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living cell within our body creates waste products. The nutrients
from our food are delivered to each cell and they burn with oxygen
to provide energy for us to live. The burned nutrients are the waste
products. Whether you eat gourmet or junk food, all food generates
waste products. The food that is either good or bad for you is determined
by the amount and quality of the wastes produced: toxic, acid, alkaline,
etc. (See Charts.) Most of our cells go through metabolism and old dead cells
become waste products. These waste products must be discharged from
our body. In fact, our body tries its best to dispose of them through
solid waste, urine and perspiration. Virtually all waste products
are acidic; that is why urine is acidic and skin surface is also
acidic. The main reason for this is our life style. We stay up late and get up early. We do not take time to rest; some of us work more than one job. We, therefore, spend more time producing waste products than processing and discharging them. The
second reason is food. Most of the food we like is mainly acidic.
Acidic food does not necessarily mean that it tastes acidic, but
that the wastes it produces are acidic. Grains and meats are mainly
acidic; fruits and vegetables are alkaline. Citric fruits may taste
acidic but they are considered to be alkaline because they contain
alkaline minerals.
Alkaline neutralizes acid. Drinking alkaline water helps our body
dissolve acid wastes and make it easier for the body to dispose
of them safely. Since the accumulation of acid wastes is aging,
the reduction of acid wastes is reverse aging. Alkaline water is
not a medicine to cure any disease. However, if consumed regularly,
alkaline water gradually reduces the accumulated acid wastes. As
a result of acid reduction, there are many reports of natural health
improvement in Japan. We use alkaline soap to wash acidic dirt accumulated
on our skin; we must wash the acidic dirt accumulated within our
body by using alkaline water. Alkaline water has been available
in Asia for over 30 years. From Yogi Bhajan "No
matter how good the diet is, we tend to exceed the self "In
each and every environment, good health Pages And Points To Ponder
Left Brain-Right Brain Diversity Be Warned If You're On Statins 10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer's Drug company insider confesses Lasik Eye Surgery - FDA Warning Corporations are killing Americans A Critical Look At Optical Retailers Jimmy Carter And Women's Rights What Your Optician Needs To Know Is Alzheimer's Diabetes of The Brain Appendix: A Newly Discovered Organ Another Side of The Soy-Protein Story See What Happens When You Meditate See Why Sikhs Keep Their Hair Unshorn What About PPA (PhenylPropanolAmine) American
Crisis: The Military-Industrial Complex
*Consultation with a health care professional should occur before applying adjustments or treatments to the body, consuming medications or nutritional supplements and before dieting, fasting or exercising. None of these activities are herein presented as substitutes for competent medical treatment. See Disclaimer. HealthEqualsHappiness.com