Welcome to BroadPoints.com

In honor of women everywhere.
First Teachers Are Women.

"The mission of this Web site is to promote diversity and cultural
as taught by Guru Nanak Dev Ji, thereby bringing to
the fore issues of color and caste for the purpose of uplifting women
who have a history of being marginalized, using social media and other
means as platforms to inform various communities of the life experiences
and concerns of marginalized women with regard to the necessity for social
change, social justice, inclusion, compassion, tolerance, cultural literacy,
and growth in our human relations going forward in order to better facilitate
the current worldwide shift in global consciousness from tribalism, instability,
and extremism, to harmony, cooperation and enduring peace. And furthermore,
we welcome and support other organizations that promote the transformation of
as taught by Guru Nanak Dev Ji throughout his life and travels."

A History of Struggling Mothers, Daughters, Wives and Sisters

"Until we have respect for women,
there can be no world peace."


Promised to a Taliban fighter by her father when she was 12 to satisfy an obligation, Aisha was married at 14 and had been used as a servant and forced to sleep in an outbuilding with her in-laws' animals. When she fled their abuse, neighbors turned her in.

She was jailed briefly, and her father retrieved her and returned her to his in-laws, after being assured they would treat her better. Instead, her husband walked her into a mountain clearing and held her down while his brother chopped off her nose and ears as other Talib watched. Then they left her to die in the mountains where they'd disfigured her.

"I passed out," she said in an interview with CNN's Atia Abawi. "In the middle of the night it felt like there was cold water in my nose."

It was her own blood, so much of it, she told Abawi. "I couldn’t even see…"

Somehow Aisha managed to feel her way to her grandfather's home, where she was hidden and then spirited away to a medical center run by the U.S. military, who eventually transferred her to a privately-run women's shelter... After 10 weeks' care, Aisha was stabilized enough to go to the Grossman Burn Center for a series of rehabilitative surgeries that the center had offered to perform pro bono.

Aisha appeared (below) at a Grossman Burn Foundation fundraiser in a traditional embroidered caftan and a sheer scarf draped over her wavy black hair. It was the first time she'd been seen in public since arriving in the U.S. The radiant 19 year old was wearing a prosthetic nose, something that indicated how she would look when the several reconstructive surgeries are completed. She didn't speak, but her smile said everything.

Aisha was wearing the kind of nose actors often do for a part. Her goal is still to have a permanent one. But getting there will be a tough slog: she'll have to have bone and cartilage reconstructed, possibly from flaps of her own skin and several surgeries. But within a year, doctors expect she'll have a nose that not only completes her face, but that can do what her old nose did -- twitch when it itches, smell, even sneeze.

Aisha, now 19, told The Daily Beast last year, 2009, that her father (after being alerted by her grandfather) saved her by bringing her to the Americans in Afghanistan for medical treatment. But, she says, he cautioned her about talking about her attack. He suggested a cover story, something she refused to do.

"I will tell them all these things because I am not such a person to lie; I will tell them because I think my story must be told." -- Source: Time Magazine, August 2010

Before                                         After

"From a woman all men are born.
How then can any man degrade any woman?"


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  *Consultation with a health care professional should occur before applying adjustments or treatments to the body, consuming medications or nutritional supplements and before dieting, fasting or exercising. None of these activities are herein presented as substitutes for competent medical treatment.