are putting consumers at risk! "People are fed by the Food Industry, And are treated by a Health Industry,
What follows is important to your health and well-being. What's
Lurking In Your Food? Read On Think
you really know what's in your food? Think again. According to an
upcoming report on the TV show "The Doctors," when Americans
reach for a snack, they're likely taking in more than they bargained
for. Plastic 'Food' Think you eat only healthy, unprocessed foods? February 21, 2015 -- Tired after hours of walking round the fair, and, uncharacteristically, not feeling hungry, I sought refuge at a stand displaying cut-up fruits and vegetables; it felt good to see something natural, something instantly recognizable as food. But why did the fruit have dates, several weeks past, beside them? A salesman for Agricoat told me that they had been dipped in one of its solutions, NatureSeal, which, because it contains citric acid along with other unnamed ingredients, adds 21 days to their shelf life. Treated in this way, carrots don’t develop that telltale white that makes them look old, cut apples don’t turn brown, pears don’t become translucent, melons don’t ooze and kiwis don’t collapse into a jellied mush; a dip in NatureSeal leaves salads “appearing fresh and natural”. For the salesman, this preparation was a technical triumph, a boon to caterers who would otherwise waste unsold food. There was a further benefit: NatureSeal is classed as a processing aid, not an ingredient, so there’s no need to declare it on the label, no obligation to tell consumers that their “fresh” fruit salad is weeks old. Somehow, I couldn’t share the salesman’s enthusiasm. Had I eaten “fresh” fruit salads treated in this way? Maybe I had bought a tub on a station platform or at a hotel buffet breakfast? It dawned on me that, while I never knowingly eat food with ingredients I don’t recognize, I had probably consumed many of the “wonder products” on show here. Over recent years, they have been introduced slowly and artfully into foods that many of us eat every day – in canteens, cafeterias, pubs, hotels, restaurants and takeaways." -- See Source. 'Natural Foods'
See Toxic Food Additives To Avoid. See Sugar Is A Four Letter Word. See I Do Not Eat Dead Animals. See 19 Foods That Are Not Foods. See Aspartame And Diet Drinks.
The links below contain data regarding the ongoing consumer health risks posed by the current activities and marketing strategies of many food and drug corporations, which endanger the quality of life of many unsuspecting consumers. Check out the marked links especially. The corporate-military-industrial complex, as described by American presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy, is alive and flourishing. Only consumers, acting as an informed electorate, can put an end to these activities. Please check out the links below, then take action here! Factoid Due
to the power and corrupting influence of Big
Pharma, the teaching Lasik Eye Surgery - FDA Warning
Visit Pages And Points To Ponder
*Consultation with a health care professional should occur before applying adjustments or treatments to the body, consuming medications or nutritional supplements and before dieting, fasting or exercising. None of these activities are herein presented as substitutes for competent medical treatment. See Disclaimer. Khalsa |