Guru, WhaHe Guru, WhaHe Guru WhaHe
Guru, WhaHe Guru, WhaHe Guru, WhaHe Guru Anand
bha-i-aa, mayree maa-ay, Satiguroo mai paa-i-aa. Shabado
ta gaavaho Haree kayree man jinee vasaa-i-aa. Kahai
Naanak, anand ho-aa, Satiguroo mai paa-i-aa. Anand
bha-i-aa, Anand bha-i-aa, Anand
bha-i-aa, Anand bha-i-aa *Anand means bliss, but it is not just bliss in the way that we are used to thinking. Anand is the state of bliss that comes when every word that you speak, and every action you take supports the light and journey of your soul. See 10 Reasons to Chant Mantras.
FIVE SUPERPOWERS YOU CAN HARNESS THROUGH MEDITATION Meditation imbues practitioners with superpowers. If you want to change gracefully, elevate through joy, access divine flow and cultivate health, then meditation may be your perfect prescription. Meditation actually changes your brain: add a meditation practice to your daily routine and cultivate the following powers. . POWER OF MANIFESTATION According to Joe Dispenza in Your Brain on Meditation, “if you want peace in the world… you have to demonstrate peace everywhere in your life.” Humans have an average of 60,000-70,000 thoughts per day: Dispenza concludes that, because most of those thoughts are the same, and thoughts precede words, action, and choice, people end up stuck. The subjective mind produces an objective effect. Meditation offers an opportunity to change your life, from the source – your thoughts – and manifest your dreams. . POWER OF JOY Change in the world and life is inevitable: you can experience change in a state of suffering or state of joy. In this sense, joy refers to a state of bliss, calm, and connection to the divine. A belief in divine intelligence. Meditation provides an opportunity to choose joy, not in spite of but in union with what the outside world offers. Through meditation, you can move from a survival consciousness to mindfulness. According to Dispenza, “you don’t need the cause-and-effect model to send gratitude… your body does not know the difference.” In other words, you don’t need something material or external to experience joy; a perpetual state of gratitude is enough. . POWER OF FLOW Power of flow refers to an ability to access divine intelligence. This may appear as intense concentration: When you embark on a project or are enraptured by a book, the flow state is when hours fly by, and you forget to eat or drink or check your phone. Meditation can help you access this state, which is closely linked to creativity and ideation. A San Francisco school extended the school day by 30 minutes for meditation, which resulted in better academic performance and a 75 percent decrease in suspensions. The students also felt “more conscious of their actions, calmer and less angry.” Access to the divine through flow has far-reaching potential for the future of humanity. . POWER OF WISDOM In a study published in the Journal of Psychological Science, a meditation course “improved GRE reading-comprehension scores and working memory capacity while simultaneously reducing the occurrence of distracting thoughts.” Meditation is an effective technique for improving cognitive function. Wisdom is deeper than cognitive function, however. Dispenza says wisdom is “memory without the emotional charge.” Trauma and stress, and the resulting patterns of remembrance, often trigger deep insecurities. Meditation offers a path to watching the ebbs and flows of memory without the knee-jerk emotional responses. Essentially, meditation allows movement forward through an acceptance of the past. Time spent envisioning a positive future versus revisiting the past is time better spent. Consider if your thoughts reflect your future self, your dream life. . POWER OF HEALTH Without your health, you have nothing, as the adage goes. The stress of modern living and environmental issues often lead to lifelong conditions and ailments. The National Center for Complementary and Integrated Health states that meditation reduces the severity of and/or aids the following: pain, high blood pressure, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, anxiety, depression and insomnia, and smoking cessation. A study published in the Journal of General Hospital Psychiatry, concluded that meditation “can have long-term beneficial effects in the treatment of people diagnosed with anxiety disorders.” Focus, through meditation, on health, feeling well leads to drastic improvements in existing conditions and may help with prevention. Deductive reasoning begs the question, if our thoughts make us sick, can our thoughts make us well? -- Source. 10 Reasons for Mantra Meditation What happens when you meditate? ® More Web sites by *Consultation with a health care professional should occur before applying adjustments or treatments to the body, consuming medications or nutritional supplements and before dieting, fasting or exercising. None of these activities are herein presented as substitutes for competent medical treatment. See Disclaimer.