
Hanna Kroeger
Hanna Kroeger devoted her entire long life to helping thousands of
people throughout the world. She was brilliant, and so is her life’s
work, which drove Hanna at an inexhaustible pace. Her achievements
in the field of health care were astounding and she is remembered
worldwide as a master healer.
all doctors are Healers.
Not all Healers are doctors."
Hanna Kroeger has been called the “Grandmother of Health”
and has received many health awards in her lifetime. New Life Magazine
declared her one of the great holistic pioneers of the 20th century
along with Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling, Ann Wigmore, Dr. Edgar
Bach, Dr. John Christopher and Edgar Cayce.
Hanna Ursula was born in Attabey, Turkey, on October 5, 1913, the
sixth and last child of Max and Hannah Zimmer, who were German missionaries
in charge of a home for Armenian orphans. As a young woman, she attended
nursing school at the University of Freiburg in Germany. Later she
assisted Professor Brauchle at a large hospital in Dresden, which
primarily used natural healing methods. It was here that she began
to discover many amazing ways to restore health using herbs, special
diets, baths, massages, etc. Hanna would look through the kitchen
and the garden to find foods and herbs to help her family’s
health. Much of Hanna’s discoveries were from intuition (prayer)
as well as studying and experimenting.
When Hanna arrived in America in 1952, she was disappointed by the
lack of nutritious foods and started buying bulk whole grains for
her family and friends. This grew into one of the first health food
stores in the country. Hanna would bake wonderful breads, which brought
many people to her store. The more adventurous folks would try some
fresh carrot juice, which in 1958 was unheard of. By the 1960’s
Hanna’s store was bustling.
There are many laughter filled stories of those early years in the
store. She recalled how customers reacted when she began selling wheat
germ. They asked why she would sell "germs" and whether
these "wheat germs" would make them sick. Hanna couldn’t
resist giving healthful suggestions to her customers. Soon people
would come to see her for their health questions and Hanna’s
reputation as a healer flourished. She became popular with both natural
healers as well as medical professionals. Hanna was an important pioneer
in the development and awareness of alternative health and natural
foods and opened the door for many practitioners and health businesses.
The desire to help people has always guided Hanna, giving her inspired
momentum to learn more and more about natural health. Her coming to
Colorado sparked an interest in the indigenous herbs of North America
and lead her to study with Native American herbalists, discovering
more insights into the complexities these herbs have to offer as important
healing tools. Hanna’s work has spread mostly by word of mouth
and through her books. She is well respected and referred to by popular
luminaries in different healing circles. Her work and reputation has
reached thousands of people all over the world. Time and time again
people would come back exclaiming amazing results from Hanna’s
suggestions. Hanna also introduced hundreds of people to Harvey
Bevier, a noted healer in the Denver-Boulder area for many years.
During the early years Hanna made her own herbal combinations a few
at a time. She gave her formulas away to anyone who needed help. She
soon became known as a master of using subtle and unique combinations
of two or more herbs to improve the whole system of the body. The
herbal combinations were to be a start of something she never imagined.
In 1978 Hanna started Kroeger Herb Products to keep up with the growing
demand for her formulas. Over the years, Kroeger Herb Products has
grown far beyond Hanna’s original vision and distributes Hanna’s
products internationally.
Being so focused on her work, Hanna has created a particular vernacular
that has developed through medical and health information. combined
with her intense sensitivity to energies (in which many times she
finds things before they manifest with physical symptoms) and her
spiritual background, she may be seen as eccentric. Time and time
again people came back exclaiming amazing results from Hanna's suggestions.
Hanna's work consisted of reading energies on a very subtle level.
(Carried on by her family in their business and Peaceful
Meadow Retreat School of Natural Healing.) Having the final say
on an herbal blend, she might add or take a few ounces out of hundreds
of pounds of herbs to get the energy just right. Hanna is one of the
foremost dowsers (or pendulum users) in the country. She describes
this tool as the super conscious mind connecting with the conscious
mind. this connection is how she works in the fourth dimension, the
dimension of intuition and spiritual attunement which the pendulum
reflects. She does not claim to have any outstanding gifts, only that
they are from a "higher" or "spiritual" source;
yet, she is amazingly accurate with her findings.
Being the eclectic wonder, Hanna combined her intuitive sense with
the health and medical information she researched. She has also studied
many healing methods from around the world, including massage, energy
work, homeopathy and nutrition. Hanna used a well-rounded palette
of healing techniques that is not limited by convention and looked
at physical, emotional and spiritual motives for ailments. She used
diet, herbs, homeopathics, vitamins, minerals, physical alignment,
massage, acupressure, aura balancing and other practices of natural
Teaching was a big part of Hanna’s devotion to helping people
help themselves. She wrote twenty books and revised them whenever
necessary to keep them up-to-date. Her books are a wonderful array
of ideas, techniques, experiences and references for health. They
deal with many sides of Hanna’s work, maintaining her character
and heartfelt devotion to helping people. Hanna’s books range
from general home remedies to books on special diets, herbal and vitamin
references, cookbooks and more. Hanna also lectured extensively throughout
the country and held intensive learning retreats at her home in Boulder
during the summer.
On May 7, 1998, Hanna Kroeger made her final embrace in this world,
in peace. In her 85th year, Hanna’s boundless energy continued
to drive her life’s work as a healer and as a dedicated mentor
who helps others. She maintained an exuberant pace as her body of
work grew and now her spirit will encourage us to continue her service
to mankind. The momentum of Hanna’s work is still as vital as
ever and we are fortunate to have so much of her work available to
us. As we honor her work and continue her efforts, we should remember
her wishes for everyone, the most important being to "help each
Thank you Hanna!
In 1978, Kroeger Herb Products was started in Boulder, Colorado, to
fulfill a demand for balanced health products that work naturally
with the body.
Through the effectiveness of our formulas, a reputation for having
the finest products grew and so did the company. Today, their products
are found in health food stores and practitioner offices internationally.
Hanna was widely known for her knowledge about herbs, and their effects
on good health. And she was loved and respected for her compassion,
embodied in her simple phrase: “Help each other!”
As mentioned above, every summer her family and associates carry on
the tradition set by Hanna, herself, of teaching at the Peaceful Meadow
Retreat. They have at least twelve classes on natural and vibrational
healing . The classes consist of an amazing amount of information
with lots of hands-on demonstrations, herb walks and valuable knowledge
on herbal and other home remedies. The classes are quite intensive,
getting into the inner workings of Hanna's ideas, exploring the seven
physical and spiritual causes of ill health and interpreting auric
energy for healing, cleansing and rebuilding programs.
The classes are always changing with new information. In addition
to all this, they cook for everyone and put them up in her humble
accommodations. they will often have renowned guest speakers as well
as some renowned students, creating a wonderful environment for learning
and sharing knowledge.
Hanna Kroeger
was one of the foremost authorities on herbs, homeopathic remedies
and natural healing techniques in the country. In 1999, she was named
one of the six outstanding holistic pioneers of the 20th century along
with Dr.
Edward Bach, Edgar Cayce, Dr.
John Christopher, Linus Pauling and Ann Wigmore. She spent her
entire life developing natural herbal an homeopathic remedies at her
educational center, Peaceful Meadow Retreat, in Boulder, Colorado.
During her lifetime, Hanna trained, healed and inspired thousands
of people and wrote 20 books that contain information about and uses
for her unique herbal combinations and Vibropathic™ remedies,
the “gadgets” that she developed, the “hands on”
procedures that she taught and the simple, yet powerful, “home
remedies” that she shared. Numerous people have been educated,
inspired and healed, often when there was no one else to help, by
the dedication and teachings of Hanna Kroeger. Her divinely inspired
and unique herbal combinations and homeopathic remedies are the purest
and most effective remedies available on the market today. Hanna had
one goal; to help others heal themselves and their families. In Hanna’s
words, “You can do it. You can heal yourself!”

man made it, don't eat it.”

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