vegetarian diet. And it is an excellent environment for Sikhi youth to learn leadership and soldiering skills for which the Siri Singh Sahib was a passionate proponent.

The NMMI program offers MPA students and other Sikh youth a unique and reasonably cost-effective opportunity to transition from the Indian program into the American experience as a unit, and the obvious advantage of continued bonding with their peers. See NMMI Admissions, or click admissions@nmmi.edu, or call 800-421-5376.

.) I urge you to support a resurgence of the Women's Close Order Drill Team, about which the Siri Singh Sahib frequently commented, "If you cannot walk together, you cannot work together." He initiated this training back in the late '70s at Khalsa Women's Training Camp in addition to the Women's Select Rifle Drill Team and Firearms Training.

.) I urge you to reflect on the Siri Singh Sahib's words, "Human is a blend of Saint and Soldier (Sant Sipahi); this is a complete person. If you are not a Soldier your sainthood will be kicked around. If you are only a Soldier, not a Saint, you will start kicking others around."

Again, our youth deserve leadership training going forward. I know of no readily available source of formal leadership training available to our Sikh youth other than the New Mexico Military Institute.

Your thoughts?


Mukhia Singh Sahib Hari Singh Bird Khalsa --

See What Is Close Order Drill? See Women Warriors. See Flash-Bang For Women Only.
See Refuse To Be A Victim Seminar. See Jai Jagdeesh Kaur's Ad Guray Nameh. (See You Have 10 Bodies.)

To: M.S.S. Hari Singh Bird Khalsa
Sent: Thu, Aug 1, 2013 12:24 pm

Sat Nam Hari Singh,

Hope you and your family are keeping well.

As you must have heard, another Gurdwara in California got vandalized recently. Please let me know your comments on security measures we can suggest to various Gurdwaras that they can take to prevent these incidents. Also, what do you think the local, state and federal government can do to protect our Gurdwaras.


Bhai Sahib --

Sat Nam, Bhai Sahib ji!

Thank you for your inquiry!

I am truly saddened to hear of the recent Gurdwara vandalism.

Regarding your request for my thoughts about local Gurdwara actions, I suggest that immediate consideration be given to adopting and distributing the General Protocols listed at GurdwaraSecurity.com.

These should be supplemented with any appropriate Special Operating Protocols unique to a respective Gurdwara.


In addition, I suggest that Sangat leaders make contact with local law enforcement, medical emergency and other first responders, ASAP, for the purpose of initiating a security and safety assessment audit in order to determine the actual security status of the Gurdwara environment plus the adjacent property and neighborhood, followed by the implementation of any appropriate recommendations. Communications with key people within these same agencies should remain well established and maintained, as well. (Note: It may be helpful to direct local agencies to this site, WhoAreTheSikhs.com, for historical reference, especially regarding the Oak Creek tragedy.)

Further, I suggest that Sangat leaders immediately execute actions that secure Gurdwara environments, e.g., employ an on-site uniformed, and armed law enforcement officer along with an on-site marked vehicle presence during high visibility Sunday activities, especially. This action will provide the Sangat with a) an on-site, professionally trained agent with arrest powers, and b) legal cover in the event of potential liability issues.

With respect to vandalism concerns, I suggest that security video cameras be deployed at key points around the Gurdwara perimeters as well as inside the Gurdwara. This will also provide a means by which safety issues such as fire and-or hazardous and emergency medical events can be monitored. The security audit will more than likely cover this issue.

A final thought, although this may not be practical for obvious reasons, remember that the Siri Singh Sahib directed that a Sevadar be stationed full-time at the entrance of House of Guru Ram Das Gurdwara, Los Angeles. To my knowledge, this remains the case to this day. See GurdwaraSecurity.com. See Interior-Guard.com.

Be well.


M.S.S. Hari Singh Bird Khalsa --

"Forgiveness doesn't mean you forget what happened...
If something is serious and it is necessary to take counter-
measures, you have to take counter-measures." Dalai Lama

"Don't secure me, secure my environments." Siri Singh Sahib

Why do we need to secure environments? See The 12 Signs of Kali Yuga.

Human is a blend of Saint and Soldier; this is a complete person. If you are not a Soldier your sainthood will be kicked around. If you are only a Soldier, not a Saint, you will start kicking others around. -- Siri Singh Sahib of Sikh Dharma 8/6/1975

See Women Warriors. See Jai Jagdeesh Kaur's Ad Guray Nameh.
See Refuse To Be A Victim Seminar.
See Amazon Women.
See Memories of Khalsa Women's Rifle Drill Team.
See How The Marines Transform Me Into We.
See Yogi Bhajan's Mission Is On The March.

See How To Identify Woman As Woman.



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3HO Legacy Links

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Early History Jot Singh Khalsa
Legacy Docs Singh Kaur Khalsa
Legacy Photos Shanti Kaur Khalsa
Legacy Photos II Kirpal Singh Khalsa
Legacy Photos III Amarjit Singh Khalsa
Legacy Photos IV Gurujot Singh Khalsa
Soul Singh Khalsa Siri Atma Kaur Khalsa
Yogi Bhajan Profile
Sat Jivan Singh Khalsa
Library of Teachings Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati
Ravitej Singh Khalsa Gurudass Singh Khalsa
Letters And Lessons Sat Bachan Kaur Khalsa
First Solstice Sadhana Guru Fatha Singh Khalsa
Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa Christmas In New Mexico
Bibiji Inderjit Kaur Profile Solstice Sadhana Security
Ganga Bhajan Kaur Khalsa SatHanuman Singh Khalsa
Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa
Bhai Sahib Dayal Singh Khalsa
Solstice Sadhana Celebration Solstice Sadhana Gurdwara Security

See more at 3HOLegacyLinks.com.

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Pages And Points To Ponder




How to Succeed in Business
As Taught to Us by the Animals

By Yogi Bhajan

"To be effective and excel through current pressures
and challenges, we must learn from and adopt:
The grip of a bear.
The skin of a rhino.
The loyalty of a dog.
The clarity of an owl.
The hunt of a wild dog.
The friendship of a wolf.
The intelligence of a rat.
The neutrality of a dove.
The attack of a cheetah.
The beauty of a peacock.
The diplomacy of a rabbit.
The endurance of a horse.
The responsibility of a cat.
The personality of a butterfly.
The planning of a lion's pride.
The communication of a crow.
The adjustment of a rattlesnake.
The executiveness of a king cobra.
The courage and strategy of a lion.
The brain and intuition of an elephant.
The vision and watch of the eagle's eye.
The penetration and impact of stampeding buffalo."


Kundalini Yoga
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All About Kundalini Yoga
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What Does Sat Nam Mean
I Do Not Eat Dead Animals
You Are The Essence.com
The Forgotten Limb of Yoga
The Kundalini Yoga Glossary
5 Sutras of The Aquarian Age
When You're Here, You're OM
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Life According To Yogi Bhajan
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The Ashtang Mantra for the Aquarian Age

The Sikh Who Changed Modern-Day India
From the Piscean Age into the Aquarian Age
Before Going To Summer Solstice, Click Here
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