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Part II

The Yogis of Tibet
A rare documentary


Points To Ponder



According to the rules of Sanskrit grammar, the finite-related (we humans) may not chant OM*, the Creator-Absolute sound. Rather,the sound current OM must manifest as ONG. That is to say, by dropping the sound current mm, substituting nnnng and thereby expressing ONNNNG, we experience a more direct and noticeably greater stimulation of the pineal-pituitary reflex zone by virtue of the resultant contact of the tongue with the upper palate, thereby assisting deep brain function, cranial-nervous system resonance, the experience of tranquillity, and the expansion of awareness. Please see the "Kundalini Yoga" article in the Summer Solstice 1976 Bicentennial edition of the 3HO Foundation's 'Kundalini Quarterly' for more details. See ONG, the Meditation. See also The Science of Mantra.

OM is the collective resonant tone of Life Force that fills the Infinite Living
. But ONG is that tone impinging on Matter, creating the physical
Universe, which resonates like a gong, from atom to galaxy. The Cosmos
quivers with sound like an infinite number of leaves quivering in the breeze.
Out of ONG, and also contained within it, are all the sounds that make up
the vibrating forms of life. Just as sound when projected through a liquid
solution, or sand on a metal plate produces geometric patterns, so does
form result throughout the creative manifestation, including the human body.


"The sound OM, or more correctly, A-U-M, is sung with the whole range of the voice from the throat to the lips. It is therefore used in India to mean THAT which is all-inclusive ... the universal and eternal Self or Ground of the universe. This is the Brahman, the Godhead from which, and in which, everything happens, in much the same way that all sounds heard on the radio and phonograph are vibrations of the diaphragm in the speaker. OM (ONG) represents, then, the basic vibration or energy which assumes the myriad forms and disguises of stars and planets, mountains and oceans, plants and fish, animals and men, and is also understood as the central Self, or Atman, in all beings. (See ONG mandala.) The sound OM (ONG) is chanted, or sung silently in the head, as a focal point for deep concentration, by means of which the individual finds out that the life-energy which he calls himself is One and the same as the eternal energy of the Cosmos. He is thereby set free from anxiety." -- Alan Watts 'The Sound of Hinduism' (See also ONG, the Meditation.)

SPECIAL NOTE: The sound MMMM, can only be made by bringing the lips together, both of which create a much different and more expansive experience than just keeping the mouth open as some video presentations appear to demonstrate. For instance, try expressing the sound OMMMM, of which ONG is the derivation, without bringing the lips together while expressing MMMM.

The Hindus do not, however, define the supreme Self, or God, as the personal governor and king of the universe. They would say, rather, that the Brahman acts or manifests the world without calculation, much as we grow our hair, circulate our blood, and form our brains and nerves. The world is not made, like an artifact, but performed, like a play -- and the one basic Actor plays all the parts. See OneIsTheAnswer.com.

"Thoughts reflect and affect our mood, our attitude and our general tenor.
Thoughts are silent sounds. And sounds are electromagnetic vibrations.
The more refined our thoughts, the more elevated our vibration; the more
elevated our vibration, the closer we get to the highest vibration of all–our
own divine nature. The entire universe was built on sound (WORD), which is
nothing but vibration. By vibrating a certain combination of sounds, we are
able to tune into various levels of intelligence, or consciousness. Thus,
chanting mantras is a conscious method of controlling our moods, and
in turn, our frequency and resultant all-around radiance." -- Donna Quesada


By MSS Gurutej Singh Khalsa

See KaliYugaSigns.com.                                                                                              


"When you will become nothing;
then you shall see everything,
then you shall feel everything,
then you shall know everything
and you shall command everything."

"The greatest power in a person is when he has
realized that he is God, and then he acts like a god."

"You can never go wrong if you sing your holiest
of songs, God and me, me and God are One.''

"Many Avatars came and claimed that God is in them. I agree.
I want to know who that person is in whom God is not?"

"God is nothing but your own inner consciousness.
Now I will agree with you that you cannot always
feel this God, but that is because you think that you
are separate from God. We call it
Maya. Maya is the
illusion of separateness: it is the quicksand of this life.
Sometimes we sink into this quicksand and then we
need a hook; we need some guidance to help us pull
ourselves out so that we can continue our journey. The
hook that we use to do this is called Guru."
Yogi Bhajan

See Mantra Meditation - A 'Sound' Spiritual Experience



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