A Cosmic Vision

nfinity Is Your Destiny

At the end of your life you will not remember how much money you made, how many ball games you watched or how many things you possessed. What will come back to you in a brilliant and blinding light will be... the quality of the relationships you formed with those whom you served and loved, your family, your spouse, your children, and your friends. Here, you will gain insight into your deeper Self, see well beyond your ordinary consciousness, and find the path you need to take to fulfill your destiny, which is Infinity.

Points To Ponder

"What is Infinity? Answer: Infinity is in the what.
The moment you ask, you are relating to something
beyond the finite. You are in Infinity." Yogi Bhajan

"In reality we are here to experience Infinity." Yogi Bhajan

"If you want to be happy, you have to be happy when there's
no happiness around. How can you be happy that way?
Because you feel the Infinity within you." Yogi Bhajan

"A child is born to you to help him face his karma in this life. A
child is not your ego; not a pet dog in the house; not a substitute
for love. A child has nothing to do with that. A child is born to you
so that you can prepare him to face time unto Infinity." Yogi Bhajan

"Each day, live to elevate yourself, each day elevate one person.
Make elevation your religion and you shall reach Infinity." Yogi Bhajan

"In this path of life, you have to call on your impersonal self.
When you call on your personal self, then "I" has to come through
with "my" problems, insecurities, handicaps. But when you call on
your impersonal self, then you call on your spirit, your Infinity. When
you call on your Infinity you can come through anything, you shall never be
handicapped. That is how you will enter the Age of Aquarius." Yogi Bhajan

"Prayer is when the mind is one-pointed and man talks to Infinity. Meditation is when
the mind becomes totally clean and receptive, and Infinity talks to man." Yogi Bhajan

"I don't see anyone, ever. You all look like a bunch of rainbows to me. It is a world of Infinity where
the elements do not rule, where the essence rules, where what is said is done, where there is no
argument, reason or logic. Where God dwells, faith proclaims and essence is enjoyed. You do not
have to hassle. Things come when they are supposed to. It is a world of service." Yogi Bhajan

Pages To Ponder

All Is One


You Are IT

Photo Parade

The Desiderata

Interview With God

Pathways To Peace

Aha Moment of Truth

After-Death Experience

About Death And Reincarnation

The Evolution of Consciousness

What Happens When You Meditate

Meditation To Realize Your Greatness

One Is The Answer What Is The Question

The Ubuntu Age - All for One, Won for All


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