of Kundalini Yoga
Siri Singh Sahib of Sikh Dharma 

you want to learn something, read about it.
If you want to understand something, write about it.
If you want to master something, teach it." Yogi Bhajan
to Succeed in Business
As Taught to Us by the Animals
By Yogi Bhajan
"To be effective and excel through current pressures
and challenges, we must learn from and adopt:
grip of a bear.
The skin of a rhino.
The loyalty of a dog.
The clarity of an owl.
The hunt of a wild dog.
The friendship of a wolf.
The intelligence of a rat.
The neutrality of a dove.
The attack of a cheetah.
The beauty of a peacock.
The diplomacy of a rabbit.
The endurance of a horse.
The responsibility of a cat.
The personality of a butterfly.
The planning of a lion's pride.
The communication of a crow.
The adjustment of a rattlesnake.
The executiveness of a king cobra.
The courage and strategy of a lion.
The brain and intuition of an elephant.
The vision and watch of the eagle's eye.
The penetration and impact of stampeding buffalo."
is Yogi Bhajan?
motto: "If you cannot see God in all, you cannot see God at all."
His credo: "It’s not the life that matters, it’s
the courage that you bring to it."
His challenge: "Don’t love me, love my teachings. Be ten
times greater than me.”

"It’s not the life that matters...
It’s the courage
that you bring to it."
Bhajan (Harbhajan Singh Khalsa
is the chief religious and administrative authority for the
Ministry of Sikh Dharma in the Western Hemisphere. Yogi Bhajan
has been given the Ministerial title of "Siri
Singh Sahib" by the central governing body of the
Sikh religion, the Akal
Takhat, in recognition for his unceasing missionary work in
the western world. (See TheMahanTantric.com.)
He is an individual of remarkable insight, powerful energy
and an unwavering commitment to global healing and spiritual
Yogi Bhajan is a Master of Kundalini Yoga, the Yoga
of Awareness, and a dedicated and inspired teacher. Since
arriving in the United States in 1969, he has dedicated himself
to bring meaning, dignity and a reconnection of Spirit into
the lives of people everywhere, especially those people who
have become lost and confused through the use of drugs.
As he has worked diligently to spread the science and practice
of Kundalini Yoga throughout the Western Hemisphere and beyond,
Yogi Bhajan has become widely recognized as a world leader
and champion of world peace and healing.
"Since ancient times, humans have found that they have
zillions of thoughts, billions of feelings, millions of emotions,
thousands of desires, hundreds of fantasies, and a multitude
of realities and personalities.
We do everything to get rid of this pressure, because it is
eating us up inside. We try every method available, but ultimately,
our mind and thoughts rule us and bog us down."

"We have the Birthright to be
Beautiful, Bountiful and Blissful."
Bhajan, Ph.D., is also a father,
gifted Doctor of Psychology, counselor and yogic therapist.
The counseling methodology called "The Science of Humanology,"
helps people realize there inner strength and well being by
giving them practical tools to utilize with an every day lifestyle.
Yogi Bhajan In Memoriam
Group Finds Calling
In Homeland Security
As reported in the New York Times
September 28, 2004
By Leslie Wayne
NM -- At the end of a dusty road, behind a barbed-wire fence,
is Sikh Dharma of New Mexico, a religious compound with a
golden temple of worship, a collection of trailers used for
business and a quiet group of people wandering the grounds
wearing flowing white robes and turbans.
In the New Age culture here, the Sikh
Dharma community, founded in the early 1970's, provides
a place where followers of Yogi Bhajan, a Sikh spiritual leader
and yoga master, can live in harmony and follow their beliefs
in vegetarianism, meditation and community service. Except
for Yogi Bhajan, who was born in India and came to the United
States in 1969, most members of the Sikh Dharma are American-born
and moved here to pursue their way of life.
The compound is also home to Akal Security, wholly owned by
Sikh Dharma and one of the nation's fastest-growing security
companies, benefiting from a surge in post-9/11 business.
With 12,000 employees and over $1 billion in federal contracts,
Akal specializes in protecting vital and sensitive government
sites, from military installations to federal courts to airports
and water supply systems.

Akal Security reps with President Bush
Despite Akal's unusual lineage, Sikh Dharma members say they
are following an ancient Sikh tradition of the warrior-saint
as well as showing deftness at the more modern skill of landing
federal contracts.
"Our customers look at who we are and filter it all out,''
Daya Singh Khalsa, Akal's co-founder and senior vice president,
said in an interview in his office here. "They couldn't
be less interested in our religion and what we look like.''
Among Sikhs "there is no stigma in being financially
successful,'' Mr. Khalsa added. "Prosperity does not
take away from spiritual net worth. You can have both."
Akal certainly bears that out. It is the nation's largest
provider of security officers for federal courthouses, with
contracts for 400 buildings in 44 states, including the federal
courthouse in Manhattan.
The company just won a major contract to guard Army bases
and munitions dumps in eight states, and also provides guards
for the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, blocks from
the White House. It handles security at the Baltimore-Washington
International Airport, as well as at four new detention centers
run by the Homeland Security Department where foreigners await
In the straight-laced world of the security business, where
most people have a police or military background, Akal stands
out. It is the only security company that anyone in the business,
including Akal's own executives, can think of that is owned
by a nonprofit religious organization.
"If we are in a room with 50 other contractors, you won't
remember the other guy, but you will remember us," said
Mr. Khalsa, who wears a white turban, has a long beard and
refrains from cutting his hair.
It has also not hurt that Akal has been a generous campaign
contributor to both Democratic and Republican candidates at
the federal level, and that Mr. Khalsa has met with President
Bush both in the White House and in New Mexico. Local New
Mexico politicians have also benefited from this largess -
and responded with friendship and support.
Four former New Mexico governors stopped by Yogi Bhajan's
recent 75th-birthday party; Governor Bill Richardson was last
year's keynote speaker at the group's International Peace
Prayer Day.
"We play in the political arena like everyone else,"
Mr. Khalsa said. He and his wife, Sat Nirmal Kaur Khalsa,
who is Akal's chief executive, have given more than $30,000
to both Democratic and Republican federal candidates since
Mr. Khalsa, who was once known as Daniel Cohn, was given his
name by Yogi Bhajan after he moved here in 1971, soon after
graduating from Amherst College. Like other members of the
300-family Sikh Dharma community, he has adopted the name
Khalsa, which refers to a group of orthodox Sikhs.
The Sikh Dharma community here blends New Age values and orthodox
Sikhism, a monotheistic religion that originated in the Punjab
region of the Indian subcontinent in the 15th century.
"We are not used to non-Punjabis joining our religion;
it is a curious development," said Gurinder Singh Mann,
professor of Sikh studies at the University of California,
Santa Barbara, who explained that many of these new converts
are more devout than those born into the religion.
Unlike their counterparts in India, women in Sikh Dharma wear
turbans, as do some of the children. Most members of the Sikh
Dharma live in modest houses near the compound and Yogi Bhajan's
ranch in Espanola, the Hacienda De Guru
Ram Das Gurdwara. Yogi Bhajan has arranged many marriages
within the community.
Akal's biggest security contract, worth $854 million, it provides
protection for federal courthouses and judges. While federal
courthouse guards wear United States marshals' uniforms in
nine districts, their employer is Akal, which hires mainly
former police and military officers, almost none of them Sikhs.
Akal's contract with the guards prohibits them from wearing
turbans or having facial hair, unlike the company's Sikh officials,
who are required to do so by their religion.
For all the group's unusual ways, government officials have
few complaints about Akal. "Our people have done checks
on them years ago and we have no issues with them," said
John Kraus, a contracting officer for the Department of Justice.
"Last I've checked, we've had freedom of religion."
One high-profile contract Akal recently garnered, beating
20 other companies, was for $250 million to provide security
guards at five Army bases and three weapons depots. The Army
has turned to the private sector to replace soldiers sent
to Iraq.
Competition was based on ability, past performance and price,
according to an Army official, who added that Akal's religious
ties were not a factor, nor did Akal benefit as a religious
"We do not discriminate based on race, creed, religion
or national origin," the official said. "It was
never really a factor."
Because of that open approach, Akal has almost exclusively
gone after government contracts.
"The federal government has created the fairest acquisition
system in the world," Mr. Khalsa said. He added that
with the company's low overhead - Mr. Khalsa, its top executive,
earns a modest $90,000 - Akal is "very price-competitive"
in the eyes of government agencies on tight budgets.
Yet Ira A. Lipman, founder and chairman of Guardsmark, one
of the nation's largest security companies, is critical of
the government's low-price approach to protecting important
"You have people working in highly sensitive government
sites and the government is working on a low-rate concept,"
Mr. Lipman said. "This company has taken advantage of
a low-rate mentality in the government to assemble a lot of
business. But let the buyer beware and let the public focus
on the people and their experience."
Akal is just one of several for-profit and nonprofit entities
that are part of a larger Sikh Dharma financial empire. These
include Golden Temple, a natural foods company that makes
Yogi herbal teas, Soothing Touch health and beauty products,
Peace natural cereals, dietary supplements and private-label
products for Trader Joe's, the specialty food chain. Its annual
revenues exceed $60 million.
Akal and Golden Temple both operate under the loose umbrella
of the Khalsa International Industry and Trading Company,
which also includes Sun & Son, a computer software company.
The sole shareholder of all these companies is Sikh Dharma.
Equally important are a number of nonprofit ventures also
owned by Sikh Dharma. The biggest of these is the 3HO Foundation,
with the name standing for Healthy, Happy and Holy Organization.
That group is dedicated to the spread of Kundalini yoga, which
is focused on releasing inner energy, and of Yogi Bhajan's
teachings. Other nonprofit organizations have been set up
to preserve Yogi Bhajan's archives as well as to support a
Sikh Dharma school in India, where many of the group's children
are sent.
"The whole point of all these ventures is not for an
individual to get rich, but to perpetuate the mission of the
community," said Avtar Hari Singh Khalsa, who, as Arthur
S. Warshaw, was once president of Time-Life Television in
Hollywood. Today he is chief executive of the 3HO Foundation
and other nonprofit's.
No money from Akal, Golden Temple or the other profit-making
ventures goes to the church, which is supported by donations,
officials say. Sending money to the church is barred by Akal's
bankers and could also jeopardize the tax-exempt status of
the church. Akal pays no dividends and plows all cash generated
back into the business to support its expansion, Daya Khalsa
Officials here say that no individual member of the Sikh Dharma
community, including Akal executives and Yogi Bhajan, has
any equity in either Akal, Golden Temple or any other profit-making
businesses. Yogi Bhajan has served as an unpaid Akal adviser
and has been hired, occasionally, as a paid consultant on
Akal management issues.
Yogi Bhajan's guidance led to the founding of Akal. In 1980,
Akal's other co founder, Gurutej Khalsa, found that although
he had graduated from several law enforcement schools, his
beard and turban prevented him from getting a job. He turned
to Yogi Bhajan for advice and was told that if he started
his own company, the police would begin to work for him.
The Amar Infinity Foundation, based in Phoenix, is also tied
in financially. It has $100 million in assets, gained mainly
through individual donations and through such fund-raising
events as the annual Yogiji Golf Classic in Phoenix. Amar
Infinity was set up to support the 3HO Foundation, the Sikh
Dharma and a long list of other nonprofit groups.
A final piece of the Sikh Dharma financial mosaic is the Siri
Singh Sahib Corporation, a nonprofit organization set up,
according to its state incorporation papers, to "administer
and manage affairs of Sikh religion."Yogi Bhajan is the
sole officer and director.
Akal has developed a comfortable relationship with leaders
of both major political parties. In Daya Khalsa's office are
numerous "grip and grin" photos of him with various
politicians, including President Bush, former President Bill
Clinton and former Vice President Al Gore.
Akal donates at the state level, too, giving $10,539 to Governor
Richardson's 2002 election campaign and thousands more to
the New Mexico Democratic and Republican parties. Federal
election records also show numerous political contributions
to both parties from various Khalsa's of Espanola, in amounts
ranging from several hundred to several thousand dollars,
along with $14,000 in contributions from Yogi Bhajan.
The group has built up trust at the federal level over a long
period. When questions were raised after Akal landed its first
big contract in 1986 to protect the White Sands Missile Range
in New Mexico, U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman, a Democrat from
New Mexico, rose to Akal's defense.
"People were saying, 'How could you let these foreign
whomever's take over a critical weapons testing site?'"
Daya Khalsa recalled. "And he said that we were friends
and that we're good Americans doing a good job."


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