A Cosmic Vision

Infinity Is Our Destiny

At the end of your life you will not remember how much money you made, how many ball games you watched or how many things you possessed. What will come back to you in a brilliant and blinding light will be ... the quality of the relationships you formed with those whom you served and loved, your family, your spouse, your children, and your friends. Here, you will gain insight into your deeper Self, see well beyond your ordinary consciousness, and find the path you need to take to fulfill your destiny, which is Infinity.


You Are IT

The Desiderata

A Photo Parade

Interview With God

All for One Won for All

The After-Death Experience

A Sound Spiritual Experience

About Death And Reincarnation

The Evolution of Consciousness

Pathways To Peace Presentation

Meditation To Realize Your Greatness

See What Happens When You Meditate

The Ubuntu Age - All for One, Won for All