
Things To Avoid by Da-Sign

Each sign has its strengths and weaknesses

What strikes terror in the heart of a Leo seems like a minor annoyance to a Capricorn. Things that drive Cancer wild with frustration evoke a hearty laugh from Aquarius. If you'd like to make your life -- or somebody else's -- a little smoother, be aware of each sign's special bugaboos.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

You Rams understand that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. That's why anything that slows you down can make your fiery temper rise.

What to avoid: Waiting in line at the post office or DMV; mediation counseling with your ex; art museums; lazy roommates; traffic jams; people who stand in your way; pointless discussions; boring movies; too much foreplay.

Your survival pack: A well-loaded iPod; online shopping; Aries friends; a lifetime gym membership; hot-box yoga; someone to vent with; a dart board; a good tennis partner.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

You might have a hard time getting up in the morning or making a quick decision, Taurus, but once you get going, nobody can stop your forward motion. You love what you love, and there's no arguing with you about it.

What to avoid: Ugly objects; fake environments; quick showers; scratchy clothing; flirty partners; forced change; windowless offices; fast-food jobs; nagging mothers.

Your survival pack: A flush wallet; a chia pet; a chamois scarf; well-fluffed pillows; a faithful lover; a drive in the country; aromatherapy bubble bath; your favorite collection.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

You Geminis are way social. You love hanging out with friends and can't stand being bored for a minute. Multi-tasking was created by the Twins.

What to avoid: Too much routine; long lectures; just one choice; a jealous date; an empty calendar; a long drive with no rest stops.

Your survival pack: A full address book; two TVs; text-messaging; TiVo; a 60 gigabyte video iPod; faithful friends, and lots of them; People magazine.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Your crab shell comes in handy, Cancer, because without it you are all mush. When your security is threatened, you go into protection mode.

What to avoid: Bungee jumping; risky investments; an empty cupboard; long business trips; unemotional partners; fast food; snow camping; biker bars.

Your survival pack: Home-cooked meals; a down comforter; old friends; photo albums; family keepsakes; good chocolate.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

You were born for great things, Leo, so resist the urge to fit in. Don't be too quick to share the spotlight -- you're happiest when all eyes are on you.

What to avoid: Sitting in the back row; required uniforms; being ignored; too much time alone; a dead-end job; a date who is self-absorbed; mediocrity; coloring inside the lines.

Your survival pack: Admiring friends; karaoke in a crowded bar; a full-length mirror; dinner at a five-star restaurant; a flashy car; great sunglasses.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

You've been blessed with a fine eye for detail, Virgo, but that means you have high standards for everyone, including yourself. Reduce your stress by cutting everyone some slack once in a while. The rest of the time, sidestep situations that push your "need-for-order" buttons.

What to avoid: Sloppy roommates; apartments with no closets; tiny kitchens; a disheveled date; an itinerary-less vacation; a hotel room with no iron; overpriced stores.

Your survival pack: Paper for making lists; other Virgos; a job with deadlines; great deals on quality stuff; good books; closet organizers; a leather-bound day-planner.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Ruled by the planet Venus, you're especially sensitive to your environment, Libra ... the people around you as well as your space. Take pains to keep your world beautiful and harmonious.

What to avoid: People who pick arguments for fun; a dark office; violent films; dull clothes; a partner who criticizes you; anonymity; too much routine; noisy apartments.

Your survival pack: Fresh flowers; lavender bath oil; gentle, caring friends; meditation music; shopping; a trip to the spa; a surprise date at a romantic restaurant.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

You're one of the deeper -- and darker -- signs of the zodiac, Scorpio, and that's just the way you like it. More than others, you understand there is no happiness without pain. Nothing makes you crazier than someone telling you "smile!" or "cheer up!"

What to avoid: Game shows; cheerleading competitions; boy band concerts; half-full glasses; mysteries that have already been solved; direct sunlight; people who ask too many personal questions; dating someone with bad credit.

Your survival pack: Melancholy Britpop; black eyeliner; true crime novels; thunderstorms; "Six Feet Under' on DVD; a private savings account.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

You're a wanderer, Sagittarius -- you roam around and around and around. To you, a life without adventure is a life without purpose. Timid friends won't be your buds for long.

What to avoid: Familiar faces and places; boundaries and limitations; homebodies; routines; know-it-alls; half-empty glasses; someone who tells you "you can't."

Your survival pack: A road map; a full tank of gas; trusty companions; a new destination; newspapers and philosophy books; causes to fight for; a parachute.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

You'll climb the ladder of success, dear Goat, but your insecurities may plague you on the way to the top. Don't underestimate your talents.

What to Avoid: A smothering mother; beating yourself up; rebels and outlaws; undefined goals; anything less than an A+; a high maintenance lover.

Your Survival Pack: Your security badge; daily affirmations; a five-year plan; precise measuring tools; good hiking boots; a to-do list; ambitious friends.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Not everybody shares your ability to make brilliant deductions, Aquarius. While others are trying to figure out how to program TiVo, you've hit upon an idea that blows quantum physics out of the water.

What to Avoid: The limelight; celebrity gossip; straight and narrow friends; linear thinking; a partner who needs you to be emotionally available

Your Survival Pack: A telescope; your PDA; an astrology calendar; a community of friends; eccentric outfits; a skylight.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

You desire transcendence, but take care how you escape reality, Pisces. The Fish may get his or her highs from dance and meditation ... or from booze and too much daydreaming.

What to Avoid: Jobs that require "attention to detail"; housecleaning; a nit-picky roommate; shoes that don't fit; hard science; too much to drink; a lover who hates to cuddle.

Your Survival Pack: A large DVD collection; dance shoes; an aquarium; a meditation cushion; group therapy; visits to the ocean; romantic poetry.

Astrology for You


December 19, 2016 -- Jan 8, 2017
April 9, 2017 -- May 3, 2017
August 12, 2017 -- September 5, 2017
December 3, 2017 -- December 22, 2017

What You Should and Should Not Do
During a Mercury Retrograde Phase

Don't make any important moves when Mercury is retrograde. Nothing will be settled successfully for the future during these periods anyway - you will find it nearly impossible to nail down a plan. During a retrograde period, it is hard to get decisions from others. Even if a decision is made, it will be subject to change, either just after Mercury turns to direct motion or much later.

Mercury retrograde periods would not be good times to do anything involving communications, such as launch a magazine, website, or an advertising or publicity campaign.

These phases are also considered poor times to launch any new endeavors, even if they are not related to the communications industries.

Similarly, a retrograde period is not a good time to sign any contracts or even to shake hands on any new agreements. Do not close on a house during this time nor sign a lease. Verbal agreements are considered the same as written ones. The environment will be quite fluid and changeable, no matter what you are told or what you think.

It's not that the people you are dealing with are necessarily duplicitous. It's just that nobody can fully predict what conditions will be like later. If you start a new job, it won't necessarily be the position you thought it was when you accepted it. If you are a manager, you will have difficulty choosing the right candidate for the job, so, if you can, hold off hiring anyone. If you buy a house, problems could crop up later that were completely unanticipated. -- Source.

Yogi Bhajan on Mercury Retrograde

Yogi Bhajan

When Mercury retrogrades in the Heavens, it takes one hundred and seventy percent more energy to communicate the same thing. Note it down, one hundred and seventy percent more energy to communicate the same thing... so things are important to understand, the universe and our self. Within our self it is important to understand the Chakras. -- Source.

2017 - 2020 CALENDAR

December 19, 2016 -- Jan 8, 2017
April 9, 2017 -- May 3, 2017
August 12, 2017 -- September 5, 2017
December 3, 2017 -- December 22, 2017

March 22, 2018 -- April 15, 2018
July 26, 2018 -- August 18, 2018
November 16, 2018 -- December 6, 2018


March 5, 2019 -- March 28, 2019
July 7, 2019 -- July 31, 2019
October 31, 2019 -- November 20, 2019

February 18, 2020 -- March 9, 2020
June 17, 2020 -- July 12, 2020
October 13, 2020 -- November 3, 2020


The planet Mercury rules communication, travel, contracts, automobiles, and such. So,when Mercury is retrograde, remain flexible, allow for extra travel time, and avoid signing contracts. This time is traditionally associated with confusion, delay, and frustration. This is an excellent time for introspection and reflection on the past. Intuition is high during these periods, and coincidences can be extraordinary. Review projects and plans at these times, but wait until Mercury is direct again to make any final decisions. See IsolatedSeer.com.

A week or two before Mercury retrogrades, finish any tasks or projects at hand. You can’t stop your life, but plan ahead, have back-up plans, and be prepared for angrier people and miscommunication.

Some people blame Mercury retrograde for “bad” things that happen in their lives. Instead, take this time to sit back and review where you put your energy in your life. For example, if family and faith are important to you, are you putting your energies there or just overextended in other areas? Take a moment to reflect. --

Try this... Siri Mantra Meditation.

See IfYouKnowWhoYouAre.com.

Helpful Health Hints


Pages And Points To Ponder







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  *Consultation with a health care professional should occur before applying adjustments or treatments to the body, consuming medications or nutritional supplements and before dieting, fasting or exercising. None of these activities are herein presented as substitutes for competent medical treatment. See Disclaimer.