According to Hari Singh Bird
"Sir, what is your priority for this occasion?"
Yogi Bhajan, "Security, Security, Security!"
It is a "sacred duty, without fear or anger, to defend the
weak and protect the innocent."
"Don't secure me, secure my environments." Yogi Bhajan
Why do we need to secure the environment? See The 12 Signs of Kali Yuga.
For All Solstice Security Posts
Security is those actions or systems, which prevent or minimize
the occurrence of adverse events within specific environments.
The most effective security is preventative as well as proactive, and
serves to minimize uncertainties and risk to life, property and environments.
"Everybody wants and most expect to have security without sacrifice."
. To take charge of my Post and all property in view.
. To walk my Post in an attentive manner, keeping always on the alert and observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing.
. To report all violations of orders I am instructed to implement.
. To repeat all calls from Sentries more distant from the Command Post than my own.
. To quit my Post only when properly relieved.
. To receive, obey, and pass on to the Sentry who relieves me, all orders from Officers of the Guard and any messages from other Sentries.
. To talk to no one while on my Post, except in the line of duty.
. To give the alarm in case of fire, medical emergency or disorder.
. To call the Shift Captain, in any case not covered by instructions.
. To be especially watchful at night, and during the time for challenging, to challenge all persons on or near my Post and to allow no one to pass without proper authority.
. To act respectfully, and with grace at all times.
*NOTE: General Orders are intended to be general as opposed to specific since they apply to the commonalities of all Posts.
Special Operating Protocols or SOPs should be formulated and implemented by respective leaders after consultation with local First Responders, i.e., Fire, Medical Emergency, Law Enforcement or other agencies. These Special Operating Protocols then will reflect conditions peculiar to local circumstances, which may vary according to any unique layout, structural, or geographical, economic, or technical requirements.
Psalm of the Sant Sipahi - The Soldier Saint
is a blend of saint and soldier; this is a complete person.
If you
are not a soldier your sainthood will be kicked around. If you
are only a
soldier, not a saint, you will start kicking others around." Yogi
Bhajan 8/6/1975