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Om Tare Tutare Mantra by Ashana



"The Creator and Creation are One. This is Who I Am.
The experience of this wisdom is beyond all
words and brings indescribable bliss."

Om Tare Tutare Ture Soha

The meaning of Om Tare Mantra (Tara Mantra) is greater than words can express. The words can only point rather vaguely in the direction of the meaning. The word-name Tara is variously interpreted to mean Shining Star, Liberator, Rescuer, Savior, or One Who Ferries Across. A traditional explanation of the mantra is that it uses variations of the name Tara to represent three progressive stages of deliverance or salvation.

OM represents Allness, the whole universe, the past, present and future.

TARE represents deliverance from mundane suffering, liberation from the sufferings of samsara.

TUTARE represents deliverance into the spiritual path conceived in terms of individual salvation, liberation from fear, external dangers and internal delusions.

TURE represents the culmination of the spiritual path in terms of deliverance into the altruistic path of universal salvation, the Bodhisattva path, the end of suffering, liberation from ignorance.

SOHA represents affirmed closure.


OM -- The Cosmic Sound that keeps our universe together.

TARE -- The Sanskrit invocation of Tara, which in Buddhism is the feminine aspect of compassion that resides within all sentient creatures in the universe.

TUT and TURE -- The seed syllables that activate this center of compassion within us.

SOHA -- Similar to Amen, or "let this be so," the Tibetan form of the Sanskrit word Svaha.


OM represents Tara's holy body, speech and mind.

TARE means liberation from true suffering, the sufferings of samsara, our aggregates being under the control of delusion and karmas.

TUTARE means liberation from the 8 fears, the external dangers, but mainly from the internal dangers, the delusions, and karmas.

TURE means liberation from the ignorance of the absolute nature of 'I', the One; the true cessation of suffering.

SOHA means "may the meaning of the mantra take root in my mind."

More about Ashana

"All art, music, dance and handicrafts attempt to capture and
reflect the flow of the universal Life Force.
" --
Yogi Bhajan

"Do not spend your spiritual energy on fear. We are at the turning point, the
end of
Kali Yuga, so all insanity will prevail. Wisdom shall arise from the insanity.
Light shall arise from the darkness. Divinity will arise from the chaos. Compassion
shall arise from the madness." -- Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Zen Buddhist







"The time is coming when everything that is covered up will be revealed,
and all that is secret will be made known to all." -- Luke 12:2

"Now we are leaving the Piscean Age, the Age of 'I believe', and
beginning the Aquarian Age, the Age of 'I know'." -- Yogi Bhajan

“We are entering the Age of Aquarius on November 11, 2011.
It will be a new time. The entire psyche is changing. You must
purify the mind, body and soul to be real, innocent, and sattvic
(pure). Elevate yourself to be angelic. This Age which you will
serve is an Age of Awareness and Experience.” -- Yogi Bhajan

"Take the teachings of the Age of Aquarius seriously
and do not pollute them by mixing them with the Piscean
teachings - that is the only danger there is." -- Yogi Bhajan

"The Creator and Creation are One. This is Who I Am.
The experience of this wisdom is beyond all words
and brings indescribable bliss." -- Ashana


Religion Demographics

The Signs of Kali Yuga

The Wonder of Life

Word Physiology

Be Your Allness

Anand (Bliss)

Sikh Songs





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