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Foods and Views    
You are what you eat, drink and think.


For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
There are consequences for everything we consume.
Everything that we eat, drink and think really matters.


"Nothing will benefit human health and increase
the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as
the evolution to a vegetarian diet."
-- Albert Einstein

"No matter how good the diet is, we tend to exceed the self
cleaning capacity of our bodies. Uric acid, (a byproduct
of meat consumption), calcium crystals, and many other
wastes and poisons get stored in tissues and joints. They
make us stiff and may cause many diseases. In Kundalini
, muscle stretching along with internal massage bring
waste back into circulation so that the lungs, intestines,
kidneys and skin are able to remove it." --
Yogi Bhajan

"In each and every environment, good
health and sustained wellness is dependant
on the rapid removal of waste. In terms of our
personal health, one needs to void solid waste two to
three times a day or once between each meal, without
straining, to maintain basic health and wellness. Toxins can
be harmless if removed quickly from the body."
-- Hari Singh

"Due to the power and corrupting influence of big pharma, the
teaching of nutritional science and the use of vitamin and
herbal supplements is not taught to any significant extent in
our medical schools. The obvious reason is that less use
of their prescription drugs would be the result." --
H. Khalsa

Inner Clean Diet

Ways To Perfect Health

I Do Not Eat Dead Animals

        Vegetarian Recipes        

Hari Kaur's Vegetable Stew

My meat eating friends can't believe there's no meat in this stew ... it's so delicious! For the times when I'm asked, "Well, if you're a vegetarian, what do you eat if you don't eat meat?", I share this recipe.

Fill a large stainless steel pot (not aluminum) 1/3 full of water, place on stove and begin heating the water to a boil while you prepare the following:

Add Salt and Pepper (about 1 Tablespoon of each) and 1 stick of Butter or more if you wish.

Add a handful each of these chopped raw veggies.


Then add a handful of these veggies (some are found easier frozen).

Brussels Sprouts
Green Beans
Lima Beans
Okra (If you like it.)

Cook on LOW (simmer at #4 or #5) until tender (about 20-30 minutes). Test with a fork to see if done.

Add 1 small can of Tomato Paste (2 cans for more Tomato taste) and stir gradually into the clear broth, one Tablespoon at a time. This will take about 2-3 minutes.

Serves 10 to 12. Enjoy!

NOTES: Freeze if you want to save for quick meals. You can add other veggies if you like, or eliminate any of those you don’t relate to. Add some Bragg's Amino Liquid or salt to taste. Try adding a little bit of Honey or Maple Syrup for a slightly sweeter tomato taste. See dangers of using Aspartame (sugar substitute).

The Cauliflower, Broccoli, Cabbage and Brussels Sprouts are anti-cancer foods. This stew/soup is good for cleansing and purging the body of toxic wastes. Ten days of this stew only, along with drinking lots of water, will accomplish many wonderful things for the body and mind.

The Water Cure

A Favorite Casserole

Beet, Carrot Casserole with Cheddar Cheese

Bragg's Liquid Aminos

6 fist-size beets
1 lbs. carrots
2 lbs. sharp cheddar cheese
Bragg's Liquid Aminos

Boil beets and carrots separately until tender. Grate beets first in the bottom of a baking dish. Grate carrots and spread on top of the beets. Grate cheese and spread over the top of carrots. Bake at 350 degrees until cheese is crispy. Remove from oven. Add Bragg's Liquid Aminos or Himalayan crystal salt to taste. Enjoy. See also Beets Beat Disease.

Hari Kaur's Unsweetened Raisin Pie

Uses NO SUGAR OR SWEETENER, just raisins. See also Sugar is a four letter word.

1 - 9" pie shell, frozen or from scratch, for each pie
1 quarter cup or 2 heaping tablespoon of cornstarch for each pie
1 16 oz. box of raisins for each pie

Cook raisins at low temp on stovetop until plump and soft.

Add 1/4 cup cold water to cornstarch or any preferred thickener and stir to consistency.

Stir raisins and cornstarch mixture, and let cool. When just warm, put mixture into cooked pie shell(s) and let sit until cooled completely for an open face pie. Or if desired, add dough lacing or dough cover and bake till done. Let cool.

Enjoy with vanilla ice cream for a delicious raisin pie alamode.

Hari Kaur's Sinful Salad

For 15-20 people.

4 small cans of mandarin oranges, drained
2 regular size cans of pineapple (unsweetened) in it's own juice, drained
16 oz container of sour cream
1 regular package of coconut (Sweetened version helps sweeten the sour cream.)
3 hand-full's of marshmallows - the miniature size works well
3 hand-full's of walnut pieces
3 regular jars of drained red maraschino cherries (or frozen cherries, or strawberries, or raspberries and any other fruit desired. (Red color adds a festive nuance.)
Add sliced bananas only at time of serving.

NOTE: If you add marshmallows, you may not need the sweetened coconut. Enjoy!

Hari Kaur's Carrot Nut Cake

For 15-20 people.

3 eggs
1 tsp. Nutmeg
2 cups Sugar (Brown Sugar is optional)
2 tsp. Baking Soda
1/2 tsp Salt
1 can Crushed Pineapple (small #1 can drained) keep juice for icing*
1-1/2 Cups Cooking Oil
1 cup Finely Grated Carrots
1 tsp. Cinnamon
3 cups Whole Wheat Flour (White Flour optional)
1 box Raisins
1 cup Chopped Walnuts or Pecans if desired

Mix sugar and oil, add eggs, then add other ingredients gradually.

Bake mixture in 3 separate 9" cake pans for 25-30 minutes each at 350 degrees, or in one loaf cake pan for 1 hour.

1 package Cream Cheese (8 oz.)
1 box Powdered Sugar (more if needed for consistency.)
1 stick Butter
1 tsp. Vanilla
1/4 tsp. Salt
1 cup Chopped Nuts (decorate with nuts on top if desired)
1 tbsp. Pineapple juice

Hari Kaur's Favorite Canned Peaches

Osage Peaches

Hari Kaur's French Onion Soup

Makes 10 servings

1-2 tablespoons toasted sesame oil
3 large onions, one each: white, yellow, red, sliced into thin rounds
5 leeks, sliced into disks
5-10 shallots, sliced
6 cups vegetable broth*
2-3 dashes of balsamic vinegar
1 cup brewed coffee or black tea
2-4 dashes pomegranate juice or grenadine
2-4 tablespoons of nutritional yeast
6 slices bread of your choice
6 slices cheese: Provolone, Swiss, or Gruyère

*Check for vegetarian/vegan bouillon options at the grocery store or specialty food store.

Heat the oil over medium heat in a large soup pot.
Add the onions, leeks, and shallots to the pot. Stir well to coat the vegetables.
Sauté the vegetables, stirring occasionally, for 20 - 40 minutes, until the onions become soft and start to caramelize.

Add the broth, vinegar, coffee, juice, and nutritional yeast. Simmer for one hour to allow the flavors to meld.

Preheat broiler.
Pour the soup into oven-safe soup bowls. Top each with a slice of toasted bread and a cheese slice.

Broil in the oven until topping is golden. Watch closely to avoid burning; this should not take more than 5 minutes. Or let the heat of the soup melt the cheese.

  Dorothy's Cowboy Cookies

2 cups melted butter (4 sticks)
2 cups brown sugar
2 cups white sugar
4 beaten eggs or egg substitute
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons vanilla
4 cups flour
2 twelve ounce packages chocolate chips (4 cups)
3 cups rolled Old Fashioned oats

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Melt butter in large microwave-safe bowl or on stove.
Add sugars and let cool a bit.
Add eggs and stir.
Add baking powder, baking soda, salt, and vanilla.
Stir some more.
Add flour and stir.
Then add chips and oats and mix everything really well.

The dough will be quite stiff. Don’t worry, it’s supposed to be that way.

Use a teaspoon and drop onto a greased cookie sheet by the rounded spoonfuls, 12 to a sheet. Each spoonful should be only about the size of a walnut or a small egg.

Bake at 350 degrees for about 12-15 minutes. Let cool on cookie sheet for 2 minutes.

Remove and place on rack. This step is very important, it makes them crispy on the outside and moist on the inside.

These will keep well if you roll them in foil and put them in a freezer bag. That is, if they last that long.

Jan and Sandy’s Great Granola

Dry Ingredients
5 cups oatmeal
1 cup sunflower seeds
1-1/2 cups ground flax seed
1 cup wheat germ
1 cup sliced (not slivered) almonds
Walnuts if preferred (add what you desire)

Wet Ingredients:
1-1/2 sticks butter
1/8 cup cinnamon
1/8 cup vanilla
1/4 to 1/2 cup orange juice
1-1/4 to 1-1/2 cups honey to suit taste

Mix wet and dry ingredients well and place in a cookie pan or similar thin-wide pan. Bake in the oven at 240 degrees for 2 hours (stir after 1 hour), remove from oven and let cool.

Place in airtight container to keep fresh (if you can resist eating immediately).


A Favorite Sweet 'n Sour Dish


Dorothy’s Sweet 'n Sour Carrots

Prepare, clean and slice 2 pounds of Carrots. Boil or steam until tender. Then marinate in the following mixture:

1 cup Vinegar mixed with 1 cup Sugar, to which you ...

Add 1 Green Pepper (diced) to 1 can Tomato Soup, then

Add 1 cup Wesson Oil and 1 teaspoon Dill Weed, then

Add 1 Tablespoon Onion (diced) and 1 teaspoon ground Black Pepper.

Marinate overnight for the best flavor. Serve cold or at room temperature.

Serves 8 to 10. Enjoy!

Favorite Bean Dishes

Ong Kar Kaur

Ong Kar's Kicharee (Kitcherie)

2 cups mung beans
2 med onions
12 cloves garlic
1 tsp black pepper
1 tsp crushed red chilies
Add ghee and Braggs to taste for about 1 to 1-1/2 hrs or in pressure cooker for 15 min. until mushy.

NOTE: Celery, carrots, zucchini etc. can be added also if desired.

2 cups rice with 5 cups water
Mix rice and mungbeans together.

NOTE: Cut all the above in half if smaller amount is desired.

Ong Kar's Mungbeans and Rice

2 cups mung beans until soft and mushy.

1-1/2 med onion
3" ginger
6 cloves garlic
3 zucchinis
1-1/2 tsp black pepper in 1-1/2 cups water.

2 cups rice in 5 cups water with:
1 Tbls ghee
4-1/2 tsp turmeric
3-1/2 tsp cumin
1-1/2 tsp coriander.

After cooking, combine all with 1-1/4 to 1-1/2 cups Braggs. Let sit for 15 minutes.

NOTE: Cut the above in half if smaller amount is desired. If desired, cook mung beans and onion/ginger mixture together instead of separately.

A Favorite Curry
Ong Kar's Yogurt Curry

(4-6 Servings)
2 qts yogurt
4 tomatoes
1 cup chick pea flour
3 onions
1 jalapeno pepper
1 lrg piece ginger
3 bay leaves
1 Tblsp salt
1 Tblsp black pepper
2 tsp poppy seeds
1 Tblsp nutmeg
1 Tblsp cinnamon
1 Tblsp cumin
2 Tblsp turmeric
1 Tblsp garam masala
1 Tblsp crushed red chilies

Cook flour in 1-1/4 sticks butter (roux/sauce).

Saute onions and jalapeno's.
Add spices.

Cook till becomes sauce.
Add yogurt, roux/sauce, and tomatoes.

Cook for one hour.

A Healing Recipe
Yogiji's Celery Pancakes

Yogi Bhajan

Pancakes made with celery may sound strange, but wait until you taste them! They will purify your blood and strengthen your central nervous system.

1/2 tsp. Caraway seeds
1/2 tsp. Oregano seeds
1/2 tsp. Cumin seeds
1/2 tsp. Fresh ground black pepper
1/2 tsp. Celery seeds
1 Cup finely chopped celery
1 Cup garbanzo flour
1/2 tsp. Salt

Mix ingredients in a bowl, adding water to form a smooth pancake batter. Fry in ghee like a pancake. Serve with yogurt or sour cream.

Makes 8-10 pancakes.

From Foods for Health and Healing. Based on ©The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan.

Vegetarian Chili

1/2 cup Texturized Vegetable Protein (TVP meat substitute) Optional
2 (15 oz.) cans kidney beans (with liquid)
2 (14.5 oz.) cans diced tomatoes with basil (with liquid)
2 1/2 tablespoons olive oil
1 small red onion, chopped
1 red or yellow bell pepper, chopped
2 carrots, finely chopped
1 cup mushrooms, fresh, chopped
1 bunch cilantro, fresh
2 teaspoons garlic powder
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons chili powder
1 teaspoon ground peppercorns
2 teaspoons ground cumin
1 teaspoon onion powder
2 teaspoons cayenne pepper
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1 tablespoon honey
1 8 oz. container of sour cream


Plug in crock pot and turn heat to high. Add beans with liquid, and tomatoes with liquid to warming crock pot. Place textured vegetable protein (TVP), if desired, in 2 cups water, and soak for 30 minutes. Press to drain excess liquid. See note.*

Wash and chop onion, bell pepper, carrots and mushrooms. Wash and chop cilantro, reserving a quarter of the leaves for garnish. Heat oil in fry pan over medium heat, and sauté onion, bell pepper, carrots, mushrooms and cilantro. Allow veggies to cook down, stirring occasionally. Mix in spices.

Turn heat off. Stir honey into veggies. Turn crock pot down to low. Add sautéed veggies to crock pot. Stir together until well blended. Cook in crock pot on low 1-2 hours. Stir occasionally. If moisture cooks out and chili becomes too thick, add 1⁄2 to 1 cup water.

To serve, divide into bowls, garnish with dollop of sour cream and fresh cilantro leaves. Makes 10 servings. Serving size 1 cup.

*NOTE: For a thicker chili, add the dry TVP to the crock pot with the beans and tomatoes. The juices from the beans and tomatoes will rehydrate the TVP.

Nutritional Breakdown (per serving): Calories 215, Fat 8 grams, Protein 10 grams, Sodium 282 mg, Carbohydrates 26 grams, Fiber 11 grams. --

   More Vegetarian Favorites          

AVOCADO ON TOAST - Tastes like a fried egg sandwich! Spread the avocado on toast. Options: Add lots of chopped garlic, paprika, chili pepper, and/or salt and pepper on top.

AVOCADO SANDWICH - Spread avocado on bread with any of the following on top: onions, tomatoes, lettuce, mayo, sprouts, vegetarian baco-bits, or anything else that sounds good. Add salt and pepper to taste.

BAKED BEANS - Comes in meatless/vegetarian styles at grocery store (you can add sauteed celery, onions, green peppers, barbeque sauce, salsa, and mustard, to give it more taste and healthy benefits.

BAKE POTATOES - Bake potatoes and add butter, sour cream, parsley, chives, cottage cheese, salsa, beans, cheese, broccoli, or anything you desire.

BEANS AND RICE - Add canned (or cooked) beans and cooked rice together with salsa and serve on shells. Any bean and grain combination provides a complete protein component.

BLT SANDWICH - Vegetarian BLT Sandwich - Soy bacon, lettuce, and tomato, with mayo on the good bread of your choice.

CEREAL AND MILK - For any meal, day or night. Add Honey or Maple Syrup to taste. See dangers of using Aspartame.

CHILI - In sauce pan add (twice as many beans as tomatoes) kidney beans and chopped canned tomatoes, and add sauteed onions and garlic and chili powder to taste and simmer for about an hour. Add a little Honey or Maple Syrup to taste. See dangers of using Aspartame.

COTTAGE CHEESE AND FRUIT - Add any type of canned or fresh fruit on cottage cheese. Add Honey or Maple Syrup to sweeten. See dangers of using Aspartame (sugar substitute).

EGGPLANT CASSEROLE - Peel and slice eggplant into thin strips similar to a thin piece of ham. Dip in breading and fry or bake until cooked to taste. Add tomato sauce (above) and grated cheese of your choice. Bake for about 20-30 minutes or until cooked to your taste.

JELLO - Make according to directions on box, but cut down on the amount of water if adding canned fruit. Click here for vegetarian jello recipe. Good combos include: Lime or orange with cottage cheese and pineapple, lime or orange with cottage cheese and pears, orange with mandarin oranges (canned), or without cottage cheese, if desired. However, the cottage cheese adds protein. Let your imagination run wild!

OATMEAL - You can add: cinnamon, raisons, cranberries, applesauce, apples, any fruit, green chilies, brown sugar, yogurt, coconut, vanilla flavoring, almond flavoring, chocolate chips, nuts, etc. again, anything that you like.

POTATO SALAD - Boil 8-10 potatoes in water on stove for about 1 hour or until soft (test by inserting a fork) and let cool and peel chop into bite-sized pieces. Add chopped sweet onions, celery, mayo pickle relish, mustard. Add any other family secret ingredient by asking Mom or Gramma.

SOPA SECA (Spanish Rice) - Put about a cup of Basmati Rice or Uncle Ben's Converted Rice in a saucepan and cover with oil. Cook for about 5 minutes, LOW HEAT, or until the rice is lightly browned and expanded about 3-4 times it original state.

Add chopped onions and garlic MEDIUM HEAT, about 5-6 onions and about 2-3 tablespoons of garlic, more if you want it extra garlicky. Saute and stir frequently until the rice absorbs the flavor of the garlic and onions and the onions are soft and mushy.

Add 1 large can of whole tomatoes "smashed" in a molcajete bowl or blender so the tomatoes are in small pieces. This provides the liquid needed for the final cooking of the rice. Cook until tender. Add salt and pepper to taste and let stand until ready to eat. The next day is actually better for this rice, since the garlic and onions are stronger and the rice has absorbed more of the flavor the second day.

SPAGHETTI SAUCE - Use the prepared meatless Ragu sauces, or any other brand. Ragu Roasted Garlic is our favorite. Saute chopped garlic (about a tablespoon), onion (1), green pepper (1), mushrooms (1 small can), celery (1 stalk finely chopped), into a saucepan and saute in oil or butter for abut 10 minutes, or until cooked to your taste.

Add 1 jar of your favorite sauce and simmer on lowest setting on stove for about 15 minutes to let the sauce absorb the taste of the veggies. Add a little Honey or Maple Syrup to taste. See dangers of using Aspartame (sugar substitute).

May be frozen if desired for a later serving, or will keep in fridge for about a week for future servings.

SWEETENER - Use Maple Syrup as an all around sweetener. See dangers of using Aspartame (sugar substitute).

TAPIOCA PUDDING - Make according to recipe on back of box, but separate eggs, beat the egg whites to foamy peaks while adding 1/2 of the sugar called for, and then add the rest of the mixture to the meringue to make very light tapioca. Also, try adding 2 times the real vanilla called for in the recipe. --

About the Eggs

NOTE for those concerned about the use of eggs: Eggs are a great binder and leavener, but they're also high in cholesterol. For each replaced egg, grind a tablespoon of flax seed and dissolve it in 3 tablespoons of water. When it breaks down, it will have the same gooey consistency as an egg, and possess the same binding power. It's also a shot of nutritional goodness, as flax seed is a good source of essential fatty acids.

TOAST - With jam, with peanut butter, or with raw garlic pieces.

YOGURT AND CEREAL - Add any type of cold cereal and fruit to yogurt.

YOGURT AND FRUIT - Add any type of fruit to yogurt.

Favorite Health Drink

Yogi Bhajan

For A Healthy Immune System

Introduced to the West in 1969 by Yogi Bhajan, Yogi Tea* is a delicious ancient Eastern recipe and remedy. Yogi Tea is health promoting, delicious and soothing and a great coffee substitute. The benefits of Yogi Tea would fill pages. In the science of yogic foods the spices used are said to have the following properties. It acts as a tonic for the entire nervous system. It reduces tiredness and helps restore mental balance. Yogi Tea is a remedy and preventative measure for colds, flu and sinus problems. The peppercorns are a blood purifier, cardamom is for the digestive system, cloves are for the nervous system, cinnamon is for the bones, ginger is an aid in strengthening the nervous system, as well as energizing the entire person, and the black tea acts as a catalyst for the other ingredients. Milk aids in the assimilation of the spices and helps avoid irritation of the stomach and colon. And the mucous-producing qualities of milk are greatly reduced by boiling the milk. Most folks love the aroma and taste of Yogi Tea. Also see Golden Milk and Almond Milk.

Brewing Yogi Tea

• Black pepper: blood purifier
• Cardamom pods: digestive aid
• Cloves: beneficial to the nervous system
• Cinnamon: strengthens the bones
• Ginger root: healing for colds and flu, increases energy

The milk in the tea helps in the easy assimilation of spices. A homeopathic dose of black tea acts as an alloy for all the ingredients, creating just the right chemical balance. While it was not a part of the original recipe, the use of soy milk is a variation that Yogi Bhajan permitted.


10 ounces of water (about 1-1/3 cups)
3 whole cloves
4 whole green cardamom pods, cracked
4 whole black peppercorns
½ stick cinnamon
¼ teaspoon black tea
½ cup milk
2 slices fresh ginger root

Bring water to a boil and add spices. Cover and boil 15 to 20 minutes, then add black tea. Let sit for a few minutes, then add the milk and return to a boil. Don’t let it boil over. When it reaches a boil, remove immediately from heat, strain, and sweeten with maple syrup or honey, if desired. For a special treat, add just a touch of vanilla extract. See the dangers of using Aspartame as a sugar substitute.

NOTES: a) Without milk this brew is not really considered Yogi Tea, b) The milk aids assimilation and digestion, c) Herb tea may not be substituted for the black tea. In this combination and with the small amount of black tea it has a balanced chemical action on the system.

More About The Ingredients

Ginger is considered to be the universal medicine in Ayurveda. Ginger is one of the best herbs for nausea and vomiting. It aids digestion and assimilation generally, relieves cold spasms and cramps, and supports menstruation.

Ginger is particularly synergistic with onions and garlic, the combination of the three being called 'Trinity Roots' in Ayurvedic dietary therapy.

Whether consumed as a food, or as a potent medicine, ginger acts in diabetics both by stimulating pancreas cells and by lowering lipids (cholesterol and triglycerides) in the blood.

Ginger is considered to be one of the most important Ayurvedic medicines in the treatment of arthritis, especially osteoarthritis.

Ginger is one of the best herbs for nausea and vomiting. It aids digestion and assimilation generally, relieves cold spasms and cramps, and supports menstruation.

Herbs and spices are typically not significant sources of nutrients in the diet, but ginger has relatively high calcium and iron content.

Ginger increases peripheral circulation, so is used clinically for cold hands and feet. Being diaphoretic, ginger is a treatment for cold and flu.

Cinnamon is a very mild herb that is well tolerated by a broad variety of people. Cinnamon is a pungent, sweet and hot yang tonic. It increases general vitality, warms and energizes the body as a whole, counteracts congestion, stops diarrhea, improves digestion, relieves abdominal spasms, is anti-rheumatic and aids peripheral blood circulation.

Cinnamon enhances the flow of blood through the body, but, paradoxically, herbalists revere it for its ability to stop excessive bleeding.

Cinnamon bark excels in treating menstrual cramps. Many women have found it to be a dramatic remedy, often giving relief on the first try, after years of monthly pain.

Like dong quai, cinnamon is a warming herb, which in Chinese terms, "warms the middle and disperses cold." This property makes it a very good choice to support menstruation. Cinnamon enhances circulation to the uterus, so the warm relaxing blood flow can relieve the cramping. As you would imagine, cinnamon is often used together with dong quai for this symptom.

The person who can benefit most from cinnamon is cold, dry and frail, and often has osteoarthritis, asthma and digestive problems.

Since cinnamon is common as a culinary herb, it is necessary to be a selective shopper to get good quality. You can find medicinal quality cinnamon in your health food store, Chinese herb pharmacy, or from a top quality medicinal tea manufacturer.

According to Chinese medicine practitioners should be used with caution during pregnancy.

Cardamom is an excellent digestive enhancer. It is used in herbal medicine to treat gastralgia, enuresis (involuntary urination), spermatorrhea, phlegm, indigestion and flatulence. This herb is particularly appropriate for use in lung related formulas.

It aids the spleen, the stomach and lungs.

Cloves promote circulation in the lungs and the stomach. They treat cough, and enhance digestion.

Herbalists use cloves to aid the lymph system. The volatile oil is a powerful analgesic. Clove is known to lower triglycerides and blood sugar.

Black Pepper is known only as a humble condiment in most of the Western world, but in Asia, it is considered to be the foremost detoxifier and anti-aging herb. Black pepper is a warming remedy.

This herb increases circulation, and lowers blood pressure and contains compounds that prevent osteoporosis.

Black pepper has been long used as a detoxifier. Piperine, a major active ingredient, also aids the liver.

Black pepper reduces free radicals. It is antioxidant, and prevents the depletion of glutathione. It also prevents the destruction of other antioxidants, such as vitamin A.

Pepper is used for treating sinus congestion. Its warming nature balances cold herbs in formulas. Boil 10 peppercorns in milk, strain, and drink. --

Ancient Yogic Formulas

For the immune system ...
Blend five jalapeno peppers in one glass of milk for 30 minutes. Drink this blend and repeat daily as necessary.

For the blood ...
Include liberal amounts of raw onions, garlic and ginger in the daily diet. Cooking or processing these herbs will somewhat weaken their effectiveness and should be avoided, but is recommended in some cases.

Raw onions can be eaten, immediately after peeling, with salads and in sandwiches. They can also be used in many cooked dishes. Mix one cup of fresh onion juice and one cup of fresh mint tea and drink.

Raw garlic can be chopped and eaten, immediately after peeling, on toast, in salads, on pizza and may be added to many cooked dishes. Drink fresh garlic juice mixed with almond oil or mint tea.

Raw gingerroot can be sliced and boiled to make a tea. Boil four to five slices of fresh gingerroot in three cups of water, add Honey or Maple Syrup to taste and drink as often as you like. See dangers of using Aspartame.

All three of these herbs can be sautéed together until lightly brown. Then add fresh black pepper and cook this mixture with mung beans and rice and may you be ... Healthy, Happy and Holy.

An Old Favorite

Pineapple Casserole

1 large and 1 small can crushed pineapple (drained). Place in a 9" x 9" baking dish
1 cup grated cheddar cheese
1/2 cup sugar
6 Tablespoons flour
1/2 tube Ritz Crackers (crushed)
1 stick melted butter (or margarine)

Combine sugar, flour and cheese and spread evenly over pineapple.

Top with crushed Ritz crackers and pour melted butter over the top.

Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes.

NOTE: Double all ingredients and cook in 13" x 9" pan for serving larger group, i.e., pot luck.


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  *Consultation with a health care professional should occur before applying adjustments or treatments to the body, consuming medications or nutritional supplements, and before dieting, fasting or exercising. None of these activities are herein presented as substitutes for competent medical treatment.

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