EqualsHappiness.com Aspirin for Heart Attack A Health Tip To Remember
There are other symptoms of an heart attack besides the pain on the
left arm. One must also be aware of an intense pain on the chin, as
well as nausea and 20 lots of sweating, however these symptoms may
also occur less frequently. Remember
these three letters Since
many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack, this article
seemed to be in order. Without help, the person whose heart is
beating improperly and who begins to feel faint, has only about
10 seconds left before losing consciousness. Recognizing a Stroke
You can recognize a stroke by asking a suspected victim to perform
three tasks: Factoid Due
to the power and corrupting influence of Big
Pharma, the teaching
The human Heart is now documented as the strongest generator of both Electrical and Magnetic Fields in the body. Important, because we've always been taught that the brain is where all of the action is. While the brain does have an Electrical AND a Magnetic Field, they are both relatively weak compared to the Heart. The Heart is about 100,000 times stronger Electrically AND up to 5,000 times stronger Magnetically than the brain. Important, because the physical world - as we know it - is made of those 2 fields: Electrical AND Magnetic Fields of Energy. Physics now tells us that if we can change either the Electrical Field or the Magnetic Field of the atom, we literally change that atom and its elements within our body and this world. The human Heart is designed to do BOTH. IMPORTANT NOTE: According to neurocardiologists, 60 to 65 percent of heart cells are neuron cells, not muscle cells. This discovery has helped them to develop experiments that have proved the heart works similar to the brain and in some ways is even superior to the brain. This may be the reason why the heart is the first organ to function after conception. Within about 20 days after conception the heart starts to function, but the brain does not function until after roughly 90 days. This information tells us that the brain is secondary to the heart. --
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*Consultation with a health care professional should occur before applying adjustments or treatments to the body, consuming medications or nutritional supplements and before dieting, fasting or exercising. None of these activities are herein presented as substitutes for competent medical treatment. See Disclaimer.