3HO History

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By Hari Singh Bird

Hari Singh Bird

June 11, 2017 -- Sat Nam. In keeping with the Siri Singh Sahib, aka Yogi Bhajan, directive to share my personal history, here's an excerpt from his December 6, 1979, Los Angeles, CA lecture published in the Yogi Bhajan Library of Teachings, which was recently discovered and sent to me by my son-in-law, Guru Amrit Singh Khalsa. See 3HOLegacyLinks.com.

Yogi Bhajan Library of Teachings

Yogi Bhajan

With unsteady be steady, with unhappy be happy, with unwanted be wanted, with unknown be known, with unacknowledged acknowledge, with unpleasant be pleasant, with uncommunicative communicate, with unexpansion expand. There is no way to stop, life is a all way, the going experience. Life is inspiringly an expiring experience, life is beautiful. Life is the most beautiful gift you ever got and each day you live you must be very, very grateful that each way you've lived. That's why next day you should get up in gratitude and do Sadhana.

I am yet to see in ten years, one single man who has done his Sadhana honestly, having any problem. I have seen one man who had tremendous problems and he went through it, solving all, all without any problem, and this year after ten years, for his ten years of complete Sadhana, I honored him as a Mukhia Singh Sahib.

It is amazing, if you understand his history. When I met him I was only to stay at his home. He was at that time approximately, I do not know, was earning thirty to thirty five thousand dollar a year. He had a beautiful home in Florida, Orlando. He has two beautiful children and I remember the first party. He called people to come and meet me around the swimming pool in his house. Huge, vast variety of people came. We sat down and talked and he said very simply, "I do not know what I can do, but I want to do something in my life."

And I said to him, "Without experience of God what life is?"

He said, "How one can get experience of God?"

I said, "The answer is Sadhana."

And next morning he was doing Sadhana. It was ten years ago. He continued doing Sadhana, his job was gone, he had to sell his house, he had to do lot of things, he had to take children to the schools, he had to do the whole thing, he is re-established today. There's nothing wrong. They are the happiest married couple. Children, first time in America I can example two children who are loving to their parents and absolutely obedient, absolutely honest, frank and truthful. May the blessing of Guru Ram Das and God be with this family so that at least we have one example to quote.

It's very funny when I was asking Ek Ong Kar Kaur (Ong Kar Kaur), I said, "Why don't you go to this military school?"

She said, "As you say, sir."

I said, "It will be very hard."

She said, "I know."

I said, "Set up the traditions so all good girls can join this school."

She said, "Sure sir. I know I am a pioneer. I'll lead it. I'll set it and you will be proud of me."

That's it. There was no argument, there was no hanky-panky, there was no back and forth discussion. There was so much charming desire to do right. It was very powerful scene but all those you have come, you have a responsibility, a very powerful responsibility that you have to provide a leading example to your children, to your neighbors. It is a very simple statement. You have chosen your self to be distinct. The price of distinction of character and behavior is that you must always be righteous. You must be flowing, therefore you must be humble and you must be bright, therefore you must be graceful. These are certain requirements.

You have chosen to stand out and say, I am, I am which is the basic thing, which Moses wanted to search, which Abraham wanted to search, which Mohammed wanted to search, which Jesus wanted to search and they all came with the answer, I am, I am. -- Source.

See 3HOHistory.com.


Before 3HO Photo History

Remembering Woodstock 1969

Remembering The Moody Blues' OM

Remembering Crosby, Stills and Nash

Yogi Bhajan's Mission Is On The March

Remembering In Search of The Lost Chord

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Legacy Photos IV Gurujot Singh Khalsa
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Library of Teachings Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati
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First Solstice Sadhana Guru Fatha Singh Khalsa
Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa Christmas In New Mexico
Bibiji Inderjit Kaur Profile Solstice Sadhana Security
Ganga Bhajan Kaur Khalsa SatHanuman Singh Khalsa
Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa
Bhai Sahib Dayal Singh Khalsa
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Yogi Tea


About Hair

Stretch Pose

Chardee Kala

My Real Name

Early 3HO Photos

Later 3HO Photos


The Mahan Tantric

White Tantra Yoga

The SikhNet Story

Our Family Photos

Before 3HO Photos

Diversity Dialogues

Letters and Lessons

Solstice Sadhana Diet

First Solstice Sadhana

Yogi Bhajan's Teacher

All for One Won for All

The Case For Dialogue


To Serve Is To Succeed

Solstice Sadhana Rules

Christmas In New Mexico

Bibiji Inderjit Kaur Khalsa

Solstice Sadhana Security

The Essence ... You Are IT

Yogi Bhajan's First Student

Women Wimps Or Warriors

Ma Bhagavati...in Memoriam

The Grace of God Meditation

Jot Singh's Early 3HO History

Advisory To 3HO/Sikh Dharma

Summer Solstice Sadhana 1973

This Is What Racism Looks Like

Awtar Singh's Early 3HO History

Kirpal Singh's Early 3HO History

The Songs of Livtar Singh Khalsa

The Solstice Sadhana Experience

A Gallery of 3HO Legacy Teachers

An African American Critiques 3HO

Rise Up Rise Up Sweet Family Dear

Hari Jiwan Singh's Early 3HO History

The Yogi Bhajan Library of Teachings

Guru Fatha Singh's Early 3HO History

Sat Santokh Singh's Early 3HO History

Yogi Bhajan's Mission Is On The March

The Ubuntu Age - All for One, Won for All

The Sikh Who Changed Modern-Day India

Remembering Sat Nam The Grace Within You

More Video Stories of The Master Yogi Bhajan

The 1974 Transition of Bhai Sahib Dayal Singh

Ending The Age of Me - Beginning The Age of We

Guru Singh's History of Summer Solstice Sadhana



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