Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan Sa
Ta Na Ma Meditation
See Anesthesia Related To Alzheimer's Risk. See Take The SAGE Test For Alzheimer's. See Alzheimer's Research notes. POINTS TO PONDER "The meaning of the Word-Sound is not what is important. It is the "Thoughts
reflect and affect our mood, our attitude and our general tenor. "The side effects of practicing Kundalini Yoga and Meditation About
Meditation Meditation can be practiced daily. A regular, same-time-daily schedule for 40 days for each meditation is recommended. Given the daily changes in the Earth's magnetic field, the ideal time for meditation is between 3 AM and 6 AM. However, to be practical and moderate in all undertakings is the universal rule. Choose the time that works for you. See notice below.* Kirtan Kriya Posture: Sit straight in easy pose as shown. Meditate at the brow point (third eye) and produce the five primal sounds: (A) Sa, Ta, Na, Ma. (See Video on Primal Sounds.) Eyes: Eyes are closed and focused at the brow point, which stimulates the pineal-pituitary centers within the brain. Mantra: Saa, Taa, Naa, Maa. These Sanskrit sounds, Sa, Ta, Na, Ma, translated respectively, mean birth, life, death, rebirth. On
"Saa" touch the index finger (Jupiter finger)
with the thumb tip with pressure.
Each time you close a mudra by joining the thumb with a finger, your ego "seals" its effect in your consciousness. Visualize or feel each individual sound come in the crown chakra at the top of the head, down through the middle of the head and out to infinity through the third eye in the pathway of the letter 'L'. This is very important and must be done with each sound. It is an essential part of the cleansing process. If this part of the meditation is not done, you may experience a headache. IMPORTANT: During this meditation, you may experience pictures of the past come up like on a movie screen in your mind. Let them dance in front of your eyes and release them with the mantra. This is part of the cleansing of the subconscious mind. If emotions come up, you can also incorporate them in the chanting, i.e. if you feel anger then chant out the anger. Whatever you experience is okay. Do not try to avoid or control your experiences. Simply be the Isolated Seer with what is going on and go through it. It is all part of the cleansing process. (See Science of Mudra. See Science of Mantra. Also see Siri Mantra Meditation.) TIME: 31 MINUTE VERSION Optimally this meditation is done for 31 minutes. It can also be done for 62 minutes by doubling the times. TIME: 11 MINUTE VERSION FINALLY: At the end of either version, ALWAYS inhale deeply, raise the arms up in the air and vigorously shake the arms and fingers. You can involve the whole body and spine. Exhale. Repeat 1 or 2 more time if you desire. This is an important part of the meditation as it helps move and release the energy in the body. RELAX for a few minutes before going about your day. Or relax on your back. If it is before bed time, simply go to sleep. Get
the iPhone App here. See What Happens When You Meditate. Also see Tapping Therapy. See How Tapping Therapy Works. Ra
Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung Meditation
Mudra: Bend the arms and bring the elbows against the side of the rib cage. The palms of the hands are parallel and face the sky (see photo of Snatam Kaur above). The elbows are snug at your sides with the forearms in close to your upper arms. The hands are at a 60 degree angle, halfway between pointing forward and pointing to the sides. (See Science of Mudra. See Science of Mantra.) Focus: Eyes are closed and focused at the third-eye point. Mantra Ra Ma Da Sa, Sa Say So Hung. The mantra should be sung in
one complete exhalation. As you chant the first Sa, your navel point
is pulled in so that this syllable is abbreviated. You should also
pull your navel point in as you chant Hung. Hung should be vibrated
at the root of the nose. The rest of the syllables are drawn out
in a strong, powerful chant. Strive to keep your chant at full volume
(loud but not raucous) throughout the meditation. Commentary "If you want to become a progressive healer, a spiritual healer... then you have to practice this mantra. This is a healing mantra: Raa Maa Daa Saa Saa Say So Hung. Raa Maa Daa Saa Saa Say So Hung - you can take a cup of water and you can meditate on that... You may not think it's possible but everything is possible in the cosmos. Doesn't matter how much doubt you have, it will work anyway. So, take a glass of water, put your hand this way... and just meditate on Raa Maa Daa Saa Saa Say So Hung, at the heart center. Then give that water to the person you want to heal. That is the second part of healing, but [first] you have to have a perfection of this mantra Raa Maa Daa Saa Saa Say So Hung. What is the perfection of a mantra? When, without chanting, you can hear the mantra in the air." Yogi Bhajan 11/15/1975 "God gave you self. Give it back to him for few moments, breathe deep and calm and quiet and peaceful. Don't hurry, don't worry that there is something to achieve. First time, you may be introducing yourself to yourself. As the tension breaks, the body will go through changes. If you deep breathe, then the mind will be controlled. The spirit will prevail. You will win. Now in the same posture you have the right to heal yourself. For help, we will give you a few sounds. Those sounds are not as if some fanatic has taken them out of the religious books. Those sounds are that our tongue has an intercourse with our upper palate. There are eighty-four points when you create that sound Raa Maa Daa Saa Saa Say So Hung. It covers the entire universe, sound current-wise, and if you can just, in this posture... sing. Ra means sun, ma means moon. The One who creates the service of sun and moon, Thou art great." Yogi Bhajan 12/18/1999 More meditations as taught by Yogi Bhajan. More Kriyas as taught by Yogi Bhajan. Hear GuruGanesha Singh Khalsa.