Security is the absence of risk.
Our mission is to serve those
who seek our assistance.
"It is incumbent on those who know to teach
those who do not know." Hari Singh Bird
"In Prosperity, three things work: Security, Security and Security.
Because Security manifests Prosperity. Security manifests the entire
manifestation. Because Security is the Rule of Harmony." Siri Singh Sahib
"Security is the absence of risk."
Security is those actions or systems, which prevent or minimize the occurrence of adverse events within specific environments. The most effective Security is preventative as well as proactive, and serves to minimize uncertainties and risk to life, property and environments. See Life 'Left of Bang'. See Points To Ponder.
.) Advocate for actions and systems that serve to prevent or minimize risk to the welfare of people and property within specific environments. See General Orders.
.) Provide advisory and informational resources upon request.
"Today we have the head of a soldier and the heart of a saint. Actually what we
need is the head of a saint and the heart of a soldier." Yogi Bhajan 2/18/1990
Succession planning: “A systematic effort designed to ensure the
continued effective performance of an organization by making provision for
the development and replacement of key people over time.” William Rothwell
The Security Advisory Team has been meets to discuss our need to be alert to things that don’t look or feel right at our events, within our communities and around our yoga/community centers, especially Summer and Winter Solstice Sadhana celebrations. Our beloved teacher stressed the importance for us to always be alert and prepared. Many within our community are reaching the ‘elder’ age bracket and at times finding it more challenging to keep up with everything that is calling to them for attention. Even those who are not so old, may be experiencing some of this because of the intensity of the time and space in which we live. It is prudent to do everything possible (getting enough exercise, rest, healing and our yogic/meditation practices) to give us the awareness, sensitivity and intuition that will provide us the capacity to act in situations that require vigilance.
In the USA there have recently been several attacks on Sikh men with beards and turbans. Will you refuse to be a victim? Are you prepared to use a pen as a weapon, a pocket knife or your Kirpan if necessary to protect yourself or others from wrongdoers? If you wear Kirpan, is it sharp? Siri Singh Sahib ji told us we must be known for our service. A sacred and honored way as Khalsa, for this to happen is for us to have the capacity to be protectors of the weak and innocent. At the very least, we must be mentally prepared to do something, through intervention in some way, calling law enforcement and/or finding assistance from others. If you are willing to acquire the physical training and preparedness to act as a Saint Soldier, you will likely feel blessed through the steadiness and fearlessness that it affords!
Other suggested activities to consider to keep your community and Gurdwara secure:
.) Acquire a Security/Safety audit and assessment of your facility and investigate the facility where you are having an upcoming event. Get the local police department to do a Security evaluation, and get the fire department to do a safety evaluation, which are mostly free of charge. Use these evaluations to make an outline of things to do. Work through the to-do list one thing at time. A Security/Safety audit should not require any major expenditures or hardware acquisitions.
.) Call for an All-Sangat meeting on Security. Security is an ALL-IN program. Not everyone is going to necessarily have an active hands-on Security roll to play, but everyone needs to be on board with the concept of "alert eyes and ears", and "see something say something". See General Orders.
.) Increase communication between Sangat members and the local community - including police department, fire department and emergency response organizations.
.) Start a Neighborhood Watch Group, with the Sangat and your neighbors. Local law enforcement can assist in the setup. This will add some structure to a Security program and provide a reason to meet and communicate about Security issues. We are all better served when we cover each other’s back.
.) After these ideas are implemented, more in depth and formal Security training of Sangat members can occur. -- SS Jot Singh Khalsa
Meetings are 1-hour in length with 10-20 minutes per item unless otherwise agreed upon by participants.
"Form Follows Function Principle means that any hardware or other equipment required to execute the mission must be based upon the intended function and purpose, i.e., mindset, skills and procedures need to be established and ready for implementation before acquiring supplies, equipment, and support.* Hardware is considered last. Or, first know where you're going and how to get there before you acquire the means. Policies and procedures must be written and readily available for all staff members." --
Flawed Law Enforcement Recruit Training Schedule
*Communications and CI skills need to be given much more emphasis.
ECW = Electronic Control Weapons
Act without fear. Act without hate. Act to defend the weak.
Act to protect the innocent.
"Circumstances cannot be allowed to preclude the implementation
of adequate Safety and Security measures."
Priorities Form Follows Function
First: Policies and Procedures
Second: Hardware and Support
"Form Follows Function Principle means that any hardware or
other equipment that is required to execute the mission must be based
upon the intended function and purpose, i.e., mindset, skills and procedures
need to be established and ready for implementation before acquiring supplies,
equipment, and support. Hardware is considered last. Or, first know where you're
going and how to get there before you acquire the means." Hari Singh
Bird Khalsa
Solstice Sadhana Security...Here to serve.
3HO Solstice Sadhana Security
Secured Summer Solstice Sadhana scene, Guru Ram Das Puri, Espanola, NM. See Map.
Solstice Sadhana Security Team
The Solstice Sadhana Security Team is responsible for the physical safety and well-being of the participants and the camp.
The primary duties of the Security Team are to staff the camp entrance, monitor the flow of traffic (both pedestrian and vehicular) into and out of camp, patrol the entire camp, act as an information resource for all attendees, maintain order in the parking areas, and coordinate with other service areas, local law enforcement, and emergency response teams in the event of an emergency.
Security Team members are expected to rotate among the different Security posts. The Security Team is the only team that operates 24 hours. Security Team members are the first people that participants see as they arrive on-site. Security Team members are highly visible in camp while on shift; their mission is to be welcoming, knowledgeable, and firm about giving directions and holding boundaries regarding requests for information, badge display, parking and other security concerns.
Security Team members are provided training onsite.
.) To walk my Post in an attentive manner, keeping always on the alert and observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing.
.) To report all violations of orders I am instructed to implement.
.) To repeat all calls from Sentries more distant from the Command Post than my own.
.) To quit my Post only when properly relieved.
.) To receive, obey, and pass on to the Sentry who relieves me, all orders from Officers of the Guard and any messages from other Sentries.
.) To talk to no one while on my Post, except in the line of duty.
.) To give the alarm in case of fire, medical emergency or disorder.
.) To call the Shift Captain, in any case not covered by instructions.
.) To be especially watchful at night, and during the time for challenging, to challenge all persons on or near my Post and to allow no one to pass without proper authority.
.) To act respectfully, and with grace at all times.
.) To act only in ways as to provide Safe and Secure Environments whereby Solstice Sadhana participants may practice the teachings of Yogi
Bhajan, and in order that they may be inspired, and empowered to have a Healthy, Happy, Holy Solstice experience.
NOTE: In dealing with an imminent threat, there is no such thing as "self-defense". The choices are two: Escape or Attack. Choose escape if you can.
When do you attack? First, know the F.A.C.T.s. 'F' stands for moving FORWARD; 'A' stands for AGGRESIVE behavior; 'C' stands for CAPABLE in terms of weapons and distance; 'T' stands for TRAPPED, meaning you have no choice but to escape.
1) General Orders are intended to be general as opposed to specific since they apply to the commonalities of all Posts.
2) SOPsorSpecial Operating Protocols should be formulated and implemented by respective leaders after consultation with local First Responders, i.e., Fire, Medical Emergency, Law Enforcement or other agencies. These Special Operating Protocols then will reflect conditions peculiar to local circumstances, which may vary according to any unique layout, structural, or geographical, economic, or technical requirements. See Marine Corps Interior Guard Manual.
3) The Solstice Sadhana Security Team is responsible for the physical safety and well-being of the participants and the camp. The primary duties of the Security Team are to staff the camp entrance, welcome attendees, monitor the flow of traffic (both pedestrian and vehicular) into and out of camp, patrol the entire camp, act as an information resource for all attendees, maintain order in the parking areas, and coordinate with other service areas, local law enforcement, and emergency response teams in the event of an emergency. Through the successful completion of our duties we hold the space for a peaceful and joyous camp experience for all. See Special Invitation.
5) SOLSTICE SADHANA SERVICE EXCHANGE IS NOW AVAILABILE. If you wish to serve as a member of the SOLSTICE SADHANA SECURITY TEAM, contact us here. No previous Security experience is necessary. All service exchange members will be trained.
By Ram Dhan Singh Khalsa
Martial Arts training cannot be equated with fighting. That is, a good Martial Arts practitioner may have the tools and know-how to fight, but not the aggressive behavior or attitude to win at any cost.
For instance, the techniques and body parts that are not allowed for the Martial Arts student to use or to contact in the Dojo are those used in a real fight.
Security equals neither Martial Arts expertise nor fighting; it is an awareness of, and a pre-planned response to a developing situation. Remember this: if you end up in a fight, your Security training failed you. See Solstice Sadhana Security Training. -- Ram Dhan Singh Khalsa
In addition, each community should contact their local First Responders, especially Fire Prevention and Law Enforcement Agencies, for a comprehensive risk assessment of their property, and their management policies and procedures to include a comprehensive Safety and Security Audit. Audits may possibly be provided free of charge, and should include procedures related to the following issues:
.) Fire Prevention and Emergency Evacuation
Contact Security Advisory Team at 855-410-2700, or click here.
Security is the absence of risk.
Security does not happen by accident!
Security is those actions or systems, which prevent or minimize
the occurrence of adverse events within specific environments.
The most effective Security is preventative as well as proactive,
and serves to minimize any risk to life, property and environments.
Active Shooter Survival DVD is
a reality-based training production.
Training covers the following topics.
Planning for Survival
Stopping the Shooter
Escaping the Violence
Hiding from the Shooter
Preventing Violent Intrusions
Collective Survival Strategies
Disrupting the Shooter’s Intentions
Training includes a step-by-step how-to, such as:
Protecting you from extreme violence
Responding to an active shooter
Managing workplace violence
Improving Security
Becoming better prepared
Saving innocent lives
Surviving terrorism
Who is responsible for your Security?
Most people are reactive when it comes to their safety and well-being.
Most people respond only after threats have materialized and the problem is acute.
This approach brings little solace to the victims and is dangerous.
The most effective Security is preventative as well as proactive.
The radicalization of fringe elements in society is increasing.
The targeting of minorities is nothing new and will continue.
Community preparedness is a must; its absence is a liability. --
Alon Stivi, CEO, Direct Measures International
The synergistic equation is 1 plus 1 equals 11.
this synergistic equation is applied, the 'me' perspective
morphs into the universal 'we' perspective. The result is each action is
accomplished exponentially for the common good.
Security is local.
Homeland Security begins with hometown Security."