Welcome to BroadPoints.com Breast Obsessed
I don't remember buying my first bra. I just know that at some point around age 12 I started wearing one -- long before I "needed" to. There wasn't much to support, as friends in my 8th grade dance class informed me, joking that they could cut an apple on my chest. It wasn't funny then, but I suppose I can laugh about it now since I just bought my first cutting board and I don't see much of a resemblance. Over the next 10 years, as I graduated from high school
and college, I also graduated from a kitchen accessory
to a solid A, while clasping a bra around my chest every
day in between. So ladies, this is my appeal to you. Don't hold yourself to ideals of epic proportions. Let's just all hang out, together. -- Any
woman on this planet who values herself as a Human females are the only primates with large permanent breasts. Breasts: Letting It All Hang Out Life According To Sophia Singh Life According To Joanna Palani The Truth About Women's Bodies Why Women Failed As Astronauts What Happens When You Meditate Why Don't Sikh Women Tie Turban Women: First Teachers of Children Jimmy Carter And Women's Rights Jamie Lee Curtis: Right Back Atcha Guinness Record For Large Breasts Divine Shield Meditation for Women 23 Things Women Shoud Stop Doing How Golf Became A Four-Letter Word 20 Reasons I Do Not Eat Dead Animals Broad Flight Attendants of Yesteryears Women Against The Menstruation Taboo Things You Need To Know About Vaginas Learn How Women Transform Me Into We Masculine Moments And Manly Memories For Women Only: MasculineMoments.com The Age of Ubuntu: All for one...Won for all *Consultation with a health care professional should occur before applying adjustments or treatments to the body, consuming medications or nutritional supplements and before dieting, fasting or exercising. None of these activities are herein presented as substitutes for competent medical treatment.