Welcome to Reach Out And Touch Somebody Massage Therapy HOW SWEET IT IS Aside from just plain feelin' good...Massage aids the muscles, brain, nerves and internal organs. It increases cellular respiration in a natural way and promotes the nourishment of every part of the body. The body metabolism is constantly creating a need in the tissues for fresh oxygenated blood. This need is satisfied by good, strong circulation and a proper breathing pattern. This circulation maintains movements of the body, which increase the metabolism, which, in turn, increases the need for new blood and so on. Massage causes the stable blood and lymph to be carried out of the tissues and back towards the heart and lungs while the body remains passive. This process makes room for fresh blood to enter without the increase in metabolism. It is, therefore, often possible for more wastes to be removed by massage than by a person's own elimination process. This fact makes massage invaluable for anyone suffering from Fatigue (internal or external), Disease, Mental or Emotional problems. See Science of Mantra Meditation. As well as for the release of tensions and toxins from the system, massage is most beneficial in the relaxation, nourishment and the feeling of well being it creates. Some more of the many disabilities and/or conditions which can be helped by massage are: Deposits Around Joints, Constipation,* Obesity, Contracted or Spastic Muscle Fatigue, Paralysis, Muscular Strain or Sprain, Poor Circulation, Nervousness, Menstrual Pain, Neuralgia, Nervous Debility, Insomnia, After Effects of Poor Digestion, Sluggish Metabolism, Inflammation, Rheumatism, Muscle Atrophy, Fractures (after healed), Arthritis, Tension and Numerous Injuries. See Touch As Nutrition. Therapeutic Effects of Massage *In
each and every environment, good Indirectly affects the function of nerves ... Tends to normalize hyperactivity of nerves, that is, it has a sedating effect. Massage can also be used to stimulate the nervous system depending on the technique used. Massage provides pain relief. Affects muscle tissue ... Massage enhances the nutrition of muscles, accelerates recovery from fatigue by the removal of lactic acid and relieves muscle spasm. N.B. Massage does not increase strength, muscle bulk or muscle tone. These can only be increased by contraction exercises. Affects blood ... Venous circulation is stimulated. Capillaries are dilated by direct pressure and by a neurological reflex. The red blood cell count increases, hemoglobin levels increase and the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood is facilitated. Affects lymphatic circulation ... Lymph circulation depends on gravity, muscle contraction, active or passive movement and external pressure, ergo, massage is very effective. Affects skin ... The secretive function of the skin is improved when the sebaceous glands are stimulated. Skin temperature increases 2-3 degrees C as a result of friction and improved circulation. The texture of the skin is improved because nutrition of the skin is improved (increased tissue oxygenation) and because massage aids the removal of dead cells from the skin surface. Affects bones ... No massage for 2-3 weeks after fracture. After this period, providing the fracture is healing normally, massage increases the deposition of callus (the fibrous tissue around a fracture) and improves the healing rate of soft tissues. Affects metabolism ... Massage increases the secretion of urine (pressure over the kidneys and kidney neurological reflex) and increases the excretion of sodium, phosphorous and sodium chloride. There is a cumulative improvement in metabolic function. Massage has no known effect on blood pH, oxygen consumption, pulse rate or blood pressure except indirectly as a result of relaxation. Watch The Origin of Chair Massage. Enter code: xsw21qaz Peer
Massage For Children Massage Related Therapies And Estimated Fees
Massage Therapy Massage Therapy (Fees will vary from region to region.*) Massage therapists utilize a wide variety of techniques and modalities including Swedish, Deep Tissue, Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT), Craniosacral Therapy, and Connective Tissue/Myofascial Release. The massage therapist may combine several of these techniques with a special focus on the head, neck, and shoulders, which is ideal for people with pain and discomfort from computer or office work.
Single Session Reflexology The ancient art of reflexology has been known for many thousands of years and is based on the concept that congestion or tension in any part of the foot mirrors congestion or tension in a corresponding part of the body. By applying gentle pressure to the feet and toes, our Reflexologists can detect tiny deposits and imbalances and work to release these blockages and restore the free flow of energy throughout the whole body. This has the effect of easing tension, improving circulation, and helping the body heal itself. Since Reflexology treats the whole person and not just the symptoms of ailment or disease, almost everyone can benefit from treatment. See Reflexology Charts. Hot Stone Massage combines heat with massage to create a soothing and gentle treatment that is effective for releasing tension and treating both chronic and acute disorders. The therapists use smooth stones heated your comfort level to provide deep, penetrating heat that extends and deepens the effects of the massage. You will find yourself alternately soothed and energized by the experience, which can help to relax tight and sore muscles, detoxify your system, improve your circulation through dilation of blood vessels and capillaries, stimulate your lymphatic system, and balance and soothe your nervous system.
Hot Stone Massage,
1 1/2 hours Thai massage (or Nuad Bo-Rarn), the traditional massage of Thailand, has been practiced for at least 2500 years and was originally practiced by Buddhist monks in their temples. The work consists primarily of pressure on energy lines and points, and a large variety of stretching movements. The stretching movements of Thai massage often resemble passive yoga asanas. One receives the benefits of Yoga without having to perform any of the work! These stretches affect the entire body by increasing flexibility, releasing both deep and superficial tension, and helping the body's natural energy to flow more freely.
Single Session Acupuncture Traditional Chinese Acupuncture dates back over 5000 years and is one of the oldest medical treatments still in use today. The Acupuncturist uses very fine needles inserted in the body to manipulate the flow of energy (called "Qi") throughout the body. By manipulating the flow of Qi, the Acupuncturist can treat disease, increase energy, and relieve pain. Acupuncture is particularly effective in treating backache, condylitis, arthritis, headaches, allergies, and muscle spasms.
Single Session Shiatsu
Related to Acupuncture, Shiatsu (also called Acupressure) is a form of traditional Japanese bodywork that involves manipulating the flow of energy (or "Qi") through the body by applying pressure with the hands rather than with needles. The conditions that are often treated through Shiatsu are similar to those of Acupuncture and include backache, condylitis, arthritis, headaches, allergies, and muscle spasms. See Ashiatsu. Polarity Therapy Polarity therapy is a holistic approach to natural overall health care. It asserts that energy fields exist everywhere in nature, and that the flow and balance of this energy in the human body is the underlying foundation of health. Stress, tension, pain, inflexible thinking, and environmental stimuli are among many factors that can contribute to the restriction of this energy flow in the human body. Polarity therapists release such energy blocks by the use of four therapeutic methods: bodywork, diet, exercise, and self-awareness. Polarity therapy includes gentle body manipulation and holding pressure points (poles) as well as counseling on developing positive thoughts and attitudes, understanding the principles of food combining and easy exercises to increase energy flow. Reiki Reiki is a gentle, non-invasive form of hands-on treatment that increases energy, reduces pain, produces deep relaxation and a general feeling of well-being. During a Reiki session, the practitioner follows a traditional pattern of hand positions resting on the body without pressure. Reiki is pure energy, and brings about deep relaxation and improved health.
Shiatsu Facial,
1 hour
Anma Japanese
Facial, 1 hour *All fees are estimated for comparison sake and may vary with the experience of the practitioner. Fees may change from one region to another and some therapies may not be available in all areas. Narayan Oil
29 Signs You're A Healer
Pages And Points To Ponder
*Consultation with a health care professional should occur before applying adjustments or treatments to the body, consuming medications or nutritional supplements and before dieting, fasting or exercising. None of these activities are herein presented as substitutes for competent medical treatment.