Mitchell, the diminutive, soft-spoken but spunky, veteran NBC Chief
Foreign Affairs correspondent recently recounted why she, along with
a female colleague, were not assigned to the 3-Mile Island nuclear
power plant incident near Harrisburg, PA, in March of 1979, while
several male colleagues were sent to cover the event.
immediately confronted her boss as to why he assigned all the men
and none of the women. He said, "There's a very good reason.
It's because you're both of childbearing age and there's a big health
To which Andrea replied, “Do you mean to tell us that a man’s
balls are not as sensitive as a woman’s ovaries?"
Andrea reported on the 3-Mile Island incident.
Move time slide to the 5 minute mark for quicker access to segment.
a woman all men are born.
How then can any man degrade any woman?"