humor for adults only.
Beyond this point
things go
from bad to worse.
Some content may be considered offensive.
Do not complain you were warned!
discretion is advised.
WHAT "I feel like I forgot something!" LOOKS LIKE
WHAT "Come back honey, let me explain!" LOOKS LIKE
"This makes me even madder!" LOOKS LIKE
WHAT how to handle a problem neighbor LOOKS LIKE
WHAT the Ass family LOOKS LIKE
WHAT a boy genius LOOKS LIKE
WHAT a good reason to wear pajamas to bed LOOKS LIKE
WHAT a retired senior's tatoo LOOKS LIKE
WHAT the latest grill accessories LOOK LIKE
WHAT environmental progress LOOKS LIKE
WHAT "Oops,
I forgot to check it out, first!" LOOKS LIKE
WHAT another, "Come back honey, let me explain!" LOOKS LIKE
WHAT the last Beatles' photo shoot LOOKS LIKE
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