Broad Points
HISTORICAL REFERENCES TO GENDER INEQUALITY A robust transparency is necessary at this time in our history. Our ultimate vision is to afford every woman in the community BROAD VIEW
a woman, man is born. I challenge you to recognize what the world scoffs at, that The
beauty of woman is not in her makeup, her fashion, Life is a constant prayer, not a constant play. Your development as a person All this makeup, your attraction, your beauty, which does not modify and model As
a woman, you must never exploit or live in any kind
of All you have taught your children is, "Get 'A' grades and become Create dependable
children, not dependent children. Any
woman on this planet who values herself as a THE WOMAN'S CYCLE A woman's relationship with her menstrual cycle can be complicated, on the one hand connecting her to her feminine power and on the other leaving her feeling resentment at the discomfort and inconvenience it can bring. Since doctors have known for years how to manipulate hormones to prevent menstruation from occurring, it was just a matter of time until a drug company brought that option to market. Seasonale
was introduced in 2003 by Barr Pharmaceuticals, and
the second generation version, Seasonique, which is
said to decrease the incidence of breakthrough bleeding
that was a problem with Seasonale, came out in 2006.
However, not everyone thinks it is such a great idea
to fool Mother Nature by tampering with hormones in
this way. While doctors generally see benefit for some
women of taking birth control pills to reduce symptoms
of PMS, in general more naturally focused practitioners
question the wisdom of forcing a woman's body out of
its natural cycles. PHASES AND CYCLES To understand the whole-body impact of extended-cycle pills, I called an obstetrician-gynecologist in California, on faculty at a major academic medical center with a reputation for "expertise" on birth control pills and hormones. Interestingly, she told me that many women had already figured out how to suppress their periods themselves by skipping the placebo pills in their oral contraceptive packs, thereby limiting or avoiding menstruation completely. Since side effect issues are nearly the same with all birth control pills, whether they allow for 12 periods per year or four as these new pills do, the results -- and risks -- are believed to be the same, she said. Her view -- and that of many other mainstream medical practitioners -- is that this is perfectly safe. In fact, when I called back for clarification on a few points while writing this story and she realized that I planned to discuss some very real concerns about the wisdom of interfering with a natural process in this way, she refused to speak further on the topic. That's why she's not named here -- but for the sake of fairness in presenting both perspectives, I am including her comments. See Your 7 Most Embarrassing Period Questions. See Women Against The Menstruation Taboo. 'Hairin' lays the truth
there's little long-range research available on the
side effects associated with extended cycle oral contraceptives,
but some findings have shown that in general oral contraceptives
decrease risk of some cancers -- ovarian and endometrial
cancers in particular. THE IRON DEBATE One
concern about the extended cycle pills, specifically,
relates to iron. The menstrual cycle naturally depletes
iron stores each month and this might be considered
an advantage of the extended cycle pills. Anemia is
quite common among menstruating women and being anemic
can cause cardiac stress, in addition to creating fatigue
scientists are proud of their achievements and harried
women are pleased to have some power over the inconvenience
of menstruation, playing with the natural ebb and flow
of hormone levels can have unintended consequences.
I asked Mark Stengler, ND, author of Bottom Line's Natural
Healing newsletter along with several books on women's
health, about the other bodily changes that might result
from a dramatic reduction in menstrual periods. As expected,
he has concerns: PRACTICAL BROAD POINTS On
the purely practical level, another drawback is that
the extended cycle pills do not exactly eliminate bleeding,
at least not for the first six or so months, a fact
confirmed by the gynecologist I interviewed. Breakthrough
bleeding is common while the body adjusts, and it is
unpredictable and can be quite pronounced. This leads
some women to choose to remain on the conventional pills
so they at least can plan in advance for their periods. SOURCE: Millions Get Unneeded Pap Smears* Nearly half the 22 million American women who have had a hysterectomy and whose cervix was removed are getting unnecessary Pap smears to test for cervical cancer, researchers said. "It is possible that women who have had a total hysterectomy are not aware that they are no longer at risk for cervical cancer. Or they may simply be so enthusiastic about cancer screening that they continue to have Pap smears regardless of the usefulness of the test," wrote study author Brenda Sirovich of Dartmouth Medical School in Hanover, New Hampshire. One in five women aged 18 and older have undergone hysterectomies, the report said. Most women who underwent the surgery also had their cervix removed. "It is also possible that physicians are largely responsible for continuing cervical cancer screening after hysterectomy," or that testing is continued to meet screening benchmarks, she said in a report published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Whatever the reason, a 1996 recommendation by a U.S. task force on preventive health to discontinue Pap smears in women who have undergone hysterectomies is being ignored. The recommendation to stop the test did not include women who had had hysterectomies because they had cancer. The test, formally known as Papanicolaou smear screening, was introduced in he 1940s and has been credited with substantially reducing the number of cervical cancer deaths. -- How to prevent UTI's...Click here!
year, nearly 2.5 million people go under the knife
unnecessarily, often with devastating consequences.
Make sure you're not one of them. Protect Yourself
Use the meds known to save lives: Many people with
high cholesterol aren't on statins, though the drugs
slash the risk of heart attack by more than 30%. Similarly,
most people with high blood pressure don't get adequate
treatment, studies show. Lifestyle changes can bring
down both cholesterol and BP, but if they're not enough,
medication can be lifesaving. Your doctor may also
put you on daily aspirin or another drug to lower
the risk of a blood clot. GIRLFRIENDS A young wife sat on a porch in Waycross, Georgia, on a summer day, drinking iced tea and visiting with her mother. As they talked about life, about marriage, about the responsibilities of life and the obligations of adulthood, the mother clinked the ice cubes in her glass thoughtfully and turned a clear, sober glance upon her daughter. "Don't forget your girlfriends," she advised, swirling the tea leaves to the bottom of her glass. "They'll be more important as you get older. No matter how much you love your husband, no matter how much you love the children you'll have, you are still going to need girlfriends. Remember to go places with them now and then; do things with them. And remember that girlfriends are not only your friends, but your sisters, your daughters, and other relatives too. You'll need other women. Women always do." "What a funny piece of advice," the young woman thought. "Haven't I just gotten married? Haven't I just joined the couple-world? I'm now a married woman, for goodness' sake, a grown-up, not a young girl who needs girlfriends. Surely my husband and the family we'll start will be all I need to make my life worthwhile." But she listened to her mother; she kept contact with her girlfriends and made more each year. As the years tumbled by, one after another, she gradually came to understand that her mom really knew what she was talking about. As time and nature work their changes and their mysteries upon a woman, girlfriends are the mainstays of her life. After 50 years of living in this world, here is what I know about girlfriends: Girlfriends bring you casseroles and scrub your bathroom when you need help. Girlfriends keep your children and keep your secrets. Girlfriends give advice when you ask for it. Sometimes you take it; sometimes you don't. Girlfriends don't always tell you that you're right, but they're usually honest. Girlfriends still love you, even when they don't agree with your choices. Girlfriends laugh with you, and you don't need canned jokes to start the laughter.
Girlfriends pull you out of jams. Girlfriends help you get out of bad relationships. Girlfriends help you look for a new apartment, help you pack, and help you move. Girlfriends will give a party for your son or daughter when they get married or have a baby, in whichever order that comes. Girlfriends are there for you, in an instant, and when the hard times come. Girlfriends will drive through blizzards, rainstorms, hail, heat, and gloom of night to get to you when your hour of need is desperate. Girlfriends listen when you lose a job or a friend. Girlfriends listen when your children break your heart. Girlfriends listen when your parents' minds and bodies fail. Girlfriends cry with you when someone you loved dies. Girlfriends support you when the men in your life let you down. Girlfriends help you pick up the pieces when men pack up and go. Girlfriends rejoice at what makes you happy, and are ready to go out and kill what makes you unhappy. Times passes. Life happens. Distance separates. Children grow up. Marriages fail. Love waxes and wanes. Hearts break. Careers end. Jobs come and go. Parents die. Colleagues forget favors. Men don't call when they say they will. But girlfriends are there, no matter how much time and how many miles are between you. A girlfriend is never farther away than needing her can reach. See Masculine Moments And Manly Memories. When you have to walk that lonesome valley, and you have to walk it for yourself, your girlfriends will be on the valley's rim, cheering you on, praying for you, pulling for you, intervening on your behalf, and waiting with open arms at the valley's end. Sometimes, they will even break the rules and walk beside you. Or come in and carry you out. My daughter, sisters, sisters-in-law, mother-in-law, daughters-in-law, nieces, cousins, extended family, and friends bless my life. The world wouldn't be the same without them, and neither would I. When we began this adventure called womanhood, we had no idea of the incredible joys or sorrows that lay ahead, nor did we know how much we would need each other. Every day, we need each other still. -- See To The Sweetest Mom. See I got this from a girlfriend. Maybe you'll want to pass it on to a girlfriend! Now, check these out for Women Only. BROAD POINTS "Your physical structure and the male physical structure are different. Your hormones and male body hormones are different. Your psyche and the male psyche are different. Now where have you learned to compete with something, which is totally not you, but is your polarity? Do you understand? Male is not you and you are not the male. There is nothing in common. There are two different polarities, two different psyches, two different persons with two different geographies. How can you bring the Himalayas to Sri Lanka? Or how can you take the Rockies to New York?" -- Divine Shield Meditation Sat Nam. The compassion of the Universe uplifts and expands you. It provides a Divine Shield to accompany you through your trials and tribulations. This meditation does exactly that. If you make it a regular practice, you will become positive, fearless, and happy. Nothing will stop you as you pursue your goals. It will eliminate the feeling of loneliness and separation from your soul. In this meditation the sound of Maaa calls on compassion and protection. It is the sound that a baby uses to call on the mother. Here, your soul is the child, and the Universe becomes the Mother. If you call, She will come to your aid and comfort. It is difficult to focus on your higher feelings and sensitivity if you feel fearful and unprotected. If the Universe seems hostile, uncaring, and non-responsive it is easy to become filled with cynicism, despair, and hopelessness. In that depressed state it is impossible to sense the fullness and possibilities of life. It is very difficult to solve the very problems that upset you. Those feelings occur when the aura that surrounds the body is weak and small. The human aura can extend out to nine feet in all directions. If it drops below four feet, we tend to become depressed. We cannot fight off negative thoughts from within or from the environment. If we can extend the aura, the outer arc of the aura acts as a filter and a connector to the universal magnetic field. It is that outer circumvent field that preserves the integrity of the aura, the furiously active blend of thoughts and feelings that emanate from our body and mind.The aura can be temporarily expanded. One way is to connect your aura with the universal field by using an inner seed sound that activates the power of the Heart Center. When this shield is strong, it is easy to sense the tide of the Universe, the Tao. You become spontaneous and vital as you move in rhythm with the greater reality, of which you are a part. When the shield is strong, you are protected from the impact of your own past actions. You are like a great ship that turns toward God and reality and then must cross the waves of your own wake that you created by your past actions. The shield keeps you alert and awake to the real task of your life. Eyes: Closed & focused at the brow point. Posture and Mudra: Raise the right knee up with the right foot flat on the ground, toes pointing straight ahead. Place the sole of the left foot against the arch and ankle of the right foot. The ball of the left foot rests just in front of the ankle bone of the right foot. Make a fist of the left hand and place it on the ground beside the hip. Use this to balance the posture. Bend the right elbow and place it on the top of the right knee. Bring the right hand back along the side of the head with the palm facing the ear. Form a shallow cup of the right palm. Then bring it against the skull so that it contacts the skull below the ear but stays open above the ear. It is as if you formed a cup of the hand to amplify a faint sound that you want to hear. (See Science Of Mudra.) Mantra: Inhale deeply and chant Maaa in a long, full, smooth sound. Project the sound as if someone is listening to you. As you chant, listen to the sound and let it vibrate through your whole body. If you chant in a group, hear the overtones that develop and let those tones vibrate all around you and in every cell of your body. The mantra is Maaa. Chant it at a comfortable high pitch. When you have exhaled completely, take another deep breath and continue. In a group you may all inhale at different times. The group sound will seem continuous. (See Science Of Mantra.) Time: Continue for 11-31 minutes. Switch Sides: Then change the legs and hands to the other side. Continue for an equal amount of time. Start slowly. Learn to hold the concentration into the sound. Build the meditation on each side to total 62 minutes. -- Source. Padmani Kriya Meditation Sat Nam. Yogi Bhajan was a tireless champion dedicated to improving the status of women. He devoted a huge part of his time and energy to educating and empowering women in business as well as in their religious and social lives. He believed that women held the divine creative energy of the universe and are the key to a happy life and a stable society. He taught, "When a man falls, a person falls. But when a woman falls, a generation is lost," and cultures that do not uphold the dignity of women are doomed to eventually fall. He often said, "Woman is double you, O man!" This kriya is FOR WOMEN ONLY. It is the most beautiful way to do pranayam. It is simple and generates a lot of energy. If there is any area of the body that needs to be strengthened, mentally concentrate on that area while practicing this pranayam. Time: Begin with 3 minutes and gradually increase to 11 minutes. 1. Sit in Easy Pose with the spine straight. 2. Bring the elbows together in front of the chest, forearms touching from the elbows to the wrists. Make a lotus of the hands by stretching the fingers out straight and apart from one another. Allow the Mercury (pinkie) fingers to touch at the tips; the thumbs touch along the sides of the first joint and are stretched toward the chest. 3. Focus the eyes to look through the triangle formed by the little fingers. 4. Inhale slowly and deeply through the nose until the lungs are completely full. Then close off both nostrils by placing the tips of the joined thumbs against these openings. 5. After retaining the breath as long as possible, move the thumbs slightly away from the nostrils again and exhale. 6. Hold the breath out as long as possible. Inhale and continue. 7. Mentally focus on any mantra. Suggested mantra: God And Me Me And God Are One. Points To Ponder A woman is always going to be more energetically powerful than you. She's always going to be more emotionally powerful than you. And, she's more sexually powerful than you. Period. Forever. She'll be a tornado sometimes. You have a gift to give your woman - and she wants to recieve it. Feel the truth of that. Stay in the depth of your gift and your truth even while she is in the truth of her feminine nature. She will burn, flow, rain, shine, storm - and through all of it, she just wants to experience your presence. The gift you receive is the opportunity to face death - death of Ego and a window to LIFE and PLEASURE and TRUTH... But ONLY - if you remain present. -- David Deida See 7 Reasons why women should practice Kundalini Yoga. Are you a breast-feeding hypocrite? Check these out for Women Only! Aren't these just adorable? For where two or three are gathered together in
My Name, Mommy, how did this happen? And then, there's these Broad Points. SIX WOMEN WHO KNOW HOW TO LIVE
See I Fight Like A Girl. Breasts: Letting It All Hang Out Life According To Sophia Singh Life According To Joanna Palani The Truth About Women's Bodies Why Women Failed As Astronauts What Happens When You Meditate Why Don't Sikh Women Tie Turban Women: First Teachers of Children Jimmy Carter And Women's Rights Jamie Lee Curtis: Right Back Atcha Guinness Record For Large Breasts Divine Shield Meditation for Women 23 Things Women Shoud Stop Doing How Golf Became A Four-Letter Word 20 Reasons I Do Not Eat Dead Animals Broad Flight Attendants of Yesteryears Women Against The Menstruation Taboo Things You Need To Know About Vaginas Learn How Women Transform Me Into We Masculine Moments And Manly Memories For Women Only: The Age of Ubuntu: All for one...Won for all Corporations Are Putting Consumers At Risk
See The 'Turbanators'. See See Turban Is Bana. See Why Do Sikhs Wear Turbans? See See The Essence of Kaur. See The Turban Is A Bigot Detector. See See But Where Are The Women? See The Role And Status of Sikh Women. See U.S. Sikhs Want Women To Sing At Golden Temple. See Bibi Kiranjot Kaur On Women's Rights. See A Muslim Woman Teaches Kirtan. See Women Are Not Allowed To Play Kirtan. See Sikhism And Homosexuality. See Why Do You Not See Any Sikh Women? See Sikh Identity Is For Men Only. See When Will Sikh Men Stand Up. See Sikh Women's Issues. See Women And The Sikh Religion. See My Response To The Sikh Minister Survey. See How To Make Yoga Classes LGBT Friendly. See Punjabi Sikh Optics Do Matter. See What's With Sikhs And Gender Equality? See Circumstance. See The Woman Pope. See Women Are Much More Than This. See The Question of Authority Within Sikhism. See Should Mixed Faith Marriage In Sikh Temples Be Banned? See Balvinder Kaur Saund. See Maharani Jind Kaur: Saint Soldier. See Sudha Kaur Chopra On Gurdwara Security. See Why Don't Sikh Women Tie Turban? See Life According To Hari Nam Kaur. See I Fight Like A Girl. See Dastaar For Sikh Women. See The Turban Is A Crown. See The Essence of Kaur. See Life According To Joan Baez. See Menstruation From A Woman's Perspective. See Granny Stops Burglar. See Life According To Andrea Mitchell. See 'Sikh' And Ye Shall Find. See The Story Behind My Turban. See We Are We, We Are One. See See Women Wimps Or Warriors. See Women Warriors. See Jai Jagdeesh Kaur's Ad Guray Nameh. See Refuse To Be A Victim Seminar. See Amazon Women. See How The Marines Transform Me Into We. See Life According To Hoda Katebi. See Memories of Khalsa Women's Rifle Drill Team. See How We Define Tribalism. *Consultation with a health care professional should occur before applying adjustments or treatments to the body, consuming medications or nutritional supplements and before dieting, fasting or exercising. None of these activities are herein presented as substitutes for competent medical treatment.