"In Prosperity three things work: Security, Security and Security.
Because Security manifests Prosperity. Security manifests the entire
manifestation. Because Security is the Rule of Harmony." Siri Singh Sahib
"It is a Sikh's sacred duty, without fear or anger, to defend the
weak and protect the innocent." SantSipahiAdvisoryTeam.com
"Forgiveness doesn't mean you forget what happened...
If something is serious and it is necessary to take counter-
measures, you have to take counter-measures." Dalai Lama
"Circumstances cannot be allowed to preclude the implementation
of adequate safety and security measures." Interior-Guard.com
Monitor all activities occurring in the presence of Guru Granth Sahib as well as any other activities in order to maintain a safe, hazard-free environment, and a peaceful, respectful Gurdwara decorum. See Sentry Job Description.
Assist Sangat members in the performance of their worship and other activities, especially to include the arrival and departure of families with young children, giving aid and comfort to the elderly and the infirm, and greeting visitors.
Take direct Protective and/or Defensive action in the event of emergency circumstances such as fire and emergency medical response, disruptive or disorderly activity, or any act of aggression occurring within or around the Gurdwara or amongst Sangat members, and ensure security of building perimeter (doors and windows) while maintaining appropriate access for Sangat members and guests.
Gather and disseminate intelligence data, and subsequently alert Sangat members, and appropriate local authorities to the existence of issues or circumstances involving imminent or potential risk to the security of the Guru, Sangat members, or Gurdwara property.
Interface with and assist Local Fire and Medical Emergency or Law Enforcement Response Team members in order to maintain appropriate and respectful decorum in any emergency conditions occurring in the presence of Guru Granth Sahib or upon the Gurdwara property, circumstances permitting.
NOTE: General Orders For Gurdwara Sevadars are intended to be general in nature as opposed to specific since these apply to the commonalities of all Gurdwaras.
Special Operating Protocols or SOPs should be formulated and implemented by respective Sangat leaders after consultation with local First Responders, i.e., Fire, Medical Emergency, Law Enforcement or other agencies. These Special Operating Protocols then will reflect conditions peculiar to local circumstances, which may vary according to any unique layout, structural, or geographical, economic, or technical requirements.
All the affairs of the Lord's humble servant are perfectly resolved. In the utterly poisonous Dark Age of Kali Yuga, the Lord preserves and protects his honor. ||1||Pause||
Remembering, remembering God, his Lord and Master in meditation, the Messenger of Death does not approach him.
Liberation and heaven are found in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy... ||2||17||48||
The Vedas and the Scriptures are only make-believe, Oh Siblings of Destiny; they do not relieve the anxiety of the heart. If you will only center yourself on the Lord, even for just a breath, then you shall see the Lord face-to-face, present before you.
Oh human being, search your own heart every day, and do not wander around in confusion.
This world is just a magic-show; no one will be holding your hand. ||Pause||
Reading and studying falsehood, people are happy; in their ignorance, they speak nonsense.The True Creator Lord is diffused into His creation; He is not just the dark-skinned Krishna of legends.
Through the Tenth Gate, the stream of nectar flows; take your bath in this. Serve the Lord forever; use your eyes, and see Him ever-present everywhere.
The Lord is the purest of the pure; only through doubt could there be another.
Oh Kabeer, mercy flows from the Merciful Lord; He alone knows who acts. ||4||1||
Security is the absence of risk.
Security does not happen by accident!
Security is those actions or systems, which prevent or minimize
the occurrence of adverse events within specific environments.
The most effective security is preventative as well as proactive,
and serves to minimize any risk to life, property or environments.
American Sikhs are free to pursue happiness,
but there's no guarantee we will achieve it.
NOTE: American Sikhs are free to pursue happiness, but there's no guarantee we will achieve it. We can view the subject of Security as an unpleasant, even terrifying concept, or as a fearless, even exhilarating exercise in courage. We can choose to be passive, wimpy victims,
or proactive, fearless survivors. To those members of the Sadh Sangat who choose
to remain in denial with regard to matters of Security
and Safety, who either claim that Gurdwara Security is unnecessary,
or who dismiss any thought of improving Gurdwara Security, I suggest
that you not only recall the tragic events of the August 5, 2012 Gurdwara
assault in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, the Sandy Hook Elementary School
killings in Newtown, Connecticut, December 14, 2012, and the U.S. Navy Yard massacre of September 16, 2013, but that you
recall the days of Operation
Blue Star, the tragic assault on the Guru in Amritsar, India, June 1-6, 1984, a week which will live in infamy...
the event that involved the desecration of the Golden
Temple, and the destruction of the Akal Takht.
(See video.) Going back much farther, remember Aurangzeb?
Takht, after Operation Blue Star, June 6, 1984
Beadbi of Siri Guru Granth Sahib
"The Form Follows Function Principle means that any hardware or
other equipment that is required to execute the mission must be based
upon the intended function or purpose. In other words, policy and procedure
needs to be established and ready for implementation before acquiring people,
equipment, or support, i.e., hardware is considered last. Or, first know where you're
going and how to get there before you acquire the means." -- Hari Singh
Bird Khalsa
Keep in mind also that the Siri
Singh Sahib of Sikh Dharma established a policy whereby a Security
and Safety Sevadar is posted at the door of the House
of Guru Ram Das Gurdwara in Los Angeles, California, even to this
day. His vision being that Gurdwara Security and Safety is not about acting out
of fear or anger, it is about selflessly serving the Guru and the Sangat while
fearlessly defending the weak and protecting the innocent for which
Sikhs have a sacred duty. See Sikh Youth Deserve Leadership Training.
Karam khand ki bani jor. Tithai hor na koi hor. In the realm of Karam, the Word is Power.
No one else dwells there...
Tithai jodh maha-bal sur. Tin meh ram rahia bharpur. Except the Warriors of great power, the Spiritual Heroes.
They are totally fulfilled, imbued with the Lord's Essence.
Tithai sito sita mehma mahi. Ta ke rup na kathne jahi. Myriads of Sitas are there, cool and calm in their
majestic glory. Their beauty cannot be described.
Na ohi marahi na thage jahi. Jin kai Ram vasai man mahi. Neither death nor deception comes to those
within whose minds the Lord abides.
Tithai bhagat vasahi ke loa. Karahi anand sacha mani soe. The Devotees of many worlds dwell there.
They celebrate; their minds are imbued with the True Lord...
PSALM 82:3-4
Guru Gobind Singh Ji's Epic Battle
100K to 40, The Battle of Chamkaur Sahib, December 21, 1704
Sat Nam. The Siri Singh Sahib was asked to express his priorities for a community gathering in the early ‘70s. His reply, “Security, Security, Security.” I share his vision. I have the concern that with the passage of time, nay, even as we speak, the memory of the Oak Creek massacre will fade away just as the memory of the infamous 1984 Operation
Blue Star attack on the Sikhs in India seems to have disappeared from our recollection. Many Sikhs simply tag these events as the will of God and Guru, which is true, but we cannot stop there. There is a deeper message, a challenge, that has apparently gone unnoticed, i.e., our sacred duty to fearlessly "defend the weak and protect the innocent," just as Guru Gobind Singh taught us. So, I am requesting that the Sikh ministers act to meet our present day challenges. Not out of a sense of fear or apprehension, but with the same courage and fearlessness as did Guru Gobind Singh and our beloved Siri Singh Sahib. I urge my fellow ministers to answer this call by purchasing the Active Shooter Survival Training DVD shown below, and sharing it with their respective Sangats. See Jai Jagdeesh Kaur's Ad Guray Nameh.
Active Shooter Survival DVD is
a reality-based training production.
Training covers the following topics.
Planning for Survival
Stopping the Shooter
Escaping the Violence
Hiding from the Shooter
Preventing Violent Intrusions
Collective Survival Strategies
Disrupting the Shooter’s Intentions
Training includes a step-by-step how-to, such as:
Protecting you from extreme violence
Responding to an active shooter
Managing workplace violence
Improving Gurdwara security
Becoming better prepared
Saving innocent lives
Surviving terrorism
Who is responsible for your security?
Most people are reactive when it comes to their safety and well-being.
Most people respond only after threats have materialized and the problem is acute.
This approach brings little solace to the victims and is dangerous.
The most effective security is preventative as well as proactive.
The radicalization of fringe elements in society is increasing.
The targeting of minorities is nothing new and will continue.
Community preparedness is a must; its absence is a liability. --
Alon Stivi, CEO, Direct Measures International
value is not in how many experiences you have had.
It is in your stability -- in how much sacrifice you can do.
Your value is in how effectively and how consistently you can
live for others. Your value is in how you can take command of
yourself and others in any situation. Your value is in your capability
of firmly planting yourself in the neutrality of your higher consciousness
and standing as a pillar of strength, turning every negative to a
Your value is how quickly you are there when the call comes." -- Yogi Bhajan
consciousness is a state of being whereby we live in service
to humanity, inspiring and assisting others to do the same. And while
it is our sacred purpose to celebrate Naam and live as saints,
it is our
sacred duty to defend the weak and protect the innocent." -- Hari Singh
remains true today, in the ancient tradition of ignorance,
that people of faith and otherwise good sense hasten
to ostracize and demonize any person or group
whose beliefs and customs are unlike their own.
at the Sikh Gurdwara in Fresno, California
Photo courtesy of Christian Parley, The Fresno Bee.
after September 11, 2001, an epidemic of hate crimes against minorities
swept the United States and other countries. The wave of hate crimes and hate violence affected Muslims especially, and anyone perceived to be a Muslim, e.g.,
Sikhs, Arabs, South Asians, Latinos, and other brown-skinned people.
Incidents occurred in every part of the public sphere: houses, roadways, workplaces,
airports, school grounds, and street corners, as well as churches, synagogues, mosques, temples and gurdwaras in nearly every major
city in the United States. In targeted communities, places of worship have been burned,
homes vandalized, families threatened, jobs denied, children bullied,
women harassed, men and women beaten and murdered.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Oak Creek, Wisconsin
Six Slain Sikhs
Sikhs murdered at their Gurdwara in Oak Creek, Wisconsin.
Top left to right, Satwant Singh, Sita Singh, and Paramjit Kaur,
Bottom left to right, Ranjit Singh, Prakash Singh, and Suveg Singh.
Sikh community members in the wake of the Oak Creek murders.
Police Lt. Brian Murphy
Officer took nine bullets during massacre and survived.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Oak Creek, Wisconsin
Another Sikh Slain
Dalbir Singh of Oak Creek, Wisconsin, murdered in his store.
Wednesday, August 10, 2012
Muslim Girl Wounded
Malala Yousuf Zai, a 14 year old girl, was seriously wounded by religious fanatics for speaking out for peace and human rights. More.
U.S. hate groups numbers are growing
Hate groups in the U.S.
Open Letter
To The Saadh Sangat of Sikh Dharma
Mukhia Singh Sahib
Hari Singh Bird Khalsa
Security is the absence of risk.
Security does not happen by accident!
Security is those actions or systems, which prevent or minimize
the occurrence of adverse events within specific environments.
The most effective security is preventative as well as proactive,
and serves to minimize any risk to life, property or environments.
Sat Nam, Brothers and Sisters! I am a former U.S. Marine and someone who has been involved with Gurdwara and Solstice security for decades. I would like to address what I see as a general absence of security/soldier consciousness within Sikh communities by quoting the Siri Singh Sahib aka Yogi Bhajan, who said: “Human is a blend of Saint and Soldier; this is a complete person. If you are not a Soldier your sainthood will be kicked around. If you are only a Soldier, not a Saint, you will start kicking others around." -- Yogi Bhajan 8/6/1975
The Siri Singh Sahib was once asked to express his priorities at a 3HO Solstice Sadhana gathering in the early ‘70s. His reply was, “Security, Security, Security.” And since the establishment of the Guru Ram Das Ashram in Los Angeles, and until this very day, a sevadar is posted at the door of the gurdwara as ordered by the Siri Singh Sahib. Security has been a priority consideration since the earliest days of 3HO/Sikh Dharma.
recently speaking with a Sangat member regarding the subject of Gurdwara
Security and Safety, she mentioned how she thought she would engage an active-shooter incident
within her community. She said her first instinct would be to physically
cover any potential victims with her body as a shield. I advised her
that this would be exactly the wrong action to take. I suggested that
she think about the instructions given by airline attendants concerning
an in-flight emergency. Passengers are advised to take self-saving
actions first by utilizing their oxygen mask on themselves before
attempting to assist anybody else.
may seem counter-intuitive, but self-preservation must be the first
response in order for other potential victims to be protected and
defended. Contrary to the unfortunate outcomes of numerous recent
horrific events, an active-shooter event is not a situation where potential victims
are without recourse. This is addressed in numerous, simple, and surprising
ways in a survival training video called Survival
Edge: Active Shooter Survival, available at ACTCert.com (ACT stands
for Attack Countermeasures Training), which I urge all communities
to acquire and view. This DVD provides a reality-based, step-by-step
training program that covers how to protect you and others from
extreme violence, including responding to an active shooter, managing
workplace violence, improving Gurdwara
security and safety, becoming better prepared, saving innocent
lives and surviving terrorism.
Though the outcome of the shooting event in Oak Creek, Wisconsin in 2012 was horrific, those murders might have been preventable to a significant extent. There are specific actions (some even at the time of the attack) that could have possibly mitigated the outcome.
Since the incident, many Sikhs have opined that as unfortunate as it was, it was the will of God and Guru. This is true. But I opine that the event did not just happen in order to happen. It happened with a clear and challenging message to the Sadh Sangat: as Sikhs of Guru Gobind Singh, it is our sacred duty to defend the weak and protect the innocent.
My question is, what are we collectively doing to meet this challenge? What are we doing in the way of securing our communities, whereby we honor our sacred duty?
My concern is that with the passage of time, the memory of the Oak Creek massacre and other tragedies will fade away. I strongly encourage all members of the Sikh community – and especially Sikh Dharma Ministers – to act now to meet this ever-present challenge – not out of a sense of reactionary fear, but with the same attention and fearless dedication as our beloved Siri Singh Sahib.
As a member of the 3HO Solstice Security and Safety advisory team, I am working to help develop programs and awareness, and I am happy to receive communication from Sangat members.
Nam, Khalsa ji! In the wake of the attention now being given for and against gun ownership, I have frequently recalled a scene from many years ago with a wince, even a shudder on one hand, and a smile with a head-shake on the other.
Women: Wimps or Warriors?
I was in a mixed group discussing security and gun safety training in which a young woman reluctantly picked up a handgun between her thumb and forefinger as if picking up a dead mouse. The scene stuck with me ever since. And all the recent talk about guns and violence has especially caused me to recall that silly albeit sad scenario. Silly because it looked so comical, sad because it is indicative of where I see the mind set of many women, today.
a woman is attacked by a gun-toting assailant, her chance
of survival diminishes greatly if she has no training in
survival skills, e.g., martial arts and
firearms training.
of where you stand on gun control, knowledge of firearms equates with strength, ignorance
of firearms equates with weakness.
Pages And Points To Ponder
The First Teachers
It is incumbent on those who know, to teach those who do not know. --Hari
New Mexico Military Institute can provide this.
A two-year leadership program is available.
Those who shall not learn to obey shall never be
in a position to command. -- Siri Singh Sahib
A woman who is not a leader is a miserable person… A leader has three things.
First thing, leader has to sacrifice; second thing, leader has to stand alone; and
third, leader has to lead. And leader has to lead by example, by action and by word.
A leader is one who can stand on the top of the ladder and can stay balanced and
alone. So basically, if you do not want to be the leaders, and you do not want to
lead the home, lead the family, lead your environments, with grace, with courage
and with intelligence, you will have nothing in your life... -- Siri Singh Sahib
Create dependable
children, not dependent children. Give your children
the basic values to face their own tomorrows, not be blinded by yours. Make
them proper personalities, not helpless puppets. Position them for success; do
not paralyze them with the commotion of your emotions. -- Siri Singh Sahib
The basic aspect of you as woman is not in your sensuality and in your dramas.
You are not only the givers of life, you are the manufacturers of character. Whatever
character you will give to your children, that shall be their future. -- Siri Singh Sahib
Your reliability will give people the courage to trust you.
Their trust will give you the power to carry a situation. A leader
carries and serves people. Learn to lead as a ‘seva’ (to sacrifice your
time and resources for the benefit of others without wanting anything in
return); people will love you, and you will continue to expand. -- Siri Singh Sahib
Children are born with intrinsic leadership traits, which prepare them for life.
These must translate positively into the lives they lead as citizens of the world.
These are: Service, Justice, Courage, Compassion, Decisiveness, Reliability,
Integrity, Initiative, Knowledge, Loyalty, Enthusiasm, Endurance. -- Hari Singh Khalsa
Sikhi youth...Sant-Sipahi is their heritage
Nam, Saadh Sangat ji! I am a passionate proponent of more balance
between our claims to accept and understand the concept of Saint-Soldier, and actually living our lives as authentic Sant-Sipahi. To this end I strongly urge Khalsa parents, especially
our women, the first teachers of our children, to consider the following points.
.) I urge you to consider enrolling our children at the New
Mexico Military Institute, located in Roswell, New Mexico. My
kids graduated high school with honors at NMMI in the early '80s,
the first children of Sikh
Dharma to attend a military school in America. The Siri
Singh Sahib expressed great pleasure upon observing
cadet training when he visited NMMI in 1983. He advised us then that he
would have enrolled his own children at NMMI if he had known of its existence. Another group of children
who attended school in India later attended NMMI in the early '90s.
Sikh minister, M.S.S. Hari Singh Bird, addresses NMMI Sikh cadets in front of chapel, 1992.
New Mexico Military Institute offers an outstanding two year college option for your sons and daughters after they complete their
time at Miri Piri Academy. For those families for which MPA is not an option, NMMI has an excellent four year high school college prep programin addition to theirtwo year
college program. New Mexico Military Institute has been ranked No. 5 on a list of the nation’s top 50 community colleges by an independent organization, i.e., TheBestSchools.org, which has described the Roswell, New Mexico school as the “only state-supported, coeducational, military boarding school in the United States.” The school offers college prep, a four-year high school and a two-year junior college. See NMMI
Strategic Measures Statistics.
Each of the former Sikhi students/graduates
of NMMI provide a testament to the advantages of attending NMMI, which
include a rigorous and challenging lifestyle, camaraderie and fellowship,
and outstanding leadership
training especially, along with NMMI's excellent scholastic program.
This experience prepared them for additional university training, and exciting
careers all over the world. NMMI is the only American prep school I know
that has a history of accommodating the Sikhi lifestyle, i.e., sadhana, kesh, turban, sipahi training, and vegetarian diet. And it is an excellent environment for Sikhi youth to learn leadership and soldiering skills for which the Siri Singh Sahib was a passionate
The NMMI program offers MPA students and other Sikh youth
a unique and reasonably cost-effective opportunity to transition
from the Indian program into the American experience as a unit, and the obvious advantage of continued
bonding with their peers. See NMMI
Admissions, or click admissions@nmmi.edu, or call 800-421-5376.
.) I urge you to reflect on the Siri Singh Sahib's words, "Human
is a blend of Saint and Soldier (Sant
Sipahi); this is a complete person. If you
are not a Soldier your sainthood will be kicked around. If you are
only a Soldier, not a Saint, you will start kicking others around."
Again, our youth deserve leadership training going forward. I know of no readily available source of formal leadership
training available to our Sikh youth other than the New Mexico Military
"Leadership...must be independent of outside influences. That’s how leadership is able to act in the best interests of the organization and its people. Leadership should have a caliber greater than the collective constituency it leads. Leadership must take its constituency to places they may not be able to take themselves. That’s why they’re the leaders. This is why the Siri Singh Sahib wanted a leadership body SELECTED with these values in mind: with no agendas, no need to be popular, no need for great transparency, no outside influence (just advice); just consciousness, confidence, and courage. That’s it. We may or may not like our leaders. We may or may not agree with them. But, if they continue to lead us by example, with consciousness, trust and guts to the Guru, and with reverence...that’s all that’s necessary." -- Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa
Sikh Officer of Distinction
Lt. Colonel Harjit Singh Sajjit
To: M.S.S. Hari Singh Bird Khalsa
Sent: Thu, Aug 1, 2013 12:24 pm
Sat Nam Hari Singh,
Hope you and your family are keeping well.
As you must have heard, another Gurdwara in California got vandalized recently. Please let me know your comments on security measures we can suggest to various Gurdwaras that they can take to prevent these incidents. Also, what do you think the local, state and federal government can do to protect our Gurdwaras.
Bhai Sahib ____________________ --
Sat Nam, Bhai Sahib ji!
Thank you for your inquiry!
I am truly saddened to hear of the recent Gurdwara vandalism.
Regarding your request for my thoughts about local Gurdwara actions, I suggest that immediate consideration be given to adopting and distributing the General Orders listed at GurdwaraSecurity.com.
These should be supplemented with any appropriate Special Operating Protocols unique to a respective Gurdwara.
In addition, I suggest that Sangat leaders make contact with local law enforcement, medical emergency and other first responders, ASAP, for the purpose of initiating a security and safety threat assessment in order to determine the actual security status of the Gurdwara environment plus the adjacent property and neighborhood, followed by the implementation of any appropriate recommendations. Communications with key people within these same agencies should remain well established and maintained, as well. (Note: It may be helpful to direct local agencies to this site, WhoAreTheSikhs.com, for historical reference, especially regarding the Oak Creek tragedy.)
Further, I suggest that Sangat leaders immediately execute actions that secure Gurdwara environments, e.g., employ an on-site uniformed, and armed law enforcement officer along with an on-site marked vehicle presence during high visibility Sunday activities, especially. This action will provide the Sangat with a) an on-site, professionally trained agent with arrest powers, and b) legal cover in the event of potential liability issues.
With respect to vandalism concerns, I suggest that security video cameras be deployed at key points around the Gurdwara perimeters as well as inside the Gurdwara. This will also provide a means by which safety issues such as fire and-or hazardous and emergency medical events can be monitored. The threat assessment audit will more than likely cover this issue.
A final thought, although this may not be practical for obvious reasons, remember that the Siri Singh Sahib directed that a Sevadar be stationed full-time at the entrance of House of Guru Ram Das Gurdwara, Los Angeles. To my knowledge, this remains the case to this day. See Interior-Guard.com.
Be well.
M.S.S. Hari Singh Bird Khalsa --
"Forgiveness doesn't mean you forget what happened...
If something is serious and it is necessary to take counter-
measures, you have to take counter-measures." Dalai Lama
A Presentation Before The Khalsa Council
By Singh Sahib Jot Singh Khalsa
Saturday, April 26, 2014
S.S. Jot Singh Khalsa
It is my privilege and honor to share with you today around the topic of Security.
We have rich history of our gurus and their disciples being protectors of the weak and innocent. Our beloved Siri Singh Sahib Ji embodied this as well. He told us of tumultuous times that we would face and these may be upon us now.
So what are the things we can do to best secure and serve these times?
PERSONAL SECURITY - Which may often be overlooked - serves to reduce personal risk.
Many in the world are not so fortunate to have personal practices to balance themselves and a Sadhana which can provide sensitivity and intuition, enabling us to perceive potential danger around us, beyond what the eyes normally can see and what the ears may hear.
These practices will also afford us tolerance and non-reactiveness to deal with anything that the Creator brings before us. They also can provide the resilience and reserves to assist others in handling what they may be struggling to manage.
For the first 20 years the Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan taught us, he urged us to learn to protect ourselves. In New Mexico there were Survival Camps and an annual Ladies Camp for decades, where martial and military training and drills were very much a part of the programs.
Martial training, combined with a steady morning Sadhana can provide a precious, confident and intuitive presence to stand firmly and wisely amidst and against if necessary, the pressures of any situation of time and space.
In my teaching these days, I share that martial arts training is a perfect complement to Kundalini Yoga.
If you and I don't bring forth Saint-Soldier consciousness - who will? likely not most from the yoga or punjabi communities - I don't believe. If we don't embody that steadiness under pressure for our students and communities - who will?
Our yogic practices and our service help us to become Saintly, in my experience and from my observation. Training is required to be an effective soldier.
In the 37th pauri of Ekongkar Kaur's English translation of Japji Sahib - to manifest the Sant Sipahi/Saint Solider/Spiritual Warrior is among the highest incarnations.
In my teaching these days - I share that martial arts training is a perfect complement to kundalini yoga. For those not ready for what is often intense martial training - sinking deeply into Archer pose - with Long Deep Breathing - and Jaap Sahib playing in background - Can serve well to enable the capacity to become ferocious. Especially for a woman, this can be important. I believe all of you know archer pose. If not I'm happy to show you.
Aquarian Sadhana - 22 minutes - During the 22 minutes of sitting in Vir Asan (also referred to as Hero or Warrior Pose), with the hands in prayer pose, chanting the “Waheguru Wahejio” mantra with eyes open, staring and fixed at the tip of the nose, you will receive insights to enable and clarify your path to manifesting excellence within the realms that you are most passionate about. This multifaceted meditation, which is more than three times longer than any other segment of the Aquarian Sadhana meditations, also engenders the saint-soldier mentality -- an invaluable blend of elevated awareness and a relaxed preparedness, to embrace and act within any situation with greater insight, sensitivity, and without fear.
My martial training and my Sadhana provide me the greater likelihood that I may not react or be fearful when confronted by anything or anyone.
Siblings of Destiny and Khalsa Council in session, April 2014l
One of my prayers has been as Siblings of Destiny and the Khalsa Council, that through embracing our discipline we get beyond our fears and rigidity. This to best serve each other and humanity wherever we find ourselves. To manifest heart and soul, as the S.S. Sahiba urged in her opening address.
We sing it regularly, in the song of the Khalsa - something I believe the Our beloved teacher wanted to be ingrained in our psyches -'when things are down and darkest, that's when we stand tallest'. I ask how will you do that? If not through your well cultivated and refined discipline and through the grace of the One?
We create kirpans and refer to them as the worlds finest. I also refer to them as real kirpans - they are sharp, and often find myself saying ' why bother to carry a Kirpan that can not serve you to be a protector of the weak and innocent'. Most of what comes from India is not meant for that, and some of them are beautiful. Best seek out a bit of training, if you decide to wear a real Kirpan.
I suggested to someone just this morning to carry pepper spray. Especially if you are a woman. (check local laws as to legality to carry this).
COMMUNITY SECURITY Prior to any event your community is involved in sponsoring, it will be wise to look at insuring the environment will be secure. When Siri Singh Sahib Ji was with us, if you were on his personal Security detail his request, "Secure the environments!"
So whether you call upon a capable team of volunteers, possibly with law enforcement backup options or with law enforcement directly, the Security of your event is more likely assured.
At Solstices now, we have armed sheriff's deputies with a highly visible presence. For over two years a volunteer, Security Advisory Team, S.A.T. team, including prior military service members, hold conference call meetings in which they collaborate with 3HO Solstice staff members on how to best implement resources for maintaining a safe and secure Solstice experience.
At the very least - take it upon yourself to be observant and when anything doesn't look or feel right - tell someone responsible and capable or call law enforcement. If you are unable to take this action, then direct somebody who can be attentive and observant who will be able to act in a crisis.
As Sikhs we of course look different and may be seen as targets for those who do not know who we are, perhaps thinking we are terrorists.
SECURITY ADVISORY TEAM This team advises 3HO Solstice management on Security issues. This group is for those who have the inclination to develop their capacity to serve as a defender of the weak and protector of the innocent during Winter and Summer Solstices, by cultivating their potential as a saint-soldier. You are welcome to join us on our conference calls. This will help us to develop a culture of awareness of Personal Security as well as Community Security.
SANT SIPAHI ADVISORY TEAM The group that will eventually send representatives out to our various communities to explore the ways and means to insure Security within ashram and Gurdwara communities. The Sant Sipahi Advisory Team works on the premise that all Security is local and must start at the personal level - with each person taking responsibility for their individual safety and those around them. Once this awareness is in place at the individual level, S.S.A.T. will work to provide resources, training and support. (See GurdwaraSecurity.com.)
All are welcome to join this most noble endeavor to ensure the safety and Security of our Dharma. Please let me know at these meetings if you have any interest and you will be added to our mailing list.
Thank you for your kind attention! --
Note: If you want to serve as a member of the Winter Solstice or Summer Solstice Security Team, contact us here. No previous security experience is necessary. All Security Team members will be trained.
If you cannot walk together, you
cannot work together. Yogi Bhajan
Those who shall not learn to obey shall never
be in a position to command. Yogi Bhajan
The synergistic equation is 1 plus 1 equals 11.
this synergistic equation is applied, the 'me' perspective
morphs into the universal 'we' perspective. The result is each action is
accomplished exponentially for the common good. 1Plus1Equals11.com
security is local.
Homeland security begins with hometown security."
Pages And Points To Ponder
Note: This video is not intended as a solicitation,
only as a helpful source of information.