EqualsHappiness.com Doctors agree that human consumption of pork is dangerous to our health. But people all over the world continue to eat pork in large quantities. Below are 13 reasons why you should not eat pork. . A pig is a real garbage gut. It will eat anything including urine, excrement, dirt, decaying animal flesh, maggots, or decaying vegetables. They will even eat the cancerous growths off other pigs or animals. . The meat and fat of a pig absorbs toxins like a sponge. Their meat can be 30 times more toxic than beef or venison. . When eating beef or venison, it takes 8 to 9 hours to digest the meat so what little toxins are in the meat are slowly put into our system and can be filtered by the liver. But when pork is eaten, it takes only 4 hours to digest the meat. We thus get a much higher level of toxins within a shorter time. . Unlike other mammals, a pig does not sweat or perspire. Perspiration is a means by which toxins are removed from the body. Since a pig does not sweat, the toxins remain within its body and in the meat. . Pigs and swine are so poisonous that you can hardly kill them with strychnine or other poisons. . Farmers will often pen up pigs within a rattlesnake nest because the pigs will eat the snakes, and if bitten they will not be harmed by the venom. . When a pig is butchered, worms and insects take to its flesh sooner and faster than to other animal’s flesh. In a few days the swine flesh is full of worms. . Swine and pigs have over a dozen parasites within them, such as tapeworms, flukes, worms, and trichinae. There is no safe temperature at which pork can be cooked to ensure that all these parasites, their cysts, and eggs will be killed. . Pig meat has twice as much fat as beef. A 3-ounce T-bone steak contains 8.5 grams of fat; a 3-ounce pork chop contains 18 grams of fat. A 3-ounce beef rib has 11.1 grams of fat; a 3-ounce pork spare rib has 23.2 grams of fat. . Cows have a complex digestive system, having four stomachs. It thus takes over 24 hours to digest their vegetarian diet causing its food to be purified of toxins. In contrast, the swine’s one stomach takes only about 4 hours to digest its foul diet, turning its toxic food into flesh. . The swine carries about 30 diseases, which can be easily passed to humans. This is why God commanded that we are not even to touch their carcase (Leviticus 11:8). . The trichinae worm of the swine is microscopically small, and once ingested can lodge itself in your intestines, muscles, spinal cord or the brain. This results in the disease trichinosis. The symptoms are sometimes lacking, but when present they are mistaken for other diseases, such as typhoid, arthritis, rheumatism, gastritis, MS, meningitis, gall bladder trouble, or acute alcoholism. . The pig is so poisonous and filthy, that nature had to prepare him a sewer line or canal running down each leg with an outlet in the bottom of the foot. Out of this hole oozes pus and filth his body cannot pass into its system fast enough. Some of this pus gets into their meat. -- See More. See I Do Not Eat Dead Animals. See Red Meat: The Real Story. Benefits You are what you eat, drink and think. Points to Ponder "Researches found that as the amount of animal foods increased in "One fourth of what you eat keeps you alive. "Cutting through all the rhetoric, in most cases 15 Common Food Poisoning Risks Common Causes of Food Poisoning New York School Goes All Vegetarian This is not pretty!
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