Welcome, Eyewear Professionals!

My name is Hari Singh Bird, Optician.

My mission statement:
To serve is to succeed.

A Brief Personal History

I am a native of the Midwest. I am also a certified Kundalini Yoga teacher, Sikh minister and chaplain. My career as an optician began following active duty with the U.S. Marine Corps in 1958. I maintain active optician licenses in Florida and Arizona. I am certified by the American Board of Opticianry, and National Contact Lens Examiners. I am currently an ophthalmic dispenser training consultant. And I am a passionate advocate of a) resurgence of the optician as a skilled health care provider as opposed to those dispensers today who are trained merely as eyeglass merchants; b) resurgence of the unbiased full discovery and disclosure life-style interview and design of prescription eyewear; c) conscientious delivery of prescription eyewear; and d) practical hands-on-the-patient training for aspiring opticians in the art and craft of custom designed lenses and handcrafted, form-fitted prescription eyewear. See Letter to Eye Care Professionals. See Opticianry Today.com. See Shift Happens. See My Code of Ethics.


"An optician's first purpose is as a highly
skilled health and wellness professional."

"It's time for a shift in thinking.
It's time to get our shift together.
It's time for eyewear professionals
to become agents of change going forward;
it's time to return to the days of providing full service;
to improve our hands-on craftsmanship skills; it's time
for those who know to teach those who do not know; and
it's time for those of us who do not know to surrender our ego."

"For the last few decades our collective
mindset has manifested as, 'Divided we stand...
united we fall.' We must shift to, 'United we stand...
divided we fall,’ as our paradigm." 1Plus1Equals11.com.

"It's time to end the lecture-only-training of opticians.
It's time for opticians to get hands-on, practical training in
order to re-
humanize the dispensing of prescription eyewear,
thereby minimizing outsourcing of the Rx to Web-based providers."

"More and more eyewear is being purchased online.
The number one complaint of brick-and-mortar patrons ...
'Nobody adjusted my glasses. They just handed them to me.'
So, for these consumers there's little difference between the service
they receive in many of today's dispensaries and buying glasses online."

"Opticianry is ultimately defined by how
well the eyewear makes contact with the
Patient, not by the number of customers served.

Many optical outlets are 'ready-to-wear' stores where
eyewear merchants sell 'one-size-fits-all' merchandise,
and where numbers of sales and customers is paramount.
This environment has prostituted the practice of Opticianry.
Therefore, a conscious, precise, and personalized process of frame
selection, lens design, and in-place, hands-on fitting is required. In too
many cases obsessive and unrealistic sales goals override the optician's
mission of providing skillful hands-on health care, whereby the personalized,
custom-fitting of prescription eyewear is given only minor consideration, if any."

"The customized fitting of eyewear involves more than just adjusting a nose
piece or bending a temple. It has to include the reshaping, bending, stretching,
twisting and artful sculpting of the frame components in order to personalize the
eyewear. Anything less will most likely compromise the patient's visual comfort
and long term wear-ability. The difference between adjusting and customizing is
what's different between today's eyewear merchants and yesterday's opticians."

"Dentists, Manicurists and Hairstylists make direct, tactile contact with the
consumer. Likewise, opticians must make direct contact with the Patient.
Hands-on-the-Patient opticians, can determine by sense of touch how a
frame feels even in lieu of asking the Patient. Only an eyeglass merchant
routinely hands over prescription glasses with no hands-on assessment,
nor the appropriate ‘touch-and-feel’ required to custom fit the eyewear."

"Eyeglass Consumers need and deserve the following:
a) Optician-assisted, in-depth lifestyle interview;
b) Optician-assisted, design and selection;
c) Handcrafted, form-fitting eyewear;
d) Free lifetime adjustments and
minor repair services, none of
which are available online."
Dispensing Guidelines

A Special Note

As a senior Ophthalmic Healthcare Professional and founder of Optical Course.com and Optical Workshops.com, I am interested in sharing my experience in the dispensing of handcrafted prescription eyewear. If you are an Eyewear Professional who recognizes the decades-old decline in dispensing skills and you are looking for additional training or consultation, or you need assistance in order to improve your profitability, please visit these sites, Opticianry Today.com, OpticalGuidelines.com, Shift Happens, and ToServeIsToSucceed.com for more details, then click here, or call 855-410-2700.

"It is incumbent on those who know to teach those who do not know." Hari Singh Bird


Training Courses
For Eye Care Professionals

Sponsored by Opticians For Change

Whatever happened to old-fashioned
Hands on the Patient Opticianry?

Contact Lens Care and Compliance

NCLE No Fee CEs For Opticians

The Rap on Wrap-arounds

Sunwear Is Not An Option

Time For Craftsmanship



Books, lectures and tests can take an optician's skills only so far.

It is time for direct, touch-and-feel, Hands-on-the-Patient training to happen.
Only one-on-one craftsmanship training does this. It cannot be learned virtually.


American Board of Opticianry accredited and Florida State Board approved CE hours
for Intermediate and Advanced Level Opticians in Handcrafted Frame Fitting are
currently offered under the sponsorship of POF, the Professional Opticians of
Florida. Click or Call
800-528-0413 Ext. 354 to arrange for Training Session.

"The job of a teacher is to poke, provoke, confront and elevate." Yogi Bhajan

"It is incumbent on those who know to teach those who do not know. It is
incumbent on those who do not know to surrender their ego." Hari Singh





An inspirational gift for all the visitors of this site

Opticians: Merchants or Health Care Providers

Whatever happened to Hands-on Opticianry

A born again American, conceived in liberty

Masculine moments and manly memories

Get Dispensing Guidelines for Opticians

Back To Basics Course for Opticians

A tribute to the greatest generation

Synergy: When 1 plus 1 equals 11

If your dad doesn't have a beard

Corporate America vs America

Opticianry today as we see it

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