Often Indigos are diagnosed as having ADD/ADHD since they appear impulsive (their brain can process information faster) and they require movement to help keep them better focused. They often have major issues with "authority" and see the world very differently than most. When you research further, it makes sense why "Big Pharma" and our "Government" would want them on drugs to keep them under-control. Is this the suppression of higher consciousness? Read more on Indigo Characteristics::http://www.in5d.com/indigo-adult-characteristics.html
The DNA change is already happening. Many of the people diagnosed as ADD or ADHD actually have minds that work better and faster. I call it the multi-mind as they are able to think about several things at the same time. Yet these people are misunderstood and drugged. They really only need someone that can teach them control over their mind and meditation(ironically?) works best, not drugs. 1 multi-mind can create the same 'energy' as a 10 person meditation/prayer group.
Care to find out more?
DNA is evolving from carbon 12 into carbon 7. Gifted people with this ADD or ADHD ability- can access the universal mind much easier than normal people. They can acquire knowledge through their abilities to multi-task and help wake up the whole of humanity. If you can be present at two places at once-you can acquire the secrets of the entire universe. I don't care if some of you think that I am crazy. We are consciousness. I repeat-we ARE consciousness. People with ADD or ADHD are therefore regarded as a "threat" and are being drugged with damaging long-term effects. Similarly more Indigo children are being born. If you love your children- sit down and listen to them. They can teach you a lot. Encourage them to use their ability, teach them how to meditate, yoga also helps, ditch the processed foods, adopt a natural organic diet (much cheaper than meds) but more importantly DITCH THE DRUGS. In fact we should all act like this irrespective of whether we have this gift or not. The greatest gift that the universe has given mankind is people with this capability - that "some" want us to believe is a disability. --