we further pursue the letter and compare it with the gospel reports,
we will in neither of them find contradiction as regards facts.
The only difference is that in the gospel all is transformed into
a miraculous Oriental tradition, when the Essene letter, on the
other hand, pays no attention to any supernatural, undefined and
imaginative illustration, but records the facts as they are.
dead corpse cannot walk about, for as long as the world has existed
God never did contradict himself by overthrowing eternal laws
of nature. Even if a single law of nature was set aside, that
whole endless chain of cause and effects, where every law keeps
the other in balance, they would fall together in chaos.
Jesus really as a messenger could go about, speak, eat and drink,
even other men could do the same. But as the laws of nature do
not permit of it, it has not been possible even in the case of
Jesus. When ignorant and unintelligent men say, "For God,
everything is possible," it only shows their ignorance of
Divine nature, for no more than God can suffer the east rising
sun to rise henceforth in the west, no more can he produce anything
else in contrast to his eternal laws of nature.
The Essene letter in its representation of these events has therefore
the important advantage that it treats with things possible in
nature. The recovery of Jesus is according to this letter, supported
by many circumstances that even now can easily be explained.
was not, as his companions in suffering, beaten with heavy clubs,
and the letter even indicates the fear of Joseph and Nicodemus
that this would be done. If it had been done no recovery had been
possible, and it would have been foolish to attempt it.
nature assisted the Essenes in their efforts.
fact that they carefully took him down from the cross, bound around
him leaves that were saturated with salves and liquids that were
prepared from the aromatic herbs of the Orient, and filled with
powerful fragrant qualities, the proximity of the grotto, where
the body was laid on soft moss, where the spices might evaporate,
and, together with the smoke of the aloe, necessarily must exercise
an animating influence on the benumbed nerves.
the bleeding of the wound in the side, that was a sure sign of
the still existing circulation of the blood, must necessarily
assist the slumbering life to assume its functions by leading
away the blood that during the crucifixion had been forced back
to the heart, brain and lungs, and thereby benumbed these organs,
so that the circulation of the blood could take place.
earthquake exercised a magnetic, electric, animating influence
on the nerves, and when at last the shaking of the ground in the
direction of the grotto filled the grave with electric gasses
at the time that the body shook, it could not but cause him to
awake from his slumber of death.
these circumstances are powerful means of calling back the slumbering
to life, especially in the Orient.
Nicodemus, the experienced physician, and Joseph, the tenderhearted
friend of Jesus, hoping the best from the operation of the drugs,
went together in the night to receive more minute information
of the recovered but still weak Jesus. That the Essene youths
in their white flowing garb of the Order could be considered supernatural
beings - angels - is easily explained by the excited state of
the mind of the concerned persons, and the imaginative mind of
the Orientals.
the old letter is plainly showed that Jesus was brought back to
life only through the exertions of the Essenes, and this is easily
explained by he vowing that the Order should be unto him as father
and mother, and they in their turn fulfilled all their motherly
circumstance that Jesus never appeared in two places at the same
time also speaks against the miraculous representation of his
life. But indeed, he was subjected to time and place like other
mortal beings.
miraculous representation is the ascension of Jesus. Men that
can believe in the body rising from actual death can also unconditionally
believe in the possibility of a bodily ascension to heaven.
the intelligent man, who from scientific and rational reasons
considers it impossible for an actual dead body to return to life,
will see in the ascension another Jewish tradition - one of the
apotheoses that were usual in olden times, not alone among the
Jewish people, to glorify the memory of distinguished persons.
With the Jewish people had the religious tradition formed, the
firm belief that all prophets ought to ascend to heaven, and the
tradition of Elias and his chariot of fire is a sidepiece to the
one of Jesus' ascension.
is not doubted of such that possess a scientific knowledge of
death and its natural course, that Jesus did not bodily ascend
to heaven as Marcus and Lucan report (two men who were not present,
and formed their account only from the rumors.) Indeed, this representation
stands in opposition to the Christian thought that Paul has expressed
so gloriously. Paul says in the first letter to the Corinthians,
Chapter XV, V. 50: "Now this I say, brethren, that flesh
and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, neither doth corruption
inherit incorruption."
if it were a secret, what happened on Mount Olive, the two disciples
that were present, Matthew and John, in their writings, do not
inform us a single word about the ascension. Even then the Essene
letter's account would be a very interesting one -- that Jesus
on the Mount only took a usual departure and afterwards fulfilled
the duties of the Essene order by living a secluded life.
we are informed that Jesus retired into Solitude, and even from
his vow to the Order, that he promised that when his disciples
wanted him he would manifest himself to them, it is evident that
he did not leave the earth. But even with Jesus the traditions
of the Jewish people and the old prophecy appear to have had some
influence, and instinctively guided many of his actions and parables,
for even he was a child of his time and brought up in the traditions
of his nation.
Essene letter records that Jesus died in solitude six months afterwards,
as a result of his sufferings, that had prostrated and broken
his constitution and his excited mind. It was to be wished that
even the place were recorded where he died and was buried. The
old Essene does not give any account of the place, probably on
account of being recommended silence on that subject by the Order.

ye shall be unto me a priestly kingdom, and a holy people."
2 M.B.
the time when the greatest teacher of the Word, the great mediator,
Jesus Christ, stepped forth among the Jewish people, proclaiming
his doctrines of light and heavenly truths, that these his doctrines
might spread light and warmth over the earth and peace in the
weary heart of men, had the above spoken of people in a general
very much deviated from the path of the Lord, from the knowledge
of him and from the doctrines of divinity given to Abraham and
handed down to Isaac, Jacob and their descendants, and afterwards
further interpreted and explained by the man of God, Moses.
interpreters of the Scriptures in the different ages of the Old
Testament, or the Scribes, had contrived to attribute to the holy
Scriptures the meaning and explication that was most convenient
to their material advantage, estimation among the people, of their
own wishes. Indeed, we find in the Scriptures of the Old Testament
that the holy men of the school of the prophets often stepped
forth as the champions of truth and defenders of light, who severely
reproached the people for their sins and vices, and severely warned
the false teachers who led the people astray and misinterpreted
the laws of the Lord. But the people seldom heeded him, and many
of them fell victims and martyrs for the vengeance of the priests,
and the Scribes, and the fury of the people.
the time that Jesus Christ and his great predecessor, John, stepped
forth among the people, the Jewish people were separated into
several religious sects, that each had different views on religion.
But even from the day that Moses, according to the command of
God, consecrated the people to "A covenant people to the
Lord." 2 M.B. 19 Chapter.
was always among them a certain class by whom the name of the
Lord, Jehovah, was worshipped in truth and purity. Already in
the time of the first Judges appeared this class a distinct Order
or Brotherhood, named "Nazirees," "Nazarees,"
or "Nazarenes," and in the time of the kings we find
this Brotherhood under the name of the so-called "School
of the Prophets."
The members of this holy union had the design, "To love and
worship God in purity of heart, and to the best of their ability
work on their own ennobling and perfection; and of all their might
to further the happiness and peace of their fellow man".
the time of the Maccabai, this interesting Brotherhood appears
under the name of "Hasidees," elder "Assidees,"
that is, "The holy", "the Pious", and afterwards,
in the time of St. John the Baptist, and the great Master, under
the name of the "Esseers," or "Essenes," that
is, the "Children of peace."
is not to be wondered at, that the scriptures of the New Testament
do not directly mention this important and significant Brotherhood,
as they lived separately from the world, as a defined order, and
admitted nobody that had not undergone a term of trial for three
years and sworn not to disclose for any outsider what took place
in their meetings. This order had a material influence on the
culture and enlightening of the age and ages that were to come.
the New Testament there are many expressions and references that
directly appear to the thinker and the unprejudiced interpreter
of the Bible, that indirectly speak of this Brotherhood, and just
by these may be explained many undefined and dark questions in
the Scriptures, and rationally conceived, that otherwise would
appear inexplicable and obscure. We will afterwards represent
instances of this nature.
before we proceed to a more minute illustration of this most remarkable
Brotherhood, we will first pay attention to the, in Jesus' time,
most important and differing sects of religion among the Jewish
first, the Pharisees, a sect full of hypocrisy and egotism. They
distinguished themselves by rigidly observing all the outward
forms of the Mosaic law, assumed holiness, haughtiness and ambition
in unison with greedy aim after earthly winnings, but did care
little for the real purifying of the heart or true humanity; and
combined with these peculiarities great desire for dignity and
worldly esteem. At public meetings they always endeavored to be
the principal ones and aspired generally for the esteem and favor
of the people.
Master Jesus often severely reproached them therefore, and warned
and exhorted the people to shun their false doctrines in the sayings:
heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees."
Math Evang. Chap 16, and in the same gospel, Chap. 23 where he
four times cries, "Woe", unto them, he says:
unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, for ye make clean
the outside of the cup and of the plate, but within they are full
of extortion and excess."