The legendary Veronica's veil

By his contemporary, Publius Lentulus,
who was the predecessor of Pontius Pilate as Governor of Judea.

A man of noble stature and of very beautiful countenance, in which such majesty resides that those who look on him are forced to admire him.

His hair is of the color of a fully ripe chestnut, and from his ear down his shoulders it is of the color of the earth, but shining. It is parted in the middle of his forehead, after the manner of the Nazarenes.

His forehead is smooth and very serene, his face free from wrinkle and spot, and with a slight color.

The nostrils and lips cannot reasonably be found fault with.

The beard is thick, and like the hair, not very long, and divided in the middle.

There is a look of terror in his grave eyes. The eyes are like the rays of the sun, and it is impossible to look him steadily in the face on account of their brilliancy.

When he reproves, he terrifies; when he admonishes, he weeps. He makes himself loved, and is gravely cheerful. It is said that he was never seen to laugh, but he was seen to weep.

His hands and arms are very beautiful.

In conversation, he is charming, but he seldom engages in it; and when he does converse, he is very modest of countenance.

In presence he is the most beautiful man that could be seen or imagined; just like his mother, who is the most beautiful young person that was ever beheld in these parts.

In learning he is an object of wonder to the entire city of Jerusalem. He never studied at all, and yet he knows all sciences.

He wears sandals, and goes bareheaded. Many laugh at seeing him; but in his presence, and when speaking to him, they fear and tremble.

It is said that such a man was never seen or heard in these parts. In truth, as the Hebrews tell me, there never were heard such advice, such sublime doctrine as this Christ teaches; and many of the Jews hold him for divine, and they believe in him, while many others accuse him to me as being contrary to their majesty.

It is acknowledged that he has never done harm to any one, but good. All that know him and have had dealings with him say that they have received from him benefits and health.

The foregoing description is condensed from a letter written by Publius Lentulus, then Governor of Judea, to Tiberius Caesar, Emperor of the Romans.


Sentence rendered by Pontius Pilate, Acting Governor of Lower Galilee,
stating that Jesus of Nazareth shall suffer death on the Cross.

In the year seventeen of the Emperor Tiberius Caesar, and the 27th day of March, in the city of the holy Jerusalem - Anna and Caiaphas being priests, sacrificators of the people of God - Pontius Pilate, Governor of Lower Galilee, sitting in the presidential chair of the praetory, condemns Jesus of Nazareth to die on the cross between two thieves, the great and notorious evidence of the people saying:

1) Jesus is a seducer.
2) He is seditious.
3) He is the enemy of the law.
4) He calls himself falsely the Son of God.
5) He calls himself falsely the king of Israel.
6) He entered into the Temple followed by a multitude bearing palm branches in their hands.

Orders the first Centurion, Quilius Cornelius, to lead him to the place of execution.

Forbids any person whomsoever, either poor or rich, to oppose the death of Jesus Christ.

The witnesses who signed the condemnation of Jesus are:

1) Daniel Robani, a Pharisee.
2) Joannus Robani.
3) Raphael Robani.
4) Capet, a citizen.

Jesus shall go out of the city of Jerusalem by the gate of Struenus.

The foregoing is engraved on a copper plate on the reverse side of which is written: "A similar plate is sent to each tribe".

It was found in an antique marble vase, while excavating in the ancient city of Aquila in the kingdom of Naples, in the year 1810, and was discovered by the Commissioners of Arts of the French Army.

At the expedition of Naples, it was enclosed in a box of ebony and preserved in the sacristy of the Chartem (Certosa).

The French translation was made by the Commissioners of Arts.

The original is in the Hebrew language.


Part I


Peace be with you dear brethren! You have heard of the things that have happened in Jerusalem and Palestine in general. You were right to believe Jesus to be our Brother and a member of our Order, of whom his friends among the Romans and Jewish people relate, that he taught and wrought great wonders, and finally suffered the death of martyrs in Jerusalem.

He was born in Nazareth, by the entrance to the beautiful valley into which the river "Kisson" rushes down the steep declivities of the Mount Tabor. He was put under the protection of the Order by a member of our Brotherhood, by whom his father and mother found a refuge on their flight to Egypt. There are, as you know, many of our brethren living on the borders of Egypt.

In time, Jesus was admitted into the Order at the same time with John in their years of early manhood. He lived then in Galilee and had just returned from a visit to Jerusalem, where he was watched by our Brotherhood. Jutha was the place of his initiation, close by the grand castle of Masseda, where the mountains raise their lofty peaks above the surrounding country.

My dear Brethren, you may all have been convinced that he has been a member of our Order, as well by the doctrines he has taught the people, and his signs of recognition, especially the baptism and the breaking of the bread and passing of the wine, as well as by his being baptized by one of our brethren, John, in Jordan, near the shore of the Dead Sea, in a westerly direction for baptism, as you know, has been, since time immemorial, a sacred institution in our Order.

You wonder that the belief in the supernatural and miracles should gain foothold in our midst, when you know that we all have to bear the responsibility for the actions of one of our members.

Therefore, you ought to know that the rumor is like a wind. When it commences it drives the pure air far ahead, but in its progress it receives all vapors and mist from the earth, and when it has traveled some distance, it creates darkness instead of the clear pure air of which it was at first composed, and at last consists solely of the particles it has received during its progress.

It is even so with the rumors concerning Jesus and his fate.

Furthermore, remember that the inspired men, who have written and spoken of him, were often carried away by the spirit of enthusiasm, and in their devotion and simplicity they believed all the things told them about him by the multitudes who were even more simple-minded and superstitious than they.

Bear ever in mind also that, in accordance with our own rules, the secrets of our holy brotherhood at all times remained unknown to these writers, and that only our higher members had any knowledge about the secret assistance and protection Jesus received from us.

And, finally, do not forget that our rigid laws prohibited us from interfering or taking any active part in the councils or plans of the rulers of the land.

Therefore, we have acted quietly and secretly, and have suffered the law to run its course; at the same time we secretly aided and assisted our friend in ways, which did not infringe the law and our rules.

Know then, that Jesus was and is our "Brother", and himself vowed, when he at Jutha was made an initiate of our Order, that our Brotherhood thenceforth should be to him as father, and mother; and truly we have proved us so in the spirit and the letter of our law.

I write this to you, my Brethren, in the truth and knowledge of our Brotherhood, that you may know and understand the truth concerning what has come to pass. I tell you only of the things I know, and I have seen it all with mine own eyes, and have taken a deep interest and an active part in all these transactions.

Now, at the time that I write this to you, the Jews have seven times eaten of the lamb of the Passover since our Brother was crucified, our Brother whom we all loved and in whom God was glorified. Nevertheless, I have forgotten none of the things I have lived to see come to pass. Indeed, as true as are the works that pass from my lips, and the thoughts that I write, as verily do I believe from the depths of my soul, that Jesus was chosen of God and begotten by the Eternal Spirit. He called himself the Son of God, and he proved himself to us by teaching in the Name of God. He also lived a holy life, and was deeply learned in the secrets of all the kingdoms of nature. In all these things we of the secret Brotherhood acknowledge God; and the man among us who can say:"Behold, I am of God," verily he is so; for he that is cannot say it, not having the work in his heart and not having learned it from the spirit.

I will now tell you of the parentage of this man, who loved all men, and for whom we feel the highest esteem, that you may have full knowledge of him.

He was from his infancy brought up for our Brotherhood. Indeed, he was predicted by an "Essene" whom the woman thought to be an angel. This woman was given to many imaginings delving into the supernatural and into the mysteries of life, and she found deep interest and pleasure in the things she could not explain.



Crucifixion By An Eyewitness

Pages And Points To Ponder