use of music for spiritual attainment and healing of the soul, which
was prevalent in ancient times, is not found to the same extent today.
Music has been made a pastime, the means of forgetting
God instead of realizing God. --Hazrat
Inayat Khan
It is a Sikh's sacred duty to defend the weak and protect the innocent. --Hari Singh
The Sikh Anthem By
Mukhia Singh Sahib
Livtar Singh Khalsa
the heart of a lion,
There is no fear of dyin'.
In the heat of battle,
The Spirit of Life burns like a flame.
In the depths of the darkness,
In the worse betrayal and pain,
The fearless Khalsa heart will
To the rhythm of the Name.
never started a war before,
But we have finished many.
We see the One in everyone.
Whom should we fear? Not any!
We play the game of life with style;
The question of death we love to enjoy.
We have seen so many times,
In so many lives what our life is for ...
In so many lives what our life is for!
the heart of a lion,
There is no fear of dyin'.
In the heat of battle,
The Spirit of Life burns like a flame.
In the depths of the darkness,
In the worse betrayal and pain,
The fearless Khalsa heart will
To the rhythm of the Name.
come and enemies go,
But the Khalsa stands like a mountain range.
We will return to Infinity.
What in the world will the drama change?
Go onto the battlefield;
Head in hand as a humble one.
The life doesn't matter, the courage does.
Soon the job will be done ...
Soon the job will be done!
the heart of a lion,
There is no fear of dyin'.
In the heat of battle,
The Spirit of Life burns like a flame.
In the depths of the darkness,
In the worse betrayal and pain,
The fearless Khalsa heart will
To the rhythm of the Name.
every side the world will pull;
They want you to join them in their fog.
It took you millions of lives to arrive;
What do you care for the barking of dogs?
The one who stands alone in the fray
Is a priceless gem to the One he serves.
Be the Light for the world to see.
Invincible ones live by their words ...
Invincible ones live by their words!
the heart of a lion,
There is no fear of dyin'.
In the heat of battle,
The Spirit of Life burns like a flame.
In the depths of the darkness,
In the worse betrayal and pain,
The fearless Khalsa heart will
To the rhythm of the Name.
Khalsa Way By Mukhia Singh Sahib
Livtar Singh Khalsa
ago and far away
A man sat like a stone
On a burning seat of red-hot iron ...
To him it was a throne.
For he was Guru Arjan,
King of this world and the next.
When his time in this earthly world was through,
He just smiled and left.
As it was in the beginning
And shall be for all time,
Those who live and die a fearless life,
In the court of God they shine ...
is The Khalsa Way ...
I don't mind dying and I won't go crying.
That is the Khalsa way ...
If things look bad we just keep on trying.
That is the Khalsa way ...
If anyone falls,
Ten more will come in his place.
That is our way!
mogul king sent forth his word,
"No Sikh shall be left alive,
We'll wipe this Khalsa from the face of the Earth".
On each head he put a price.
So one brave Sikh stood on the road,
Knowing he couldn't live long.
In the name of the Guru he collected a toll ...
It shook that king to his throne.
They tried to put the light of the Khalsa out,
But now it is they who are gone,
And through every test of time and space,
Khalsa lives on ...
by one they shot us down
As we read the Siri Guru ...
Till they had to stop, they had never seen
So many who would die for the Truth.
And those who lay on the railroad tracks,
Their bodies stopped the train.
Those whose children were killed before their eyes,
They saw God thru their pain.
Then all those who stood their ground
Against impossible odds ...
In their courageous lives and fearlessness
We see the power of God.
is the Khalsa way ...
I don't mind dying and I won't go crying.
That is the Khalsa way ...
If things look bad we just keep on trying.
That is the Khalsa way ...
If anyone falls,
Ten more will come in his place.
That is our way!
million started out ...
Only a few survived.
But we stood together in the heart of this land
Against all their power and lies.
They wished that we had never been,
They clubbed us in the street.
But our hearts were strong, the war was wrong,
Our victory was peace.
They waited for us all to disappear,
They waited for our spirit to die.
But they'll still be waiting when the sun burns out ...
For the heroes and warriors,
The saints and the martyrs,
Will never die ...
is the Khalsa way ...
I don't mind dying and I won't go crying.
That is the Khalsa way ...
If things look bad we just keep on trying.
That is the Khalsa way ...
If anyone falls,
Ten more will come in his place.
That is our way!
Singh Sahib left his home ...
Answered the Guru's call.
In the land of maya he planted a seed
Of a nation that would never fall.
One by one we came to him
And we read the Siri Guru.
We planted our roots in the soul of this land ... Ram
Das Puri grew.
Now the future belongs to the daughters
And sons of Guru Gobind Singh.
We'll stand like steel through the tests of the time,
Then, Khalsa will reign ...
is the Khalsa way ...
I don't mind dying and I won't go crying.
That is the Khalsa way ...
If things look bad we just keep on trying.
That is the Khalsa way ...
If anyone falls,
Ten more will come in his place.
That is our way! --
*Sat Siree - Supreme Truth
Siree Akaal - Supreme Undying
Siree Akaal - Supreme Undying
Mahaa Akaal - Great Deathless Being
Mahaa Akaal - Great Deathless Being Sat Naam - Named (Identified) Truth
Akaal Moorat - Deathless Image Wah-hay-Guroo - Indescribable Wisdom
Rise up, rise up, sweet family dear
A time of the Lord and rememberin'
Love is here
Love, love is all you'll say
If you'll awake and rise up right away
Hey, hey
If you'll awake and rise up right away
Rise up, rise up, sweet family dear
The time of the Lord and rememberin'
Love is here
Love, love is all you'll say
If you'll awake and rise up right away
Lord will bless you so many ways
If you will rise up right now
Sing His praise
Rise up, rise up, sweet family dear
Time of the Lord and rememberin'
Love is here
Love, love is all you'll say
If you'll awake and rise up right away
Hey, hey
If you'll awake and rise up right away
Rise up, rise up, sweet family dear
A time of the Lord and rememberin'
Love is here
Love, love is all you'll say
If you'll awake and rise up right away
Hey, hey
If you'll awake and rise up right away
Hey, hey
If you'll awake and rise up right away
Lord will bless you so many ways
If you will rise up right now
Sing His praise
Rise up, rise up, sweet family dear
Time of the Lord and rememberin'
Love is here
Love, love is all you'll say
If you'll awake and rise up right away
If you'll awake and rise up right away
If you'll awake and rise up right away
If you'll awake and rise up right away --