courage and keep up,
Americans always succeed!
we can!
An example of keep up and courage for all Americans
in a once-in-a-lifetime event captured on film.
Here, a duck swims leisurely on a lake.
A Bald Eagle descends from the sky.
The small duck watches as the Eagle comes straight in at
about 40 mph.
With perfect timing, the duck dives and escapes with a big splash.
Then it pops to the surface as soon as the Eagle flies past.
This gets repeated over and over for several minutes.
A second Eagle joins the attack!
The duck keeps diving just in time.
The Eagles dive into the water after it.
After several minutes the Eagles get frustrated and begin
to attack each other. They
begin to dive vertically, level out, and attack head-on in a good
old-fashioned game
of high-speed 'Chicken'. Sometimes they bank away from each other
at the very
last second. At other times they climb vertically and tear into each
other while
falling back toward the water. The duck catches its breath off to
the side.
Then, with perhaps some miscalculation and at 100 mph, a
head-on collision occurs between the two Bald Eagles.
One Eagle stays aloft and flies away, but the other lies
motionless in a crumpled heap.
The downed Eagle wiggles, flaps and struggles mostly underwater. He
finally works
to get his head above water, and then with great difficulty manages
to get airborne.
The bedraggled Bald Eagle circles and then lites atop a nearby
fir tree.
With a six-foot wingspread he looks ruffled and angry. In some ways
this beleaguered Eagle symbolizes America in its current recovery.