It is now the 21st century and we and our planet can no longer live without peace of mind and peace on Earth. We can not continue to characterize differences between people based on old paradigms of race, religion, culture or gender. All human souls came to this Earth completely equal, each with The Creator's unique gifts. In the words of Yogi Bhajan, "If you cannot see God in all -- you cannot see God at all." Among our senses, the eyes are linked most strongly to the brain, the nose to the emotional memory, and our ears to the heart. The mind represents who we are and the voice is a broadcaster of what we think. But often times the mind and voice wander and chatter without focus or meaning. Chanting an affirmation, a mantra, brings the mind into focus on a sound, therefore reducing the chatter and allowing one's peaceful center to come to the forefront of experience. The science of mantra has more to do with what the sounds do physiologically than what they mean intellectually. So whether you consciously understand the words-sounds or not, they are understood at some level and science has proven that they can profoundly affect the mind and body. The yogic science of melody and rhythm is called Laya yoga, a part of the greater science of Kundalini Yoga introduced to the West from India in 1969 by Yogi Bhajan, a Sikh. His mission: to teach the techniques of peace of mind to teachers who would spread peace on Earth. See PEACE
"My reflection on the current world situation is that everyone is doing what he or she thinks is right and has an opinion that someone else is wrong. Right and wrong is born out of duality. There is no peace in duality. There is no resolution in right and wrong. In duality there is inner conflict which is projected out into the world as conflict that all of us can see. We are here to see it. We are to be reminded to go inside and resolve our own inner conflict. To remove ourselves from duality and to achieve inner peace we are required to non-judgementally be with life exactly the way it IS. We are not required to like what we are witnessing. But we are required not to judge it. Our inner peace will create outer peace. When we witness peace in the world, we know that our job is done. Then we can enjoy together the fruits of our work." -- Yogi Bhajan - Spiritual Teacher and Sikh Minister MEDITATIONS Meditation can be practiced daily. A regular, same-time-daily schedule for 40 days for each meditation is recommended. (Given the daily changes in the Earth's magnetic field, the ideal time for meditation is between 3 AM and 6 AM.) However, to be practical and moderate in all undertakings is the universal rule. Unless otherwise indicated, you may choose the length of time for which you intend to do these exercises such as 3 minute, 11 minute or 31 minute - yogic time intervals - and set your timer. Choose the time that works for you. See notice below.* Ra
Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung Meditation
is a science, i.e., it is a technical practice that "Thoughts
reflect and affect our mood, our attitude and our general tenor. "The side effects of practicing Kundalini Yoga and Meditation
Meditation can be practiced daily. A regular, same-time-daily schedule for 40 days for each meditation is recommended. Given the daily changes in the Earth's magnetic field, the ideal time for meditation is between 3 AM and 6 AM. However, to be practical and moderate in all undertakings is the universal rule. Choose the time that works for you. See notice below.* TO BEGIN...ALWAYS TUNE IN Ra
Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung Meditation
The Posture
Mudra: Bend the arms and bring the elbows against the side of the rib cage. The palms of the hands are parallel and face the sky (see photo of Snatam Kaur above). The elbows are snug at your sides with the forearms in close to your upper arms. The hands are at a 60 degree angle, halfway between pointing forward and pointing to the sides. See More on Mudras. Focus: Eyes are closed and focused at the third-eye point. Mantra Ra Ma Da Sa, Sa Say So Hung. The mantra should be sung in
one complete exhalation. As you chant the first Sa, your navel point
is pulled in so that this syllable is abbreviated. You should also
pull your navel point in as you chant Hung. Hung should be vibrated
at the root of the nose. The rest of the syllables are drawn out
in a strong, powerful chant. Strive to keep your chant at full volume
(loud but not raucous) throughout the meditation. Kirtan
Quotable Quote "Thoughts
reflect and affect our mood, our attitude and our general tenor. Sa Ta Na Ma Meditation Posture: Sit straight in easy pose as shown. Meditate at the brow point (third eye) and produce the five primal sounds: (A) Sa, Ta, Na, Ma. (See Video on Primal Sounds.) These Sanskrit sounds, Sa, Ta, Na, Ma, translate respectively to birth, life, death, rebirth. On
"Sa" touch the first finger, index finger, (Jupiter finger)
with the thumb tip. Time: Continue chanting, Sa Ta Na Ma, for a total of 12 minutes as follows. Chant
out loud for 2 minutes Finish: Inhale deeply. Stretch the hands up as far as possible and
spread them wide. Stretch the spine and take several deep breaths.
Exhale and relax at least 1 minute. The Infinite Will Take Care of It Meditation: Sit with the legs crossed on the floor or sit on a chair with the feet on the floor. Hands on the knees or thighs, eyes closed, spine straight in neck lock. Inhale and exhale deeply 3 times. Then repeat the following for 11 minutes. After which, inhale deeply and relax! To
be confident To
be confident I am Who I Am Meditation: Sit with the legs crossed on the floor or sit on a chair with the feet on the floor. Hands on the knees or thighs, eyes closed, spine straight in neck lock. Inhale and exhale deeply 3 times. Then repeat the following for 11 minutes. After which, inhale deeply and relax! I
am Who I Am, I
am Who I Am, Healthy Am I, Happy Am I, Holy Am I Meditation: Sit with the legs crossed on the floor or sit on a chair with the feet on the floor. Hands on the knees or thighs, eyes closed, spine straight in neck lock. Inhale and exhale deeply 3 times. Then inhale deeply and repeat the following for 11 minutes inhaling deeply between chants. Healthy
am I
am I
After 11 minutes, inhale deeply and relax! See I am, I AM "The
complete mantra is 'I am, I AM'. Meditation: Sit with the legs crossed on the floor or sit on a chair with the feet flat on the floor. Hands on the knees or thighs, eyes closed, spine spine straight in neck lock, i.e., pull chin back, but not down to align the neck straight with the spine. Inhale and exhale deeply 3 times. Then repeat the following in easy rhythm for 11 minutes. I
am ... (Simultaneously bring the right palm to the left chest.) Keep repeating this cycle. After 11 minutes, inhale deeply and relax! See ONG OM
is the collective resonant tone of Life Force that fills the Infinite
Living Meditation: Sit with the legs crossed on the floor or sit on a chair with the feet on the floor. Left hand in lap with right hand on left, palms up, and thumbs touching lightly. (This mudra is known as Buddhi mudra.) Eyes are closed, spine straight, pull chin back (neck lock) but not down, to align the neck straight with the spine. Inhale and exhale deeply 3 times. Inhale deeply, and begin repeating in a stretched-out form the sound ONG for 11 minutes, touching the tongue to the upper palate lightly to make the entire cranial cavity vibrate like a bell. Inhale deeply between each repetition and resonate the sound current for the duration of the breath. (See More About ONG.) Oooonnnnngggggggg (Then, inhale deeply and continue.) Oooonnnnngggggggg (Then, inhale deeply and continue.) After 11 minutes, inhale deeply and relax. (31 minutes duration is another option.) Note: Try this meditation with a group. The sound current will become continuous with each person chanting at their own rhythm. This creates a noticeably different and greater effect. See When you're here, you're OM. God and Me, Me and God are One Meditation: Sit with the legs crossed on the floor or sit on a chair with the feet on the floor. Hands are on the knees with each thumb and forefinger touching. Palms are turned up. Eyes are closed, spine straight in neck lock, i.e., pull chin back, but not down to align the neck straight with the spine. Inhale and exhale deeply 3 times. Inhale deeply, and begin repeating the following for 11 minutes. Then, inhale deeply and relax! Inhale deeply and chant: God and me, me and God are One. (Inhale deeply and continue.) God and me, me and God are One. (Inhale deeply and continue.) God and me, me and God are One. (Inhale deeply and continue for 11 minutes.) Inhale
deeply and relax! Meditation
Ek Ong Kar Sat Nam Siri WhaHe Guru The Creator and Creation are One. This is who I am. The experience of this wisdom is beyond all words and brings indescribable bliss. See Adi Shakti Mantra. See Adi Shakti Meditation. See You Are IT. Mul Mantra Ek
Ong Kaar, Sat Naam, Kartaa Purakh, Nirbhao, Nirvair, Akaal Moorat,
Ajoonee Saibhang, Gur Prasaad, Jap, Aad Such, Jugaad Such, Haibhee
Such, Naanak Hosee Bhee Such. Special
Exercise Lie flat on your stomach. Place your hands in fists under the body close to the ovaries and inside the hips. Keep the chin and upper torso on the ground and raise your legs as high as you can without straining yourself. Your legs should stay as straight as possible. Breathe long and deeply through the nose for 1-3 minutes. Then lower your legs, take a few deep breaths and relax. This posture is called Shalabasama or Locust and is excellent for toning the lower back, stomach and legs, and for women, relieving pre-menstrual discomfort.
Sit cross-legged or in a chair with your spine straight in neck lock and feet flat on the floor. Raise your arms, bringing your hands up to ear level. Pull the shoulders back so that there is a slight pressure on the spine between the shoulders and the nape of the neck. Lock the ring and the pinkie fingers down with the thumbs and extend the forefingers and middle fingers straight upward. Close your eyes and concentrate on the top of the head. Breathe long and deep. Continue for 11 minutes. The Desiderata
Sit in a cross-legged position or in a chair with your spine straight in neck lock and feet flat on the floor. Cross your arms, right palm on top of the left elbow and the top of the left hand under the right elbow. Fingers are together. Bring the crossed arms up so the arms are parallel to the ground and stretch out the arms from the shoulders as much as possible. Close the eyes and allow the breath to become slow. Continue for 3-minutes. Desiderata II
Sit cross-legged or in a chair with your spine straight in neck lock and feet flat on the floor. Curl your tongue down the middle to its length as much as you can, and extend it out slightly past the lips. Inhale deeply through the tongue and exhale through the nose. Continue for 5 minutes. Then inhale, pull the tongue in and hold the breath briefly. Exhale and relax. This breath soothes and cools the body and has been used by yogis to reduce fever. It is excellent for rejuvenation and detoxification. Special
Meditation Sit with a straight back in a cross legged position, or in a chair with your spine straight in neck lock, and feet flat on the floor. Your eyes, 9/10 closed, are focused at the tip of the nose. Bring your forearms up to a 60 degree angle and hit the sides of the hands together, palms down, and chant: HAR, from the navel. Use the tip of the tongue to roll the R with each HAR. Then, hit the sides of the hands together, palms up, and chant: HAR. The thumbs will hit when the palms are down. The movement is rhythmic and the speed is about one hit of the hands per second. See The Science of Mantra Meditation. Special
Kriya A kriya is a specially designed sequence of yoga exercises, each lasting from one to three minutes. This series will "work out" a certain component of your mind and body system - be it your glandular system, your nervous system, your organs or your muscular system. At the end of the series, you will be consolidated in a new physical and mental state.
First, sit on the floor with crossed legs and straight spine or
sit in a chair with both feet flat on the floor. Pull the chin
back (neck lock) but not
down, to align the neck straight with the spine, i.e., hold your
chin level, pull it in a little, then push your chest-heart out
a little.
Guru, WhaHe Guru, WhaHe Guru, WhaHe
Guru Anand
bha-i-aa, mayree maa-ay, Satiguroo mai paa-i-aa. Shabado
ta gaavaho Haree kayree man jinee vasaa-i-aa. Kahai
Naanak, anand ho-aa, Satiguroo mai paa-i-aa. *Anand means bliss, but it is not just bliss in the way that we are used to thinking. Anand is the state of bliss that comes when every word that you speak, and every action you take supports the light and journey of your soul. In the words of Yogi Bhajan, "Many people believe that the spiritual path is difficult and the neurotic path is easy ... It takes the same effort and energy to walk either path. The difficulty lies in the nature of the mind and how it grasps things and becomes entranced by feelings and sensations (Maya) ... Direct the mind with immediate sensations and convoluted negotiations, and we create neurosis and confusion. Direct it with the power of the Infinite Word, words of truth, and we will excel with clarity, kindness, and love." See 10 Reasons to Chant Mantras. ® *Consultation with a health care professional should occur before applying adjustments or treatments to the body, consuming medications or nutritional supplements and before dieting, fasting or exercising. None of these activities are herein presented as substitutes for competent medical treatment. See Disclaimer.